New York's Got Talent: Episode 13 - The Subway Episode Rick McGuire of @Subwaycreatures, Hannah La Follette Ryan of @Subwayhands and Vincent Barone of AM New York Nico chats with three individuals whose lives revolve around the MTA: Rick McGuire’s instagram account @subwaycreatures has cultivated a following of over a million people, Hannah La Follette Ryan’s account @subwayhands is a photo project devoted to taking pictures of rider’s hands on the subway, and Vincent Barone is the editor of the transit section of AM New York. New York's Got Talent is a podcast hosted by New York Nico (@newyorknico ) that highlights the unique individuals that make New York the best city on earth. @newyorknico @subwaycreatures @subwayhands @badhops
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- 주기주 2회 업데이트
- 발행일2019년 3월 3일 오후 11:36 UTC
- 길이1시간 6분
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