Toure Show

Touré talks to successful people to find out how they became successful and to see what they know that can help you on your journey. Check out NEW episodes every Wednesday and Throwback episodes on Sundays. Visit our website at
3월 5일
Thank you for all your wonderful conversations and thank you for introducing me to uncuffed.
Such a good listen
1월 1일
Great conversation.
inteligent discourse
2024. 05. 20.
the KL vs Drake episode is my absoulute fave. I heard Toure on another podcast... and I had to come and find the extended version because I knew it went way deeper. I try to always think critically. I so appreciate the deep dive and the unpacking.
2024. 11. 08.
Touré is a great interviewer with people who he sees himself similar to, especially if they’re Black men. Those are the interviews that he really SEES who the other is and asks really great questions. But the most recent interview with Durand Bernar continually circling back to his sexuality like a sheltered adolescent who’d never met a queer man was exhausting. I observed a similar interview style when he talks to women. Sadly, it stays superficial. He’s been in the game too long to be this selectively shallow.
- 채널
- 제작진DCP Entertainment
- 방송 연도2017년 - 2025년
- 에피소드722
- 등급무삭제판
- 저작권© DCP Entertainment
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