Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast: Holistic Sha'Medium

Tonya Dee
Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast: Holistic Sha'Medium

Changing Lives, Igniting Passions thru the Information Super Highway - while awakening the spirit. Merging the Indigenous Technologies, the Spirit of West Africa, with the Dimensions, Realms, Gateways, Pathways and Highways - the Subtle Energies. Tonya Dee brings otherworldly perspectives in a fun, innovative, spiritual, intuitive, crazy way, with over 7 years of podcasting, each year she brings a different focus to your journey through different aspects of your being: The Nature Series, The Energy Series, The Subtle Energy Series. This Season she has coined "The Season of the Witches." Discover and start initiating the being that resides within you. Just tuning in, she brings Divine Wisdom to create a corridor, a venue for healing: Souls Purpose, Past Lives, Sacred Connection, Conscious Awareness and more. Her podcasts are a library of information, a new shiny perspective into the realms - to lift you up, inspire you, on all levels. Discover offerings with quizzes, at Club.Tonyadee.Tv And dive into her latest Indigenous courses, understanding your energy body, Change Your Stars, Voices of the OtherWorld and More. Follow her on Instagram- Follow her on TikTok- Follow her on YouTube- InShallah (Divine Will) and Ashe’ (Blessings)

  1. #802: Understanding Human Behavior & the Quantum Physics of Love

    FEB 14

    #802: Understanding Human Behavior & the Quantum Physics of Love

    Divine Love and the Quantum Field on this Love Me Some Self Day! Knowing that we are all fractals marinating in a Cosmic Soup, I would say that it is DUE time that we truly Love Me Some Self MORE!! This episode could not have arrived on a more perfect day! Who is Nitin Bhatnagar? Nitin Bhatnagar is an author, teacher, motivator, healer. As a cardiologist he is also trained int Energy Medicine (I met him through Cyndi Dale's Apprenticeship Program), Angelic Reiki, and as a Soul Empowerment Life Coach. You can find him on the inter-webs at Wheels of the Mind, where he has offerings including Wheels of the Heart, along with Wheels of the Soul. Nitin is an avid reader, a book a day is his goal. He also loves to be in triathlete. Nitin has previously been on "Meet Me for Coffee" a show on my youtube channel. On the Gram, the Holistic Heart Doctor. or on Facebook Wheels of the Mind Tune in, Share the Love - Craft yourself a Love Letter to Self, Indulge in Loving you More, and I will See you on the Other Side! Ashe' (Blessings) Links: I am highly aware I am not everyones cup of tea, not only navigating a celestial star grid. Doing a cosmic ballet, I traverse your unique galactic coordinates. The etheric highway is my universal realm. Ready to cleanse your "Ethers." Opportunities for One-on-One or Group Sessions? The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More! Connect with me on Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

    46 min
  2. #801: The Indigenous Nature of Universal Animism

    JAN 25

    #801: The Indigenous Nature of Universal Animism

    Are you feeling like you're at a crossroads in life, unsure of your purpose and how to shine your brilliance upon the world? It's time to explore the subtle realms, tap into your personal medicine, and unlock the true potential of your gift and purpose. If you're ready to embark on this transformative journey, I invite you to schedule a coaching session with me. Together, we'll delve deep into your unique path and create a roadmap for you to step into your fullest potential. Don't wait any longer - schedule a One-on-One session today and let's illuminate your path to success. Step into the world of Universal Animism, Sadhu Dah! Sadhu Dah has explored the indigenous ways for his earthly life. He has taken it to a place of full embodiment, accessed his gift & living his purpose. The unexplainable, explained. The intangible becomes tangible. Working with indigenous teachers across many cultures.  An Ajarn of the Theravada Buddhist Magick lineage under Master Thanaphol Pakdee and Master Pong Sak, He has also journeyed to be a student of some very notable masters in Thailand. He was on his way to meet the last of her kind, Apo Whang - Od in the Philippines. She is the first and only female mambabatok of her time. He has been traveling to the remote village of Buscalan, her home. His travels reminded me of my indigenous journey to the Reindeer Tribe and Shaman in Mongolia, 2018. As you adventure into the teachings of Sadhu Dah - beyond your everyday nomadic traveler, sipping on some magical brew or Cosmic Coffee. Imagine opening the doors to a mystical opportunity. Stay Curious, Question Everything!  Links: I am highly aware I am not everyones cup of tea, not only navigating a celestial star grid. Doing a cosmic ballet, I traverse your unique galactic coordinates. The etheric highway is my universal realm. Ready to cleanse your "Ethers." Opportunities for One-on-One or Group Sessions? The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More! Connect with me on Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

    59 min
  3. #751 - Activate the Frequency in Your DNA to Create the Life you Desire!


