

mySociety is a charity and we make tech that helps you change the world for the better. Tune in to learn the latest on our work in Democracy, Transparency, Community and Climate.


  1. MAR 4

    Who Funds Them launches today

    It’s March 4 2025, and we’re releasing a bunch of new data on TheyWorkForYou, around each MPs’ financial interests: that’s whether they have second jobs, what donations helped them campaign ahead of the general election, and whether they’ve received gifts such as Taylor Swift tickets. In the course of assembling this data — with the help of our brilliant team of volunteers — we’ve come to understand exactly what the problems with the current system of reporting are. If you’re seeing this on the morning of release, we’ll also be launching a report at 1pm today, and you’re welcome to join us. (Don’t worry if you’re too late; we’ll be sharing the video afterwards. Just make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter to be alerted when it’s available). Don’t forget to check out your own MP, to see who funds them, on And if you have any questions about this project, the data, or MPs’ financial interests in general, send them to us at If you appreciate this type of work, please help us do more of it by making a one-off (or even better, a regular) donation. Thank you! Transcript [0:00] Julia: If you’ve ever wondered if your MP has a second job, what donations they received, or if they were one of the ones that got a free Taylor Swift ticket, we’ve got the answers for you. [0:08] Hi, I’m Julia, and at my work at mySociety, over the last six months I have personally looked through every single MP’s Register of Members Financial Interests. [0:18] That means I’ve looked at every donation, second job, shareholding, trip abroad. Everything that has been declared to the Register by every MP, my eyes have seen it. And we’ve learnt a lot in this process. And I’ve been supported by 50 amazing volunteers and the rest of the mySociety team. [0:33] 50 volunteers helped us go through all of this information about second jobs, gifts and donations for all 650 MPs. [0:40] We’re making that available on TheyWorkForYou on Tuesday the fourth of March. There’s new summaries and extra information about whether your MP received money from oil and gas companies, gambling companies, or if they took visits to countries which are scored ‘not free’ by Freedom House. [0:56] In the process of doing all of this work and adding all this information to the Register, we’ve got some opinions on how it can work better, both in terms of collecting the data so that it’s accurate and so that we know who is donating, but also changing some of the wider rules to make sure that there is less of an influence of private money in politics. [1:13] The first recommendation that’s coming out of the WhoFundsThem project is about the data itself. And that might sound boring, but it’s really fundamental to us being able to have trust in the system. [1:23] At the moment, the forms that are being used by MPs to declare their donations and their second jobs just aren’t capturing the right information. There’s all sorts of things going on here. [1:32] Sometimes the questions that are being asked aren’t very good. Sometimes the questions are right, but they’re not required, so MPs can skip them. Or sometimes the right questions aren’t even being asked. [1:43] All of the rules seem to be interpreted in slightly different ways by new MPs or by older MPs, and fundamentally, it just made the project really hard, because the same questions were being answered in such different ways that when we’re trying to compare all MPs, it felt like comparing apples and oranges. [1:58] We’ve got more recommendations later on in the report, which have bigger implications on how we fund politics. But we have to start from the beginning. We have to ask the right questions to get the right data, to even understand what’s going on. [2

