Ohio V. The World

Evergreen Podcasts
Ohio V. The World

An American History podcast, hosted by Alex Hastie.

  1. 12/03/2024

    Public Enemies: the FBI Strikes Back (Part 2)

    Episode 11: "Ohio v. Crime" (Part 2): the FBI Strikes Back. Alex concludes Season 8 with a bang, literally. The bullets are flying as the J. Edgar Hoover's FBI is shooting to kill public enemies one by one. We pick up the story in the summer of 1934 as John Dillinger, Public Enemy #1 is shot down in Chicago by the famous FBI agent Melvin Purvis and the tide begins to turn against the gangsters in the FBI's War On Crime. Alex is joined again by author John Oller, himself a graduate of The Ohio State University, to discuss his new excellent book Gangster Hunters. So many of the important event of this era taking place in the Buckeye State. Oller shares the forgotten stories of Public Enemy #1 Alvin Karpis and two FBI agents at the center of bringing down Karpis and Bonnie & Clyde. Buy Gangster Hunters here. https://www.amazon.com/Gangster-Hunters-Vanquished-Americas-Deadliest/dp/0593471369 We're also joined by Paula Schleis, long time Ohio journalist and host of the popular podcast Ohio Mysteries. Paula shares the story of another Public Enemy #1, Pretty Boy Floyd and how so much of his infamous life of crime would take place in Ohio. Paula takes us through the Floyd's death at the hands of Melvin Purvis and Ohio law enforcement officers. Paula's great show Ohio Mysteries is also on the Evergreen Podcast Network, listen to her 600+ episodes here or anywhere you get your podcasts. https://ohiomysteries.com/ Thanks so much for listening in 2024! We'll be back in 2025 for Season 9 of Ohio v. the World. Contact Alex and the show at ohiovtheworld@gmail.com or on the podcasts' Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. Check out the Evergreen Podcast Network for Ohio v. the World and hundreds of other great podcasts www.evergreenpodcasts.com. Email or message us to buy an Ohio v. the World t-shirt for $20 free shipping. Happy holidays, Ohioans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    56 min
  2. 11/26/2024

    Public Enemies: The Rise of the Gangsters (Part 1)

    Episode 11: "Ohio v. Crime" (Part One): The Rise of the Gangsters. In Part 1 of the Season 8 finale, Alex goes to back to the 1930s and the War on Crime. At the height of the Depression, a new breed of violent criminal roams the country. Armed with Tommy Guns and fast getaway cars, criminals like John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, etc. shoot and rob their way across the Midwest and Ohio, in particular. Alex is joined by author John Oller, himself a graduate of The Ohio State University, to discuss his new excellent book Gangster Hunters, out today. Buy Gangster Hunters here. https://www.amazon.com/Gangster-Hunters-Vanquished-Americas-Deadliest/dp/0593471369 John takes us through the birth of the FBI and its hard-charging Director, J. Edgar Hoover. But the sleepy Bureau faces the threat of a violent crime wave the likes of which the nation had never scene. With tragic events like the Kansas City Massacre, Dillinger's numerous escapes and the blunder of Melvin Purvis and his agents at Little Bohemia, it appears that the criminals have the upper hand over the G-Men. We're also joined by Paula Schleis, long time Ohio journalist and host of the popular podcast Ohio Mysteries. Paula shares the stories of Pretty Boy Floyd and John Dillinger as both got their start in bank robbing in the Buckeye State. From rum running along the Ohio River to their first robberies taking place in Ohio, Floyd and Dillinger would become two of the most infamous criminals in US history. Paula's great show Ohio Mysteries is also on the Evergreen Podcast Network, listen to her 600+ episodes here or anywhere you get your podcasts. https://ohiomysteries.com/ We will be back next Tuesday with Part 2 of the Season 8 finale, thank you so much for listening this year and Go Bucks! Contact Alex and the show at ohiovtheworld@gmail.com or on the podcasts' Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. Check out the Evergreen Podcast Network for Ohio v. the World and hundreds of other great podcasts www.evergreenpodcasts.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    56 min
  3. 11/05/2024