    #751 - Activate the Frequency in Your DNA to Create the Life you Desire!

    Wandering the star grid, I explore your cosmic coordinates on the galactic highway. Unlocking mysteries with faith, I shift dimensions, freeing your best self! Join Quantum Surgery NOW! 🌌✨ Step into the enchanted world of Julia Stapleton, the radiant sorceress of business and the virtuoso of manifestation! Behold, for she is not just a Business and Manifestation Coach; she is the architect of dreams, dedicated to leading her online entrepreneurial comrades on a fantastical journey to shape lives and businesses that mirror their deepest desires. And what is her magical tool of choice, you ask? None other than the captivating art of Frequency Activations! Now, let me regale you with the tale of Julia's extraordinary metamorphosis in the mystical year of 2023. A celestial awakening beckoned, and in response, she was bestowed with a divine gift – the Frequency DNA Activations. As the cosmic energies intertwined with her essence, Julia witnessed the sheer enchantment of mind-bending transformations in her clients. It was an epiphany of cosmic proportions, prompting her to weave the threads of Frequency DNA into the very fabric of her coaching, unveiling a potent enchantment to materialize the deepest longings of the heart. Her methodology is nothing short of magical alchemy! Julia embarks on an odyssey into the heart of manifestation, revealing the ancient secrets of tuning the mind to the ethereal frequencies of one's desires. But that's not all – she plunges even deeper into the labyrinth of the soul, activating dormant DNA like a brewmaster conjuring a mystical potion, harmonizing the body with the vibrational tapestry of the envisioned life. In the ethereal whispers of Julia, she declares, "This transcends mere lifestyle; it's an entirely new paradigm of existence – a realm adorned with peace, tranquility, and, above all, sheer delight! And here's the magic of it all: This wondrous mastery is accessible to everyone. No need to navigate the labyrinth of past traumas or ancestral beliefs. With this mystical formula, you can effortlessly clear the energies obstructing your path to success and magnetize your desires into the tangible tapestry of 3D reality." So, dear dream-weavers, fasten your seatbelts and brace yourselves for the beguiling odyssey that Julia offers. Embark on this whimsical sojourn of manifestation, where the mundane metamorphoses into the extraordinary, and the ordinary becomes a spectacle of unparalleled wonder! Spark your astral archer in the midnight tapestry! Join the cosmic voyage with 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast' in Apple's realm. Sprinkle stardust on our celestial stage, become part of the cosmic symphony, and watch the cosmos align in enchantment. Your review is a radiant craft, etching your cosmic glow across the limitless celestial fabric! 🌌🚀✨ Witness the cosmic luminary—your aura a dazzling beacon in celestial revelry. We groove to the universe's beats, high-fiving stars, and sipping ethereal Cosmic Coffee. Your vibes weave enchantment through space—a magical storm sweeping us off our cosmic feet! Links: Embarking on the celestial journey of wisdom, I navigate the star grid. In the cosmic ballet, I traverse your unique galactic coordinates. The galactic highway, where cosmic tales entwine, is my universal realm. Ready to join Quantum Surgery? The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More! Connect with me on Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