    7 min
  2. FEB 4

    Climate Action Scorecards are having real-life effects

    In this super-short episode, we look at three recent examples of how the Council Climate Action Scorecards are bringing measurable change. The Scorecards are a joint project between mySociety and Climate Emergency UK, and you can visit them at Here are the three blog posts where you can find more details about all of these examples: Cotswold District Council working together with residents (and if you’re local, find details of how to get involved too) Scorecards spark carbon literacy training at South Cambs council Gedling Borough Council appreciate the gravitas the Scorecards bring If you value the work we do at mySociety, please donate. Transcript 0:00 [Myf:] I’m not really a data person. I’m a Communications Manager, right? So my currency is words and pictures, but my colleagues at mySociety are real data people. 0:13 And every day, when I’m writing up the stories about what people are doing with our data, I learn and understand more about the power of what it can do. 0:23 So this week, it’s been my job to write up the stories about how three different types of people are using the Council Climate Action Scorecards. And these are a joint project between mySociety and Climate Emergency UK, and they mark local councils all over the UK on their climate action. 0:43 Now looked at one way, those scores are just loads and loads of numbers, but they are helping people do really useful things around climate action. So the scorecards mark local councils across all kinds of different areas of climate action, and that’s really useful for the councils themselves to see. But it’s not just the councils who can see this. It’s also local residents. In fact, it’s anyone who wants to. 1:09 We told the story of one local resident in Cirencester who used that data to inform a question that they asked at their local council meeting. And this is a right that everybody has, and that one question resulted in a resident and council group being set up where residents can work together with councils, and they’re working on things like retrofit and sustainable transport together. 1:38 They’re looking for more members as well, people right across the Cotswolds. So if you’re interested in being a part of that, then check out our blog post. 1:46 The Scorecards give councils marks on different areas of their climate action and one thing that South Cambridgeshire noticed was they’d scored poorly around staff awareness training, and since then, they’ve put training in place right across the council, and that includes councilors. So you can read more about that in our blog post. 2:04 And then finally, this week, I wrote about the small Borough Council of Gedling, who also told us about how they had used the Council Climate Action Scorecards. And at Gedling, they basically said that because the Scorecards are an independent source, it gave them what they described as the gravitas to approach all the different departments in the council internally and engage in a conversation about what can be done in those departments around the relevant bits of climate action. 2:36 And if you would like to read more about that, again, it’s all written up in the mySociety blog, and I’ll put the link to all of those blog posts in the show notes. Thanks very much for listening. 2:48 If you appreciate what mySociety does, whether that’s with climate or data, transparency, democracy, then please consider giving us a donation. You can do this at, and we promise that we’ll put every penny to really good use.

    3 min
  3. JAN 20

    FOI for investigating: Joe Banks and Mary Le Port

    In our second video interviewing subjects of the book Our City: Community Activism in Bristol, we talk to journalist Joe Banks, who was able to find a real anomaly in the council’s approach to developing the oldest part of the city. He did this both by looking at information other people had requested, and putting in his own Freedom of Information requests, on mySociety’s WhatDoTheyKnow website. Details of the book can be found on the Tangent Books website. You can read lots more about Joe’s investigation into St Mary Le Port, and other local topics, on his website. If you value the work we do at mySociety, please donate. Transcript 0:05 Myf: I’m Myfanwy Nixon, communications manager at mySociety. We’ve been talking to some of the people featured in this book: Our City, community activism in Bristol, edited by Suzanne Audrey. 0:18 In this second interview, I spoke to Joe Banks, a journalist who’s been following really carefully the development of an old part of the city in Bristol, Mary Le Port. It’s said that it’s almost as old as Bristol itself, and in 2018 0:35 the Council announced some plans for redevelopment. Now what Joe found through FOI was fascinating, 0:40 actually. What really intrigued him was a complete 360 degree turnaround in the council’s attitude towards this development plan. So their initial stance was that it was way too big, and then all of a sudden they gave it a green flag to push it through. All of this is what Joe discovered with Freedom of Information using mySociety’s website 1:03 But we started off by discussing Joe’s discovery of a Facebook group that wasn’t all that it seemed. 1:10 Joe: I’m Joe Banks, freelance journalist: I’ve written for people like Vice and I’ve written locally, written for the Bristol Cable. 1:16 I became interested in a development in the in the Old City, in the historic centre of Bristol, which was for three large office blocks, which was very controversial. It was very large, way out of scale with what remains of the Old City. 1:33 Most, a lot of the old city in Bristol was destroyed in the in the bombing of the Second World War. Half of it is now a park because that whole area of the Old City was just obliterated. 1:44 It was in one of these committees, and it’s in the minutes that they have a discussion, and they say it will be good for members and officers to set up a “Friends Of” group, right? 1:56 That was the phrasing, you know. So this is a top down thing they’re talking about. And then the Facebook group appeared a week later, after that. An astroturfing community group. 2:07 There’d been a history in this location of local opposition to previous schemes trying to take a chunk of the park. And yes, it turned out that the developer had put the community group right at the centre of their community engagement, which all developers have to go through as part of the planning process. 2:24 And you’d had this guy giving a statement to the actual planning meeting, where the planning application was determined by the council, and telling them that the members of this community group were were in favour of the proposal, at ten to one. But it turned out he got that figure from counting emojis on the Facebook page. So not the most scientific of bases. 2:47 And I wasn’t actually very switched on in terms of local governance issues in Bristol and planning and development, but it sparked my interest. 2:57 And then I was looking into this, into this Facebook group and so forth, but by the time that I was interested in it and started looking at it, the planning application had, actually, it had been given permission. 3:10 Then I got into into the Freedom of Information requests and looking at trying to work out how the whole process had unfolded. 3:18 And so actually my first experience of putting in Freedom of Information requ

