Next Step Vet: How to Create a Meaningful Career

Steve Oehley
Next Step Vet: How to Create a Meaningful Career

Are you lost as to what to do next in your veterinary career? You’ve been a vet for a number of years and have reached a stage in your career where you know you’re not satisfied and you need change. But you feel financially trapped, and you're probably unaware of other career options, especially close to where you live. Where on earth do you even start? I'm here to help. My name is Steve Oehley and I'm someone just like you. I'm a veterinarian who struggled in my own career. Changing jobs multiple times, but no matter where I went I found myself unhappy. I noticed something - so many vets are unhappy in their career. How do you find meaningful work while still paying the bills? I signed up to life coaching, got career advice, and now have found a healthy balance between clinical vet work, podcasting and career coaching. I've designed a career that works for me. And now I'm going to help you do the same. I discuss my own experiences with career dissatisfaction and burnout as a veterinarian, and offers guidance and strategies for finding more fulfilling work within the field. This podcast aims to provide a realistic and achievable framework for veterinarians to take the next steps in their careers and to design a career that works for them. Based on principles of life coaching, the best career advisors in the world, and vets that have already taken the leap. This is Next Step Vet. Join us on our journey to a more enjoyable life.

  1. MAY 21

    20. There's No Options Near Where I Live - Or So You Think...

    Do you sometimes think that if only you were in a different location, or even a different country, there’d be more opportunities for you in your vet career?  What if I told you that your location might not be the barrier you think it is? Many vets feel trapped by their geographical location, believing it limits their career opportunities. You might think moving to a new location will magically solve your career woes. But what if the key to a fulfilling veterinary career lies not in the 'where' but in the 'how' and 'what' of your work? Location is Not the Limiting Factor in Your Career You Think It Is. In today’s episode, you’re going to find out why. - In this episode you’ll learn: Why location is not the limiting factor you think it is.The three main things you need in a job in order to experience a fulfilling veterinary career - no matter where you live. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Take a Small Risk Take a social risk, by striking up a conversation with a stranger, more specifically, reach out to people in areas that interest you, both locally and in the wider region. Take an intellectual risk. Try something new, a problem you haven’t tackled before. Maybe by doing a surgery out of your comfort zone, taking up a new responsibility at work, or learning a new skill in your free time. Take an emotional risk. Tell someone you care about how you feel. It might be as simple as sending a message to an industry or government vet to say how grateful you were to receive their support. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or if you’re serious about making meaningful changes in your veterinary career: BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL:

    14 min
  2. APR 23

    19. "I'm Stuck Being a Clinical Vet..." Why There's More Options Than You Think...

    You’re a vet considering alternative options for your veterinary career. You’re finding yourself exhausted at the end of each day of work, with barely enough energy to cook dinner, let alone the energy for hobbies and those closest to you. You’re stressed, you’re lacking confidence in your decisions, and your mental health is suffering as a result. You’re wondering, is this it? How do you find an alternative option for your career, when all you’ve ever done is be a vet? You are what you do every day, and if what you do every day is non-stop filled with being a vet, it’s very difficult to look in the mirror and not only see a vet.  And the problem with that is, if you combine that with a downward spiral of lack of energy, stress, and reduced happiness, it leads to you considering leaving clinical practice, but they’re paying you too much for you to leave. But what if there ARE not only alternatives for your veterinary career, but a realistic path to get there? - In this episode you’ll learn: How to identify your transferable skills from your veterinary careerHow to mind-map alternative options for your veterinary careerAnd a secret ingredient that will turn your skills and career alternatives into genuine job opportunities - YOUR NEXT STEP: Complete the Next Step Vet Alternative Career Options Worksheet. If you want this in a more easy-to-use format, email me with the words “OPTIONS” and I will send you the guide. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or if you’re serious about making meaningful changes in your veterinary career: BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL:

    15 min
  3. MAR 26

    18. Why You're Not in Control of Your Vet Career + How to Regain Control

    Do you ever feel like your veterinary career is driving you, instead of you driving it?  That sense of being adrift, reacting to whatever the day throws at you, rather than steering your own course? You’re performing as good a job as best as you can, managing high caseloads, demanding clients, and long hours, but the end result is burn-out. If you’re NOT burnt-out, at the very least, you’re approaching it. In fact a recent study showed that 86% of vets in the US currently suffer from burn-out. What if I told you that it's possible to design a veterinary career that works for you? There is. It’s one where you have work-life balance. It’s one where you’re not burnt-out. It’s one where you’re happy. And you’re going to find out how 2024 is going to be the year you FINALLY take back control of your career and find a life you’ve always wanted. - In this episode you’ll learn: The mistake vets make when they start to consider a career changeWhy so many vets struggle to create successful and long-lasting career transformations on their OWN - YOUR NEXT STEP: Book a Discovery Call Click the link below, book a discovery call, and allow Next Step Vet to help you FINALLY take back control, find the life you’ve always wanted, and design a career that works for you. CLICK HERE: - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at:

