46 min

5: In The Realm Of Your Angels And Spirit Guides With Valerie Wood Mystical Sisterhood

    • Spirituality

Valerie Wood is a phenomenal angel channel and medium. Whether or not you are familiar with, or work with, a channeler or medium, this podcast is for you! You have a divine spark that emanates from you and your energy can merge with guidance available to you. Valerie talks about how you receive information that is unique to you and gives tips on how to access the field. Individuals can sense guidance coming to them through different modalities such as feeling, thinking, symbols, or just a knowing!

Valerie Wood is a phenomenal angel channel and medium. Whether or not you are familiar with, or work with, a channeler or medium, this podcast is for you! You have a divine spark that emanates from you and your energy can merge with guidance available to you. Valerie talks about how you receive information that is unique to you and gives tips on how to access the field. Individuals can sense guidance coming to them through different modalities such as feeling, thinking, symbols, or just a knowing!

46 min