Giving Ventures

Giving Ventures

As the landscape of nonprofits continues to grow, trying to stay current on all the good work going on can be overwhelming--especially if you target your support to efforts that help reduce government's size and people's dependence on it. Giving Ventures is designed to help charitable givers discover new opportunities to change the world for the better. Twice a month, the Giving Ventures podcast will highlight several non-profit efforts, initiatives, and projects that leverage private philanthropy to solve public problems. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  1. Ep. 79 - Addressing America's Mental Health Needs

    2월 11일

    Ep. 79 - Addressing America's Mental Health Needs

    From the challenges posed by technology use to political biases creeping into the therapist's office, America is experiencing something of a mental health crisis. To help address this critical issue, the Philanthropy Roundtable recently compiled a Mental Health Playbook that provides philanthropists with an introduction to the most effective organizations working to solve this crisis while remaining faithful to the principles of liberty, opportunity, and personal responsibility. As the Roundtable explained in a recent article, private philanthropy is "essential to confronting our nation’s mental health crisis" because "it’s flexible and nimble, allowing the most effective, unique approaches to emerge." To learn more about the Playbook and to get a look at two of the organizations it highlights, Peter assembled a panel for this episode of Giving Ventures. Esther Larson is the Senior Director of Programs at the Philanthropy Roundtable. She spearheaded the creation of the Mental Health Playbook, a resource designed to guide donors through the complex landscape of mental health funding. Dr. Andrew Hartz is the Founder and President of the Open Therapy Institute. A clinical psychologist by training, he focuses on removing bias within the counseling space to improve mental health care. Carolyn Gorman serves as a policy analyst at the Manhattan Institute, one of the country's leading think tanks. Her work concentrates on the policy challenges and potential solutions in the mental health sector.

  2. Ep. 75 - Taxes, Philanthropy, and Donor Intent in the Next Administration

    2024. 11. 19.

    Ep. 75 - Taxes, Philanthropy, and Donor Intent in the Next Administration

    With the 2017 tax cuts about to expire and major leadership changes in the executive and legislative branches coming in January, now is a critical time for the future of philanthropy. Reforms to the tax code and IRS regulations about charitable giving will affect not only your tax bill and deductions but also the future of donor privacy, donor intent protection, and key considerations for estate planning. To think ahead about what's in store for conservative and libertarian charitable givers, DonorsTrust recently held a webinar conversation with three experts to explore coming policy changes. This episode of Giving Ventures brings that discussion to you. In the episode we hear from: Stephen Moore, an economist and advisor to President Trump. Steve was a key voice behind the scenes when Republican lawmakers drafted the 2017 Trump tax cuts and offers an inside look into what is likely to come in the second Trump administration.  Christie Herrera, President and CEO of Philanthropy Roundtable, the nation’s leading network for conservative givers. Christie's work gives her a close-up view to the myriad proposals in Congress and the IRS that would significantly alter philanthropic giving.  Michael Whitty, a seasoned expert in estate tax law and planning and partner at Smith Gambrell & Russell LLP in Chicago. Michael gives a view to the estate planning tools we can use as we consider possible changes to the tax code.


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As the landscape of nonprofits continues to grow, trying to stay current on all the good work going on can be overwhelming--especially if you target your support to efforts that help reduce government's size and people's dependence on it. Giving Ventures is designed to help charitable givers discover new opportunities to change the world for the better. Twice a month, the Giving Ventures podcast will highlight several non-profit efforts, initiatives, and projects that leverage private philanthropy to solve public problems. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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