    46 min
  4. #750 - First Moon Manual


    #750 - First Moon Manual

    Got a cosmic dilemma or a big decision? Scoured the cosmos for answers? What if the key is within? Dive into the fun of self-discovery! 🚀🌌 In the realm of mystique, emerges Jesica Medellin, the creative sorceress behind the First Moon Manual—a tapestry woven with letters, art, and poetry, an arcane guide for young women embarking on their journey through the celestial cycles. Within the enchanted grimoire, 24 luminous souls, ranging from celestial entrepreneurs to wise coaches, nurturing teachers to ethereal mothers, have contributed threads of love and support through their chosen expressions. Jesica, a guide in the mystical realms, aids young women in forging a profound connection with the ebb and flow of their sacred lunar rhythms. Through the alchemy of self-love, she beckons them to embrace the enchanted moments of their lunar odyssey. The First Moon Manual is not just a book; it is a portal to creative sanctuaries, an oracle of reflective inquiries, and a guide for tracking lunar whispers that unveil the mysteries of their magical vessels. In the sanctum of these pages, Jesica ardently believes that the dance of true self-love commences when every facet of their mystical forms, including the sacred dance of their menstrual cycles, is cherished and embraced. Originally birthed for the tender hearts of young women, this manuscript has witnessed the sacred resonance reaching beyond, with adults finding solace and healing in the rhythmic verses of their own lunar narratives. Embarking on a cosmic quest, Jesica sets forth to place the First Moon Manual into the hands of 50,000 radiant women by the sacred day of May 28, 2024—Menstrual Hygiene Day. Through this cosmic communion, as emotional support is lent and the veils shrouding menstruation are dispelled, a harmonious wave may cascade across the globe—a movement as vast and infinite as the celestial expanse itself. The stars suggest that the audience of your podcast might resonate deeply with this cosmic endeavor. An astral invitation is extended, asking if the cosmic winds align and deem Jesica a fitting guest for the celestial platform. Should more cosmic knowledge be desired, she is delighted to dispatch a physical embodiment of the First Moon Manual—a tangible artifact for perusal. Additionally, a portal to the enchantment awaits in the form of a TikTok video—a celestial invocation introducing the essence of the First Moon Manual. May the cosmic winds guide the response, and may paths intertwine in the cosmic dance of shared wisdom. Ignite your astral archer, a comet of brilliance on the midnight tapestry. Venture into the mystical odyssey with the 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast' in Apple's cosmic realm. Sprinkle cosmic stardust on our celestial stage, join the cosmic symphony, and let the cosmos align in enchantment. Your review, a radiant craft, etches your cosmic glow across the limitless expanse of the celestial fabric. Behold the cosmic luminary, your radiant aura a dazzling beacon in celestial revelry. We groove to the universe's beats, high-fiving stars, and sipping ethereal Cosmic Coffee. Your vibes weave enchantment through space—a magical storm sweeping us off our cosmic feet. Links: Unleashing your Intuitive Gifts and Psychic Abilities is the enchanted path to unraveling the mysteries beyond mere 'gut feelings.' Ready to 'Change Your Stars'? The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More! Connect with me on Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

    28 min
  5. #749 - How to Use Subtle Energy to Support Your Purpose


    #749 - How to Use Subtle Energy to Support Your Purpose

    Unveil your energy body's language. If you've felt like a cosmic translator, Soul Support Sessions are your initiation into self-discovery. Connect mind, body, soul, and spirit, disconnect from the world, and embrace the magical being within. You're worth the journey! In the heart of the mystical tapestry that is New York City, Shelley Poovey emerges as the guardian of BodyAttune—a sanctum where the ethereal dance of mind, body, and spirit unfolds. As an enigmatic force, Shelley is not merely the owner; she is the embodiment of an Advanced Certified & PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner, a weaver of yoga wisdom certified by the alliance of cosmic energies, and a Pilates sorceress guiding seekers through the enchanted realms of physical mastery. Possessing a Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology from the venerable University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Shelley delves into the alchemical depths of the human psyche. Her journey is a quest for the mystical synergy between archetypal forces and the intricate neural lattices governing consciousness within the sacred vessel of the human form. In the realm of sacred words, Shelley is a celestial scribe—a guest expert writer and consultant. Her quill dances across the cosmic parchment, etching profound insights into the esoteric arts of alchemy and manifestation for Healing Crystals. Her wisdom is also enshrined in the pages of the Amazonian tome "Heal Thy Self," an anthology pulsating with stories of self-healing, where she stands as a contributing author. Shelley's sacred offerings extend beyond the written word. Within the sanctum of BodyAttune, she conducts intimate personal sessions—a mystical cauldron where she stirs the elixir of innate healing and the summoning of desires from the astral realms. Through her, seekers traverse the moonlit pathways, attuned to the sacred cycles of the New and Full moons in a monthly subscription-based program—an alchemical dance with the cosmic tides. As the mystical seasons turn, Shelley unfurls the scroll of destiny, inviting courageous souls to embark on year-long immersion programs. These sacred journeys, like ancient rites, come in two distinct manifestations—a personal development odyssey and a cosmic quest tailored for the alchemists of the business realm. Both weave the threads of presence, embodiment, and transformation into a harmonious tapestry. Whether in the sacred confines of her mystical haven or through the cosmic threads of distance, Shelley Poovey beckons. She is the guide, the guardian, the sorceress—a conduit between realms, inviting seekers to partake in the alchemical dance of transformation and manifestation. Awaken your celestial archer, a radiant comet on the tapestry of midnight. Embark on the mystical journey with 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast' in Apple's cosmic realm. Sprinkle cosmic stardust upon our celestial stage, join the cosmic symphony, and let the cosmos align in enchantment. Your review, a radiant craft, etches your cosmic glow across the limitless expanse of the celestial fabric. Witness the cosmic VIP, your radiant aura a dazzling beacon in celestial revelry. We dance to the universe's beats, high-fiving stars and sipping ethereal Cosmic Coffee. Your vibes weave enchantment through space—a magical storm sweeping us off our cosmic feet. Links: Unlock the language of your energy body. Feel like a cosmic translator? Dive deep with Soul Support Sessions. Initiate your journey within. You're worth it! The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More! Connect with me on Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