    9 min
  4. JAN 8

    FOI for campaigning: We Love Stoke Lodge

    We Love Stoke Lodge is a campaign group in Bristol, and the subject of one of the chapters of the book Our City, edited by Suzanne Audrey. Many of the campaigns featured in the book used WhatDoTheyKnow and FOI to uncover vital information to support their campaigns. Hear Helen Powell describe the group’s experiences of campaigning to save a beloved piece of land for public use, and what they discovered thanks to FOI. If you value the work we do at mySociety, please donate. Transcript 0:04 Myf: I’m Myfanwy Nixon. I’m Communications and Marketing Manager at mySociety. 0:09 Earlier this year, we found out about this book Our City, edited by Suzanne Audrey. Our City tells the story of a number of different campaign groups in Bristol who were all working to make change, and Suzanne got in touch with us, because lots of those groups, when you read their stories, they had used WhatDoTheyKnow, our Freedom of Information service, to help them with their campaigns. 0:33 We thought it would be really nice if we could sit down and talk to some of those people. We’ve spoken to a number of them, and all of their stories are so interesting. 0:41 In this first one, I talked to Helen Powell of a campaign called We Love Stoke Lodge. And Helen had so many interesting things to say, both about Freedom of Information and about campaigning in general. 0:54 Helen: There is so much that we would not know if it weren’t or being able to make Freedom of Information requests. 1:00 My name is Helen Powell, and I am one of the people involved with We Love Stoke Lodge in Bristol. Stoke Lodge itself is a 23 acre piece of parkland, open space, lots of big mature veteran trees on it, and so on. And it wraps around a grade two listed building, which is Stoke Lodge house, but the parkland has for some years been laid out as playing fields. 1:26 Since 2000 it’s been used by Cotham School, which is a school about three miles away.  1:30 We know the people and the stories that tie them to the land, people who have lived in these houses around the field for 40 years: they taught their children to ride bikes and fly kites and play football.  1:41 We know people who learned to walk there again after a stroke. One of my close friends who lost her baby, and she sat under one of the big oak trees on the field, you know, through the time of grieving over that.  1:52 You know, there are so many people who’ve got a really powerful human connection to the land, and it’s just such a sort of core part of the community that allowing somebody else to come in and just kind of swipe it for their own purposes is just not something that the community is prepared to accept.  2:14 The correspondence that we discovered under FOI was the school asking the council to remove curtilage status from the land, which would mean that it could put up a fence without asking anybody, without going through any planning process, ultimately, without even having to get landlord consent.  2:34 For decades, the land had been treated as having curtilage status. Suddenly, it was removed after the school asked for that to happen. Just we all feel this is so wrong.  2:43 You know, the school had been using the field since 2000, got a lease on the basis that it was going to carry on using it in the same way. 2:54 Putting the fence up around the whole 23 acres in the way that they did was basically privatising what is public land. You know, taking it away from the community. You know, it’s not a small thing to say.  3:06 You know, the school wants to be able to have a secure playing field while it’s doing PE  —  this is not that. This was the school locking it 24/7, and suddenly what had been important open space for the community was not available. 3:21 I think for the school, the land is a commodity. They see it as an asset that they could develop, they could commercialise, and so on.  3:27 We saw somebody else had made a request and, ̶

    8 min
  5. Discovering TICTeC 2: Pryou Chung on fostering inclusive approaches to technological innovations for climate action


