Olympus Book 1 and 2 Review/Commentary with Co-Host Mike! Olympus Book 1 on Comixology: https://www.comixology.com/Olympus-Vol-1/digital-comic/371199?ref=c2VyaWVzL3ZpZXcvZGVza3RvcC9ncmlkTGlzdC9jb21peG9sb2d5VW5saW1pdGVk Thank you to SPONSOR popuptee.com/ USE PROMO CODE SUNSPOTSCOMICS and get 25% OFF ON YOUR ORDER!!! @popuptee #popuptee www.popuptee.com/ - Theme song Singer Nick Papageorge www.instagram.com/nicholas.dell/and his band Solution www.instagram.com/solution_band/ Check out my Comic Book Zombie Destroyers! - ZD Sample Pages www.sunspotscomics.com/zombie-destroyers Spotlighting - Mention of Spotlighting interview with Comic Book Creators. Be a guest, email me at Chris@sunspotscomics.com Help Support Sunspots Comics: www.sunspotscomics.com/support and Please Give us a short Positive review and 5 Stars on iTunes. Thank you for listening, PLEASE tell a friend. Be like water my friend. Links: - www.sunspotscomics.com/ - www.instagram.com/sunspotscomics/ - www.facebook.com/SunspotsComics/ - www.youtube.com/user/topheelat - www.twitter.com/SunspotsComics - Itunes Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/suns…ics/id994419341 - Soundcloud Podcast: @sunspotscomics #comicbooks #podcast #comicbook #comicbookrecommendations #ntycbd #newtoyoucomicbookday #free #comicbookpodcast #love #geek #nerd #NewComicBookRecommendations #comicbookreviews #superheroes #monsters #podcast #review #recommend #fun #laugh #greekmythology #mythology #medusa #kraken #comicbookcommentary #olympus #zues #fantasy #clashofthetitans #indiecomics #creatorownedcomics #comicbookcommentary
- Show
- PublishedAugust 22, 2020 at 6:32 AM UTC
- Length1h 21m
- RatingClean