    19 min
  4. FEB 27

    17. Lacking Boundaries in Your Vet Career? Here's the Underlying Cause (w/ Dr Marie Holowaychuk)

    Do you often find yourself overworking and struggling to say 'no' in your veterinary career?  You're not alone.  Many vets face this challenge, but what's really behind our drive to constantly push beyond our limits? Pain: You're clocking in extra hours, taking on more than you can handle, and yet, you're left wondering why it's so hard to establish healthy work boundaries. We’re our worst enemies. Intrigue: Why do you struggle with setting boundaries, and how can establishing them change your professional life? - Our guest this week: Dr. Marie Holowaychuk (Reviving Vet Med) She achieved the definition of success as a vet, becoming a specialist in critical care, before burning out. She decided that changing her job description would fix the problem, becoming a locum vet as well as doing a list of things that are too long to list here. She’s one of those particularly high-achieving vets that is on boards, writes in journals and presents at conferences. But of course, this inevitably led to further burnout. It is now her mission to increase awareness about mental health and well-being in the vet profession - through her company Reviving Vet Medicine. - In this episode you’ll learn: Why we, as vets, often fall into the trap of perfectionism and overworking.The crucial factors to consider before setting boundaries in your workplace.And I’ll give you one simple challenge you can do today to help identify YOUR boundaries. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Quick Values Discovery Using AI As mentioned earlier in the episode, if you want to set boundaries in your life, you first need to understand your values. While this is something we go through in great detail in the Next Step Vet Career Accelerator, a quick version of this is to use AI to help you. Write down 20 or so words that are important to you in your work and your life. Go through this list and highlight no more than 10 words that resonate the most with you. Then, go on to ChatGPT, and ask it to summarise your 10 words into 4 core values. If you don’t feel ChatGPT has got this right, ask it to retry, or even emphasise words that are most important to you. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - Guest link: - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or if you’re serious about making meaningful changes in your veterinary career: BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL:

    35 min
  5. JAN 30

    16. Why Your New Years Resolutions Won't Improve Your Vet Career

    #. Episode Title With Episode Number at the Start CAPTURE ATTENTION It’s a new year, and like many people, you’ve probably set a list of resolutions aimed at improving your life and career.  But what if I told you that these resolutions alone won't bring the change you're seeking in your veterinary career? - In this episode you’ll learn: The common pitfalls of New Year's resolutions.Strategies to set career goals that are genuinely achievable and fulfilling.How to maintain momentum and adapt as the year progresses. - YOUR NEXT STEP: A Daily Check-In If you’ve made a goal for the year that is SMART, it’s still likely going to be a big goal. We need to break this down into very small micro-goals. How? Each day, while taking into account your bigger goal, first, consider whether anything significant has changed between today and your last daily check in, THEN write down 3 priorities for the day. If the task takes less than 2 minutes, do it right now. So for example, if your bigger goal is “Create a better work-life balance”, it’s too vague and you will not achieve that today, but you could write down and DO,  Define SPECIFICALLY what work life balance means to me and write a SMART goal for 2024.Write down and discuss with those closest to me, what are my non-negotiablesContact the boss to discuss a change in work schedule. A daily check-in will allow you to take little nibbles at a bigger, seemingly undefinable, goal. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or if you’re serious about making meaningful changes in your veterinary career: BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL:

    9 min
  6. 12/19/2023

    15. How to Achieve Work-Life Balance, with Nigel Marsh (TED speaker & author)

    In today’s episode, you’re going to find out how. Is having work-life balance achievable? Is it realistic as a veterinary professional?  What does work-life balance even mean to me?  These are likely questions you have had, running through your head. Today, you’re going to hear an episode of my old podcast, Escape the Nine to Five, where I talked about the same issues you're facing, only to a wider range of working professionals. - Our guest this week: Nigel Marsh (TED Speaker & Author) Nigel is an advertising executive who lost his job with four young kids and decided to remain unemployed for a year to spend time with his family and figure out what work-life balance meant to him. He's also done a wildly popular Ted talk on work-life balance, authored multiple books including: “Fat 40 and Fired”, hosts his own podcast, and speaks around the world about his experience, including at veterinary conferences.  - In this episode you’ll learn: What time frame to measure work-life balanceWhy you can’t take the world’s problems on your shouldersHow to make change in your career, even if you’re scared of making change. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Define What Work-Life Balance Means to You. Privately ask yourself, honestly, what type of person do I want to be? What type of life do I want to lead? What type of legacy do I want to leave ? Then ask: What type of person am I?  What type of life am I leading? What type of legacy will I leave, if I carry on this way?  Identify if there is a gap between those two things and finally ask yourself: Am I going to do anything about the gap?  As Nigel says, decide don't slide.  And remember if you want to do anything about the gap, but are scared of making change, start small. Even if it's just one small thing a month over time, you will head in the right direction. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - Guest links: - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or reach out to:

