Never Too Late! Gonna Make a Change.

Figuring Sh*t Out with Dr. Nikki Neretin

Hello My Lovely Friends:

Commitment: From this moment on, I joyfully promise to never give up on my goals and dreams. I choose to remember always that the whole world is mine to explore, and I need never be alone in figuring it out and making it just right.  That I was born worthy and loveable without condition and whatever brought me to this place is just the journey to my present and future self and not the sum total of who I am or who I will become.

Lesson 33 in a course in Miracles- “There is another way to look at the world”-recognize that you can shift your perception of the world both inner and outer.

Visited my mother and sat with a lovely 85-year-old woman who is still smoking.  I am not dogmatic about what I believe people should do.  I live my life as an example of what is possible about achieving health and well-being whether people will come along or not is their choice. She wanted to stop because she didn’t like it anymore and was having a hard time breathing but felt like she couldn’t because it was a habit and she had been doing it for so long.  She couldn’t even imagine her identity without it. The idea of having to continue to do what you’ve always done.

Quitting for a smoker who has been smoking for 65 years:

1)   Compelling why? You will have to come up with your own very important reason why you would like to quit that means so much to you that you are willing to continue to try until you achieve your goal.

2)   Consult your future self: Ask your future self what they would like to see for you in the future.

3)   Plan in advance: Write down everything you are going to smoke 24 hours in advance and stick with it.

4)   Allow urges the way you would allow any feeling: Allow for an urge by fully feeling what it feels like in your body, visualizing size, shape, color, texture, etc.  When you have allowed an urge without responding or answering it put a marble in a jar and watch them accumulate.  Once you can allow for an urge you can do anything.

5)   Get help if you need it: Consult a medical provider, coaching, tapping

If you want to unf*ck your mind and figure sh*t out so you can live the passionate life of your dreams without jumping off the roof contact me at:

or schedule a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Figure sh*t out together⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ session and feel 50% better quickly and see if you want to work together.

#nikkineretin#drnikki#drnikkineretin#unfuckyourbrain#figuringshitout#youngadults#anxiety#findyour passion#depression#trauma#thelifecoachschool

xo Dr. Nikki