    Discovering TICTeC 2: Pryou Chung on fostering inclusive approaches to technological innovations for climate action

    mySociety staffers Zarino, Gemma and Myf discuss the TICTeC Session “Fostering inclusive approaches to technological innovations for climate action”, in which Pryou Chung of East West Management Institute gave real life examples of how seemingly positive climate initiatives can go badly wrong when financial structures and baked in biases provide an incentive to overlook indigenous people. Watch Pryou’s presentation for yourself here. If you value the work we do at mySociety, please donate.   Transcript 0:05 Myf: I’m Myf, I’m Communications Manager at mySociety. Zarino: I’m Zarino, I’m the Climate Programme Lead at mySociety. Gemma: I’m Gemma, I’m mySociety’s Events and Engagement Manager. 0:16 Myf: We’re going to talk now about Pryou Chung from the East West Management Institute, and the name of the video is “Fostering inclusive approaches to technological innovations for climate action”, and that was a remote session at TICTeC 2024. 0:31 Gemma: Having a session that highlights the human rights risks involved with digital innovation in the climate space, and ways to navigate that, seemed especially important to include – and actually I don’t really remember us 0:45 having highlighted technology’s impact and effect on indigenous peoples at previous TICTeCs. Zarino: Yeah, so she was talking about two examples – one in Cambodia and one in Thailand – of places where local indigenous communities had 1:01 basically been excluded often intentionally from really fundamental decisions about how the climate crisis is being addressed in their area in ways that really would affect them: big infrastructure projects and 1:14 implementation of things like biodiversity credits, and she described them as like technocratic approaches to the climate crisis. Myf: You could feel warm and fuzzy and like everybody’s doing the right thing because they’re using these wonderful phrases: “carbon financing” and “biodiversity credits” and 1:32 all of these things, but there’s a bit of greenwashing going on there. Zarino: At one point she said, “Data’s not neutral”, which I really like, and she sort of explained how data and technology has been implemented to perpetuate the existing kind of imbalance of power. Myf: She was saying these inequalities are almost baked in, whether by design or just 1:51 because technology is coming from a world that just completely ignores indigenous populations. Zarino: There was one kind of thread through it which is something we’ve been thinking about at mySociety, around ownership of 2:05 data, or physical infrastructure – ownership of things like heat pumps. Ground source heat networks, for anyone who doesn’t know, are one of the more efficient alternatives to individual gas boilers in everyone’s homes, but they throw up really interesting questions about who 2:22 literally owns that physical infrastructure and so we were coming at it as mySociety from like, how can we bring communities together to take on shared ownership of an asset like a heat network that is literally, like, embedded in the streets around your estate or whatever? I think 2:38 it also applies to like the physical kind of infrastructure, like Pryou was talking about, she gave an example of a mangrove protection scheme and how communities were meant to look after these mangroves but they only got like 20% share of profits of what comes out of the mangroves, whereas somebody else – I 2:55 assume the organisations that set this up, or who invested in the first place -get 80%. Nice for them. I think one of the things we’ve been wondering is like, is there a fairer way to try and do that, through things like community share offers, or like local nonprofits and co-ops? Like are there ways we can use 3:11 Civic Tech to try and give those organisations a