    Presidential Medical Secrets and the Real 1st Female President

    It's Election Day and we're back with another presidential episode "Ohio v. the 25th Amendment." We look at two major presidential health emergencies that were covered up prior to the 25th Amendment and the history of presidential infirmity. First is the story of Woodrow Wilson's massive stroke in the fall of 1919 and how the 1st lady, Edith Wilson, became the first female president. And we look at a secret presidential surgery at sea for Grover Cleveland's cancer. Alex is joined by author William Hazelgrove to discuss his book Madam President (2016) about Edith Wilson, our 1st woman president. We analyze their quick courtship and Wilson reaching the heights of global popularity following WWI. The political battle at home over the League of Nations leads Wilson to a cross-country whistle stop tour that ends in a massive stroke. We cover the little-known history surrounding Edith Wilson taking over the executive branch in her husband's absence and the lengths she went to coverup the extent of his illness. Our second story covers Grover Cleveland's emergency surgery at sea for cancer during his second term. Author Annette Dunlap rejoins the program to discuss Cleveland's health scare and the celebrity status of his wife Frances Folsom Cleveland. Link below to Dunlap's Frances Cleveland biography Frank: America's Youngest First Lady (2009). Friend of the pod, Bruce Carlson discusses how Grover Cleveland became the only two, non-consecutive term President in US history (at the time of this recording). Check out Bruce's excellent political history podcast My History Can Beat Up Your Politics (link below). City of Buffalo Historian, Lindsey Lauren Visser rejoins the show to outline the coverup of Cleveland's cancer and the surgery to remove it aboard the Oneida, a yacht in the summer of 1893. Lindsey shares the dangers of the surgery and how the intricate coverup comes unraveled. But Cleveland's teams efforts to discredit the journalist EJ Edwards who broke the story led to the writer's career being ruined. Contact Alex and the show at ohiovtheworld@gmail.com or on the podcasts' Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. Check out the Evergreen Podcast Network for Ohio v. the World and hundreds of other great podcasts www.evergreenpodcasts.com. See you on 11/26/24 for Ohio v. the World's Season 8 finale. Go Vote! Historian Lindsey Lauren Visser homepage: https://lindseylaurenvisser.com/ Listen to My History Can Beat Up Your Politics here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-history-can-beat-up-your-politics/id169078375 Buy Madam President by William Hazelgrove here https://www.amazon.com/Madam-President-Secret-Presidency-Wilson/dp/162157475X Buy Frank by Annette Dunlap here https://www.amazon.com/Frank-Cleveland-Americas-Youngest-Excelsior-ebook/dp/B007QWEEXE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1h 22m
  4. 10/29/2024

    The "Other" Assassinations: The Political Murders of Presidents Garfield and McKinley