    59 min
  7. 11/21/2023

    14. The ONE Thing You Need to Do to Find a Veterinary Career of Your Dreams

    Have you ever wondered why some vets seem to go on to have exciting and diverse careers, and yet you’ve yet to discover one for yourself? It’s almost like they’ve got a secret ingredient, and they’re not sharing it with you. And this secret ingredient could give you the upper hand in your vet career, and create opportunities you NEVER knew existed. What is this secret ingredient? In today’s episode, you’re going to find out. - In this episode you’ll learn: What the secret ingredient is.Why it will create opportunities in your veterinary career you never knew existed.How to use it in a way that maximises the benefit to you. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Participate in an Existing Network. Whether your dream career is becoming a clinic manager or a conservationist, chances are, there will be physical and virtual networks that already exist that you can get involved in. Participating in existing networks allows you to explore career options with people who are ALREADY living and breathing it.  It is also an environment with less pressure than a job interview, so you’ll probably find people are more honest about the pros and cons of a company or industry than they might be in more formal situations. The best way to explore future career possibilities is with a curious and open mindset.  Find out where people who are interested in the same career opportunities as you hang out. Are there online forums you could contribute to, speaker events you could attend or experts you could follow on LinkedIn?  Once you start being proactive and taking action you will find that one thing leads to another and in a relatively short space of time you can make a lot of progress in building a network of people who will help you with future roles. The best advice I can give within these networks is to offer to help someone in an area that interests you. Networking is just people helping people, and so the more people you seek to help, the more opportunities you will be creating for yourself. So this week, Participate in an Existing Network. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or reach out to:

    11 min
  8. 10/17/2023

    13. How to Avoid Letting Finance Hold You Back in Your Veterinary Career. (with Meredith Jones)

    You’re a vet. And you’re considering making a changes in your career, but finances are holding you back. You would far rather be doing another role that is meaningful to you and doesn’t drain you of energy, but the truth is, your vet job is paying you comfortably. Maybe not as much as you think you deserve, but you can survive on it. And you might even have people who rely on your income too. How can you even consider a career change, when you’ve got bills to pay? No one’s paying you to retrain and you can’t cut your hours in half to pursue other options on the side. How can you avoid letting finances hold you back in your veterinary career? In this episode, you’re going to find out how. - Our guest this week: Meredith Jones (Veterinarian turned Financial Planner) Meredith is a qualified veterinarian, who has worked as an ER vet for over 12 years and had the same problems with finances as you. She’s now turned that problem into a solution, working as a financial planner and certified student loan professional, helping other vets achieve their financial goals. She started the Debt-Free Vets Facebook group, is the co-founder of the Veterinary Financial Summit and hosts the Veterinary Financial Podcast. - In this episode you’ll learn: Why you need a mindset shift to avoid letting finances get in the way of making a career change.What tools you can use to explore other options while still holding on to some of your veterinary income in the short-term.The surprising thing you’ll learn from doing a cash flow or budget. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Complete a Cash Flow. Do a cash flow or budget to figure out exactly how tight your finances are, where your money is, and how much money you have in savings. If you'd like a template for a Cashflow, contact: - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - You can email Meredith: or visit: - JOIN the Next Step Vet community:  Learn more at: Or reach out to:

    26 min


Are you lost as to what to do next in your veterinary career? You’ve been a vet for a number of years and have reached a stage in your career where you know you’re not satisfied and you need change. But you feel financially trapped, and you're probably unaware of other career options, especially close to where you live. Where on earth do you even start? I'm here to help. My name is Steve Oehley and I'm someone just like you. I'm a veterinarian who struggled in my own career. Changing jobs multiple times, but no matter where I went I found myself unhappy. I noticed something - so many vets are unhappy in their career. How do you find meaningful work while still paying the bills? I signed up to life coaching, got career advice, and now have found a healthy balance between clinical vet work, podcasting and career coaching. I've designed a career that works for me. And now I'm going to help you do the same. I discuss my own experiences with career dissatisfaction and burnout as a veterinarian, and offers guidance and strategies for finding more fulfilling work within the field. This podcast aims to provide a realistic and achievable framework for veterinarians to take the next steps in their careers and to design a career that works for them. Based on principles of life coaching, the best career advisors in the world, and vets that have already taken the leap. This is Next Step Vet. Join us on our journey to a more enjoyable life.

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