    6 min
  6. 10/23/2024

    Discovering TICTeC 1: OpenUp South Africa on measuring impact

    TICTeC, the Impacts of Civic Technology Conference from mySociety, runs for just two days – but those two days are packed with civic tech practitioners sharing insights and experience from projects along the world. We share most of the sessions as videos on our YouTube channel, and to help you decide what to watch first, we’ve asked mySociety staff to pick their favourites and chat about what they found so interesting. In this episode, Alice, Gemma and Myf discuss “Have you empirically improved transparency and accountability?” from Sean Russell of OpenUp South Africa. You can watch that session in full for yourself at If you value the work we do at mySociety, please donate.   Transcript 0:00 Gemma: Hi, I’m Gemma I’m mySociety’s Events and Engagement Manager and I am the producer of TICTeC. Myf: I’m Myf and I am the Communications and Marketing Manager 00:10 at my Society. Alice: Alice I’m the Head of Fundraising at mySociety. Myf: Today we’re going to talk about one of the sessions that was at TICTeC 2024 and this was 0:20 Sean Russell from openup South Africa and the title was “Have you empirically improved transparency and accountability?”. Alice you chose this one to talk about. 0:30 Alice: Yeah I liked that he was challenging us to think about how do we prove that we are having the impact in the world that we say we want to? It’s obviously very relevant as a fundraiser. 0:40 I have to demonstrate that we are having an impact. He gave some really good examples of what he called The Good, The Bad and The Misguided. Gemma: in terms of impact measurement it was a really 0:50 nice sort of back to basics presentation of why it’s important to measure impact in the first place and some ways to go about it, but they also talked 1:00 about some really interesting impacts of their own work which is what TICTeC’s all about. They run a tool, apparently, that is a medicine price registry, so a massive database where you can see 1:10 prices of all the medicines across South Africa at their lowest price, so you can see if you’re being overcharged and apparently it’s a legacy project doesn’t have any funding 1:20 and they don’t measure the impacts of it, and then when website went down one day and they had loads of calls and emails saying, “Where’s the website? I use it all the time!” 1:30 and it it has a massive real world impact that they just weren’t measuring, so I thought about some of mySociety’s tools, you know, our legacy projects that we keep up to date but we don’t 1:40 have any funding for and just wondered what would happen if we turned off some of our sites and what the impact of that would be. Alice: He also talked about how there’s a service 1:50 that they have for looking at corruption in lottery grants, and he said it essentially only has two users, which if you – and his words were, 2:00 “If you’re measuring success based on user numbers then this would be the worst website ever!”, but he then went on to talk about the fact that those two users have 2:10 then gone on to have like significant impact with that and it’s been dramatic the things that have come from it. Myf: Those two users are journalists, right? 2:20 Alice: Journalists and legal experts, so people who can actually make change happen from seeing this data, and that I think is really interesting relating it to mySociety again like Gemma was just talking 2:30 about – we’ve got services that are more niche and they they reach like more specific audiences, so user numbers, we’ve got services that reach millions of people, but we’ve got 2:40 other services that have much smaller numbers, but if those people are then going on to have really significant real world change with the information that we’ve

    6 min
  7. August 24


    August 24

    It’s our first ever podcast at mySociety! Heeey how about that? Myf, our Communications Manager, runs you through all the stuff we’ve been doing at mySociety over the last month. It’s amazing what we manage to fit into just 30 days: you’ll hear about a meeting of Freedom of Information practitioners from around Europe; our new (and evolving) policy on the use of AI; a chat with someone who used the Climate Scorecards tool to springboard into further climate action… oh, and there’s just the small matter of the General Election here in the UK, which involved some crafty tweaking behind the scenes of our sites TheyWorkForYou and WriteToThem. Links TICTeC videos on YouTube TICTeC photos on Flickr Browse the TICTeC 2024 schedule, find slides etc Matthew’s post on updating TheyWorkForYou on election night Sign up to get an email whenever your MP speaks or votes Democracy resources and our future plans in Alex’s post Local Intelligence Hub lets you access and play with data around your constituency Matt Stempeck’s summary of the Access to Information meetup Our summary of Matt’s summary of the meetup Updates from all those ATI projects around Europe New in Alaveteli: importing & presenting blog posts; request categories and exploring csvs in Datasette Fiona Dyer on how volunteering for Scorecards upped her climate action Where to sign up if you fancy volunteering as well mySociety’s approach to AI Contact us on hello [at] if you have any questions or feedback. Music: Chafftop by Blue Dot Sessions. Transcript 0:00 Well, hello and welcome to mySociety’s monthly round-up. My name is Myf Nixon, Communications Manager at mySociety. 0:11 This is part of an experiment that we’re currently running where we’re trying to talk about our work in new formats, to see if that makes it easier for you to keep up with our news. (more…)

    21 min


mySociety is a charity and we make tech that helps you change the world for the better. Tune in to learn the latest on our work in Democracy, Transparency, Community and Climate.

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