    Four American Presidents have been assassinated in office. Two of them are among the most infamous moments in US history, the Lincoln and JFK assassinations. The "other" two assassinated Presidents were both from the Buckeye State: William McKinley and James Garfield. Unfortunately, the events of this campaign season have brought presidential assassinations back into the news. Alex looks at the extraordinary events surrounding James Garfield's killing in 1881 and McKinley's assassination 20 years later in 1901. We talk with 6 different leading experts on both presidents in new interviews and re-edited interviews from our original McKinley and Garfield episodes from 2020. We visit with the city historian for Buffalo, NY, Lindsey Lauren Visser, about the death of our 25th president, Canton, Ohio's own William McKinley. McKinley was shot at the Pan American Exhibition in Buffalo by a deranged anarchist, Leon Czolgosz. Czolgosz's journey to political murder begins as a factory worker in Cleveland, Ohio who is radicalized following the Panic of 1893 to an ardent anarchist, a popular subculture at the turn of the century. We also revisit conversations with Anthony Greco, the Director of Exhibits at the Buffalo History Museum and the host of the excellent Buffalo History Museum Podcast. Link below for that show and give a listen to their 3 part episode on the McKinley assassination. We also talk to University of Akron history professor Kevin Kern and excellent biographer Robert Merry buy his book President McKinley: Architect of the American Century with link below. The "other" assassination is the killing of Mentor, Ohio's James A. Garfield the 20th President of the United States. Garfield was shot by a mentally ill office seeker at a DC train station in the Summer of 1881. His shooting by Charles Guiteau is just the start of the story as Garfield lives for 80 days after the shooting. His terrible and negligent medical care was the cause of his slow, painful death. We replay our great interview with our favorite current historian, Candice Millard, and her excellent 2012 book Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President (2012). Buy this book! Link below as well. We also talked to the former Site Manager of the James A. Garfield National Historic Site, Todd Arrington. Also, check out Todd's book The Last Lincoln Republican: The Presidential Election of 1880 on President Garfield's unlikely election victory. Contact Alex and the show at ohiovtheworld@gmail.com or on the podcasts' Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. Check out the Evergreen Podcast Network for Ohio v. the World and hundreds of other great podcasts www.evergreenpodcasts.com. Historian Lindsey Lauren Visser homepage: https://lindseylaurenvisser.com/ Listen to the Buffalo History Museum Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-buffalo-history-museum-podcast/id1532344009 Buy Robert Merry's President McKinley: Architect of the American Century here: https://www.amazon.com/President-McKinley-Architect-American-Century/dp/1451625448 Buy Candice Millar's award-winning book Destiny of the Republic HERE! https://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Republic-Madness-Medicine-President/dp/0385526261/ Check out Todd Arrington's 2020 book The Last Lincoln Republic. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Lincoln-Republican-Presidential-Elections-ebook/dp/B08P3WBWD8/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1h 21m
  5. 10/22/2024

    Ohio's Last VP: Nobel Prize Winner, #1 Hit Songwriter, Gen. Charles Dawes

    Our Presidential mini-season is back for 2024! We start with a bio episode on Ohio's last Vice President, General Charles G. Dawes (1925-1929), Calvin Coolidge's running mate from Marietta, Ohio. With JD Vance on the Republican ticket, Ohio may be seeing their first VEEP in 100 years. Charles Dawes is completely lost to history despite being a Nobel Peace Prize winner, writer of a #1 pop song, WWI General and a popular Vice President. Alex sits down with author Annette Dunlap to discuss her excellent biography, Charles G. Dawes: A Life, (2016) of the former VP. Her great book is the only Dawes biography we could find in the last 90 years. Annette takes us through his family history from the Mayflower to the American Revolution and the Civil War to his youth in Marietta and Cincinnati, Ohio. Annette discusses, Dawes first foray into politics helping to run William McKinley's successful 1896 presidential campaign to his time as an important general in WWI for the American Expeditionary Force. Bruce Carlson joins the show to discuss Dawes' time in Nebraska, in politics and the Dawes Plan to ease the global crisis surrounding Germany's WWI reparations. Carlson the host of the My History Can Beat Up Your Politics podcast and the Vices podcast talks to us about Dawes' years as Vice President and his rocky relationship with his running mate Calvin Coolidge. We discuss his 1925 Nobel Peace Prize and how did a former Vice President write a #1 pop music hit? Buy Annette's book here https://www.amazon.com/dp/0810134195 Check out Bruce's Vices podcast on America's Vice Presidents https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/vice-presidents-of-the-united-states-podcast/id1440240504 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1h 12m
  6. 07/02/2024

