Nature of Intelligence, Ep. 2: The relationship between language and thought



  • Evelina Fedorenko, Associate Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT
  • Steve Piantadosi, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and Head of Computation and Language Lab, UC Berkeley
  • Gary Lupyan, Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hosts: Abha Eli Phoboo & Melanie Mitchell

Producer: Katherine Moncure

Podcast theme music by: Mitch Mignano

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More info:

  • Tutorial: Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • Lecture: Artificial Intelligence
  • SFI programs: Education


  • Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans by Melanie Mitchell
  • Developing Object Concepts in Infancy: An Associative Learning Perspective by Rakison, D.H., and G. Lupyan
  • Language and Mind by Noam Chomsky
  • On Language by Noam Chomsky


  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence by Melanie Mitchell
  • The language system in the human brain: Parallels & Differences with LLMs by Evelina Federenko

Papers & Articles:

  • “Dissociating language and thought in large language models,” in Trends in Cognitive Science (March 19, 2024), doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2024.01.011
  • “The language network as a natural kind within the broader landscape of the human brain,” in Nature Reviews Neuroscience (April 12, 2024),
  • “Visual grounding helps learn word meanings in low-data regimes,” in arXiv (v2 revised on 25 March 2024),
  • “No evidence of theory of mind reasoning in the human language network,” in Cerebral Cortex (December 28, 2022),
  • “Chapter 1: Modern language models refute Chomsky’s approach to language,” by Steve T. Piantadosi (v7, November 2023), lingbuzz/007180
  • “Uniquely human intelligence arose from expanded information capacity,” in Nature Reviews Psychology (April 2, 2024),
  • “Understanding the allure and pitfalls of Chomsky's acience,” Review by Gary Lupyan, in The American Journal of Psychology (Spring 2018),
  • “Language is more abstract than you think, or, why aren’t languages more iconic?” in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (June 18, 2018), 
  • Published:18 June 2018,
  • “Does vocabulary help structure the mind?” in Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology: Human Communication: Origins, Mechanisms, and Functions (February 27, 2021),
  • “Use of superordinate labels yields more robust and human-like visual representations in convolutional neural networks,” in Journal of Vision (December 2021),
  • “Appeals to ‘Theory of Mind’ no longer explain much in language evolution,” by Justin Sulik and Gary Lupyan
  • “Effects of language on visual perception,” in Trends in Cognitive Sciences (October 1, 2020),
  • “Is language-of-thought the best game in the town we live?” in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (September 28, 2023), doi:10.1017/S0140525X23001814
  • “Can we distinguish machine learning from human learning?” in arXiv (October 8, 2019),

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