New Year, New Legislature
The 60th Oklahoma Legislature has officially convened, bill writing is underway, and session will be starting in just a few weeks. Let's get caught up on where things stand as we enter the next few months. Transcript: Hello and welcome to Let’s Pod This, my name is Andy Moore and we have a jam-packed episode for you today. At the end I will highlight some important upcoming events, so while you’re listening, be sure to grab a pen and paper to write those down.But first, let’s begin with our legislative update: Tuesday was Organizational Day for the Oklahoma legislature, which is the day when the members come together to formally elect the leaders of each caucus and each chamber, vote on the rules the bodies will use to operate for the next year, and, I think, to take new headshots. I’ve seen a lot of folks post them online, at least. More on this later. I’m honestly not clear on when the Legislative session *officially* begins. Organizational Day seems like the official start, but some people say that the legislature isn’t REALLY in session until the first Monday in February; this year that falls on February 3rd. That’s the day the Governor gives his State of the State address and when the Legislature formally gavels into session. Ah, wait…I think that’s it - I think Organizational Day is the first day of the Legislature - this year begins the 60th Oklahoma Legislature, and remember that each Legislature is a two-year cohort or lineup - and each Legislature will have multiple sessions. There are at least two “regular” sessions, one each year, and the first regular session of the 60th legislature begins on February 3rd. And then there maybe some “extraordinary” or special sessions sprinkled in along the way. Anyway, on Organizational Day, The Senate published its schedule for chamber deadlines, and it is unusually detailed, particularly when it comes to bill filing. There are seven deadline dates in January, one for Organizational Day and the other six relate to bill filing and stipulate things as specific as “Final draft revisions due to drafters by Senators” by 4pm on January 15th. And then the schedule only lists six more deadlines for the entire duration of session, February to May. As of today, the House has not published their entire deadline schedule but they have published their Committee Schedule. At first I was surprised to see that the Appropriations & Budget Committee is scheduled to meet every day - the schedule has them listed on Monday mornings at 9am AND 10:30am, as well as Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, AND Wednesday afternoon, all at 4:30pm, and then one more time on Thursdays at 1:30pm. BUT then I saw a footnote that says “The A&B Committee develops its own meeting schedule and that of the Subcommittees,” so we’ll just wait and see what they do. It would be unusual for the A&B committee to meet so early on a Monday morning, as many rural legislators go home to their districts on the weekends and don’t drive into the city until Monday. I’m not opposed to Monday morning meetings, though - I love to see legislators at the Capitol working on things. Plus, more meetings means, at least in theory, that there will be more time for thoughtful discussion about important issues…or it could just mean more time for inane shenanigans that distract the legislature (and the public!) away from important issues. Speaking of distraction, the Bill filing deadline is next Thursday, January 16th, and that means that over the next few weeks you will hear about many, many bad and ridiculous bills. And a few good ones, too, God willing, but, undoubtedly, the small cabal of legislators...