    23 min
  6. #748 - The Body Holds the Key!


    #748 - The Body Holds the Key!

    Unleash the enchantment within and conjure the life that Spirit shall awaken in you. As the alchemy of transformation commences, revelations will illuminate your path. It's not merely a clarity that unfolds in the mundane sense; rather, it's the mystical unveiling that occurs when you delve into the realms of energy. Through this journey, you'll unlock the secrets of intuition and traverse a myriad of heightened states of awareness. Embark on this mystical sojourn with us and seize the opportunity for an energetic awakening! In the magical realm of healing, enter the enchanting tale of Michelle Case. Having completed the mystic SEP training, she proudly grasped her certificate in April 2023. Michelle's journey into the mystical arts of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) began in 2011 at the Heartwood Institute of Integrative Medicine, where she attained her certification in 2012. Since then, she has been an integral part of Heartwood's magic, first as a Teaching Assistant and, from 2019 onward, as a dedicated teacher herself. In 2021, Michelle sought to amplify her sorcery and embarked on the wondrous Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB) CranioSacral 120-hour program under the guidance of the illustrious Dr. Carol Phillips. Her magical arsenal expanded further with the completion of the Energy Medicine Certificate program and an apprenticeship with the enchanting Cyndi Dale. Focused on unraveling the mysteries of Complex-PTSD, Developmental Trauma, Generational Trauma, and attachment issues, Michelle's magical touch extends to facilitating the release of emotions imprisoned within the physical body. Currently, her mystical practice thrives in Osseo, MN, nestled within the Twin Cities Natural Care Center. Michelle's magic also extends beyond physical boundaries, as she weaves spells of healing remotely via the mystical Zoom. Passion courses through Michelle's veins as she integrates the mystical powers of SE into her work, harmonizing it with her other magical modalities. Ever eager to assist, she extends a heartfelt invitation to those seeking a magical journey through SE, promising honor and support in every enchanted step. Although not yet bestowed with the power to grant credit for personal sessions, Michelle's magical touch awaits those ready to embark on their mystical SE journey. Awaken your stellar archer, a luminous comet on midnight's tapestry. Dive into 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast' in Apple's cosmic realm. Sprinkle cosmic stardust on our celestial stage, become a star in our cosmic symphony. The cosmos dance in alignment for your enchantment to weave into the celestial fabric. Craft a radiant review, etch your cosmic glow on the limitless expanse. 🌌🌠 Behold the cosmic VIP, your radiant presence a dazzling beacon in the celestial revelry. We dance to the universe's beats, high-fiving stars and sipping ethereal Cosmic Coffee. Your vibes cast enchantment through space, a magical storm that sweeps us off our cosmic feet. 🌌🌟☕ Links: Evoke enchantment, ignite transformation, and unlock intuition on a mystical journey. Join us for an energetic awakening! The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More! Connect with me on Social Channels: Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