    Ohio and Cancel Culture: A Long History

    Episode 6: "Ohio v. Cancel Culture". Seems like everyone is getting cancelled these days from celebrities to political figures, Alex examines five historical examples of cancelled Ohioans to show cancel culture is not just a thing of the present. We sit down to tell 5 stories from the 18th, 19th and 20th Century Ohio that could just as easily been ripped from today's headlines. Alex talks with friend and host of the great podcast Whiskey Business, Dino Tripodis, about the famous oddsmaker and TV personality Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder of Steubenville, Ohio. We follow Jimmy the Greek's improbable rise to stardom and his sudden fall from grace following a racist outburst in 1988. Check out Dino and his show Whiskey Business, also part of the Evergreen Podcast Network, here. www.whiskeybusinesspod.com We head back to the 18th Century with Ohio author and historian, Kevin Kern, to discuss the cancellation of the first Governor of the Northwest Territory, Arthur St. Clair. Kern, author and Univ. of Akron history professor, talks about the St. Clair's notorious military career and defeat in the Northwestern Indian War and his dictatorial reign as governor of the Ohio Territory in the late 18th and early 19th Century. We follow St. Clair's career in the Midwest until he's removed from power and cancelled by the Jefferson Administration. Click link to buy Kevin and Gregory Wilson's great book on Ohio history, Ohio: A History of the Buckeye State. https://www.amazon.com/Ohio-History-Kevin-F-Kern/dp/1119708478 Kevin and Mark Wagoner take us through the career of controversial Senator William Allen of Chillicothe, OH. Kevin describes Allen's prominence as one of Ohio's most famous Democrats of the 19th Century, including becoming Governor in his 70s. Mark Wagoner describes the reasons behind removing Allen's statue as one of Ohio's two representatives in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol building and the process by which Allen was permanently replaced in 2016. Kevin rejoins the show to discuss the sex scandal and cancelling of Rep. Wayne Hays in 1976. Kevin and I discuss his affair and coverup with his "secretary" Elizabeth Ray and the Belmont County natives downfall in the public eye in that bicentennial summer. We discuss why Wayne Hays was one of the meanest members of Congress and why nobody was sorry to see him go. In a replay of an old episode from 2018, Alex sits down with author Patricia Miller to discuss her hit new book, Bringing Down the Colonel. Miller tells the story of a sex scandal involving a young Cincinnati college student, Madeline Pollard, and a powerful Congressman, William Breckinridge that would grip the nation's attention in the spring of 1894. The landmark case of Pollard v. Breckinridge is analyzed for its groundbreaking verdict and how this story still resonates today in the mines of the #MeToo Movement. We strongly encourage you to purchase Bringing Down the Colonel: A Sex Scandal of the Gilded Age and the Powerless Woman Who Took On Washington. https://www.amazon.com/Bringing-Down-Colonel-Powerless-Washington/dp/0374252661 Contact Alex and the show at ohiovtheworld@gmail.com or on the podcasts' Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. Check out the Evergreen Podcast Network for Ohio v. the World and hundreds of other great podcasts for any interest here www.evergreenpodcasts.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    1h 35m
  7. 06/11/2024

    Part 2: The Rise and Fall of Pete Rose

    Ep. 5: "Pete Rose v. the World" (PART TWO). Alex examines the fall of baseball's all-time hits leader, Cincinnati's own Pete Rose. This two-part episode follows his rise from obscurity on the Queen City's West Side to 20th Century sports icon and his spectacular fall that leads to his banishment from baseball for gambling. Part Two covers Rose and the Big Red Machine's second championship in 1976 and his chase of Ty Cobb's all-time hits record in 1985 when he returns to Cincinnati as the Player/Manager of the Reds. We're rejoined by New York Times bestselling author Keith O'Brien to discuss his excellent new book Charlie Hustle: the Rise and Fall of Pete Rose and the Last Glory Days of Baseball (2024). Keith walks us through Pete's lifelong addiction to gambling and how it leads to his shocking banishment from baseball in 1989 and even to a short prison sentence. We also discuss how the nationwide legalization of sports gambling could negatively impact the integrity of major American sports. Chris Eckes, Director of Operations/Chief Curator of the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame, rejoins the show to talk about the Big Red Machine, Rose's return to Cincinnati and getting the hits record at Riverfront Stadium. Chris recounts the decision to induct Rose into the Reds Hall of Fame in 2016 and takes us through the museum's history. Link below to visit the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and Museum, located on site at Great American Ball Park. Highly recommend visiting their large museum space next time you're in Downtown Cincinnati. Where to buy Charlie Hustle: https://keithob.com/purchase Visit the Reds HOF & Museum here: https://www.mlb.com/reds/hall-of-fame Contact the show at ohiovtheworld@gmail.com or on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check out the Evergreen Podcast Network for Ohio v. the World and hundreds of other great podcasts here www.evergreenpodcasts.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    55 min
out of 5
169 Ratings


An American History podcast, hosted by Alex Hastie.

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