Obstacle Racing Media Podcast

Hosted by Matt B. Davis, Obstacle Racing Media is the longest running, most consistent, podcast in OCR. ORM brings weekly episodes with athletes, race directors, industry insiders, and surprise guests. The Obstacle racing community has come to rely on Matt's interviews, insight, and humor as a regular part of their week.
Best all encompassing OCR Media Podcast
Matt and Dave are great! I'm a big supporter of the sport. Lots of good information on everything obstacle course racing, whether it's obstacles, hybrid, long endurance ultras, etc... Lots of interviews with some of the biggest athletes, operators, trainers, and brands in the sport. Good humor and a light-hearted conversations are enjoyable and entertaining. Dedicated content with 2 sometimes 3 podcasts a week.
Like the OCR talk, hate the potty mouth and blasphemy
Keep your kids away from this one. Matt has a potty mouth and his taking God’s name (like he did on the episode on Tough Mudder in I think Saudi Arabia) in vain is really not ok.
Not an Obstacle Racing Podcast
Little to do with OCR. Mostly unedited ramblings of a man who once did an obstacle race or two and now pays his bills podcasting.
Not clean
Not good for a family podcast
Awesome podcast
Just started listening last December so far a five star podcast and listening to all the obstacle great races it’s like a insider keep up the great job
OCR podcast or a wrestling podcast? You decide.
It’s hard to believe that’s such an unprofessional podcast can earn someone a living!The only thing this podcast has going for it anymore is Ugly Dave. Dave is consistently having to keep Matt on track and has to steer him back to relevant OCR and hybrid racing topics. When you talk more about wrestling then OCR you shouldn’t call yourself an OCR podcast. Constant unedited interruptions and Matt had to be reminded near the end of his latest episode that spartan race had the second race of their national series this upcoming weekend because he was too busy talking about wrestling. When you can remember who won the wrestling matches 15 years ago but you can’t remember who won the first race of the spartan national series this year it may be time to get out of the obstacle course racing game. Matt’s heart obviously isn’t in it anymore, it’s just a source of revenue now.
Dave steadies the ship
Overall a good podcast, but if you’re looking for strictly OCR content you may want to look somewhere else. Lots of talk of wrestling and other non-OCR topics. Some podcasts contain very little OCR content. The podcast has greatly improved since Dave has joined. Dave keeps it from being 3 stars.
It’s Pod-tastic!
I love listening to this podcast dedicated to the elite sport of obstacle course racing! It’s really a wonderful source for OCR news and information, and you don’t have to worry about listening to it with the kids around. Will is a great host and runs a top notch program. Well done.
Josh Chase - Ignorant, uninformed, pompous a-hole
Pick a different cohost and get Josh off your platform. Josh has attacked multiple people on podcasts, and social media including top Spartan pro team & OCR athletes. Talking amongst the community the consensus is the same, Josh Chase does not belong in OCR. He calls himself an OCR “elitist” and bashes anybody who is not elite on their efforts, accomplishments and personal beliefs. OCR is a community driven on camaraderie and lifting each other up, Josh does the opposite of this by bringing his holier than thou attitude to every conversation/interaction he has. Ask anybody in the OCR community. He searches social media to prey on women for their beliefs and be a keyboard warrior. An absolute coward move. I know multiple people who do not listen to this podcast anymore because Josh Chase is affiliated with it. Matt B. Davis and other co-hosts do an amazing job of coverage and encouraging a positive community. I have been a fan of ORM since the early days, but bringing Josh Chase onto this platform was the wrong choice and I encourage Matt to make a change ASAP.
Absolutely horrible.
I used to enjoy listening to this podcast, but grew tired of the poor production quality and declining professionalism. Well, after tuning in for the first time in about a year... it’s gotten worse. These episodes are now just rambling nonsense. Save yourself the time and listen to anything else.
- 创作者Matt B. Davis
- 活跃年份2013年 - 2025年
- 单集990
- 分级儿童不宜
- 版权© Obstacle Racing Media
- 节目网站