    43 min
  7. #747 - Raya's Mystical Journey: Tarot, Shamanism, and Healing


    #747 - Raya's Mystical Journey: Tarot, Shamanism, and Healing

    Gear up for the breakthrough you've yearned for—the kind that sends shockwaves through every aspect of your existence! Get ready to unleash the power within and reclaim your sovereignty in a way that will leave you breathless with the sheer exhilaration of your own resilience at The Shamanic Healing Academy. The journey begins now! Embark on an electrifying odyssey into the mystic universe guided by Raya Elyse, a dynamic force weaving the fabric of the supernatural for over a decade. Picture the cosmic tapestry she unfolds through tarot, mediumship, oracles, and shamanic wonders—an extraordinary symphony of healing that defies the boundaries of the known. Raya, a true enigma, isn't just a sorceress of the unseen. She moonlights as a singer-songwriter, an artist sculpting dreams on canvas, and a poet casting spells with the magic of her words. Her essence, a potent blend of compassion, heart-driven intuition, and a holistic approach to life, sets the stage for an exhilarating exploration. A relentless seeker in the arcane arts—western mystery tradition, shamanism, tarot, astrology, and energy medicine—Raya plunges into the depths of ancestral healing, oracular revelations, cosmic star connections, crystal grid wizardry, ceremonial sorcery, and the mesmerizing language of light. Raya's path isn't just a journey; it's a pulsating adventure, marked by unconventional training and a colorful array of certifications. A master of Reiki, she holds the keys to the ancient mysteries of tarot, having spent over five intense years at the Northern Star College of Mystical Studies. Under the watchful eye of the incomparable Cyndi Dale, Raya unravels the secrets of energy medicine in an ongoing apprenticeship, forging new frontiers. In a blaze of hands-on learning, Raya once commanded a crystal shop from 2012 to 2015, immersing herself in the very heartbeat of the mineral kingdom. More recently, she stood as a guiding light in Cyndi Dale's Energy Medicine Certification Program, flexing her mystical muscles as a Teacher's Assistant. As her website undergoes a metamorphic makeover, catch the cosmic vibes on Raya's Facebook business page, Raya Light. And take heed: Raya is the real deal. She doesn't solicit readings, healings, or anything else on messenger or elsewhere. If you get a message from a doppelgänger, it's a cosmic con job. Report and block these pretenders to keep the magic untarnished. In the thrilling whispers of the unseen, Raya extends an electrifying invitation, beckoning you to join her on this wild, magical ride. Step into the realm where healing meets excitement, and let Raya be your guide through the extraordinary unknown. Awaken your celestial archer, a radiant comet in midnight's canvas. Tune in to the 'Musing with Tonya Dee Podcast' in Apple's cosmic sphere. Shower cosmic glitter on our celestial stage. Be a star in our cosmic orchestra. The cosmos align for your enchantment to thread into the celestial fabric. Paint a radiant review, etching your cosmic glow on the boundless expanse. 🌠✨🎙️ You're the cosmic VIP, your radiant presence a dazzling beacon in the cosmic bash. We groove to the universe's beats, high-fiving stars, and sipping ethereal Cosmic Coffee. Your vibes weave enchantment through space, hitting us like a magical storm. 🌌✨🚀 Links: Embark on an 8-week odyssey with The Shamanic Healing Academy to unlock the unparalleled power of emotional resilience. Discover the tools to navigate life's twists with finesse. Bid farewell to stagnation, and welcome a life brimming with empowerment and limitless growth. Your breakthrough awaits—reclaim your soul sovereignty with us! The Priority Waitlist Doors have Opened, Join the Witcher's Way to Manifestation A Witcher's Way to Manifestation E-Book is being created for this Specific Self-Discovery Path. You can also: Grab my Gifts, in the Vault: Chakra Mini-Ebook, Elemental E-Book, the Change Your Stars Quiz, and More!

    39 min

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
3 Ratings


Changing Lives, Igniting Passions thru the Information Super Highway - while awakening the spirit. Merging the Indigenous Technologies, the Spirit of West Africa, with the Dimensions, Realms, Gateways, Pathways and Highways - the Subtle Energies. Tonya Dee brings otherworldly perspectives in a fun, innovative, spiritual, intuitive, crazy way, with over 7 years of podcasting, each year she brings a different focus to your journey through different aspects of your being: The Nature Series, The Energy Series, The Subtle Energy Series. This Season she has coined "The Season of the Witches." Discover and start initiating the being that resides within you. Just tuning in, she brings Divine Wisdom to create a corridor, a venue for healing: Souls Purpose, Past Lives, Sacred Connection, Conscious Awareness and more. Her podcasts are a library of information, a new shiny perspective into the realms - to lift you up, inspire you, on all levels. Discover offerings with quizzes, at Club.Tonyadee.Tv And dive into her latest Indigenous courses, understanding your energy body, Change Your Stars, Voices of the OtherWorld and More. Follow her on Instagram- Follow her on TikTok- Follow her on YouTube- InShallah (Divine Will) and Ashe’ (Blessings)

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