November 19, 2024 Eden City Council Meeting

Politics/News - Rockingham County, NC

November 19, 2024 Eden City Council Meeting


1. Meeting called to order by: Neville Hall, Mayor

2. Invocation: Pastor Jackie Valentine, Ambassadors for Christ Ministries

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Daniel Greig, U.S. Navy Veteran and Commander of American Legion Post 254

4. Recognitions:

a. 2024 Special Event Sponsors, Volunteers & Staff. Cindy Adams, Marketing & Special Events Manager

5. Roll Call

6. Set Meeting Agenda

7. Public Hearings:

a. (1) Consideration of a zoning map amendment and adoption of an ordinance to rezone 0.42 acres at 403 Morgan Road from Residential 12 to Neighborhood Mixed Use - Zoning Case Z-24-05. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

(2) Consideration of a resolution adopting a statement of consistency regarding the proposed map amendment in Z-24-05. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

b. Consideration to adopt an ordinance annexing the property located at 773 Summit Loop (continued from the 10-15-24 regular meeting). Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

8. Requests and Petitions of Citizens

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business:

a. Consideration to appoint a replacement of a Firefighters’ Relief Fund member. Chris White, Fire Chief

11. Reports from Staff:

a. City Manager’s Report. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager

b. Boards & Commissions Appointments. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

12. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval and adoption of the October 15 regular meeting minutes. Deanna Hunt, City Clerk

b. Approval and adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Utilities), Article II of the Code of Ordinances. Melinda Ward, Utilities Manager

c. Approval and adoption of a Third Amendment to the Waste Management Agreement. Dusty Curry, Operations Superintendent; Tammie McMichael, Director of Finance & Personnel

d. Approval to purchase 10.22 acres in the Bear Slide area for sewer maintenance purposes, storm drainage access, siphon access and greenway extension. Erin Gilley, City Attorney; Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

e. Approval and adoption of Policies, Plans, Resolutions and Ordinances for the Leaksville CDBG – Neighborhood Revitalization project. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

f. Approval and adoption to renew an agreement with the Eden ABC Board for law enforcement in the City of Eden. Erin Gilley, City Attorney; Paul Moore, Police Chief

13. Announcements

14. Adjournment









