On Second Thought
"On Second Thought" is a digital sports debate show hosted by Jerome Bradford and TPN’s own Tramell Jeffers. The show covers a number of topics ranging from trending topics to under-the-radar news, but primarily focuses on basketball and the events pertaining to it during the previous week. "On Second Thought" brings heated group chat debates to life. Nothing is off the table on The World’s Most Uncensored Sports Show.
- 10 episodios
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"On Second Thought" is a digital sports debate show hosted by Jerome Bradford and TPN’s own Tramell Jeffers. The show covers a number of topics ranging from trending topics to under-the-radar news, but primarily focuses on basketball and the events pertaining to it during the previous week. "On Second Thought" brings heated group chat debates to life. Nothing is off the table on The World’s Most Uncensored Sports Show.
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- CreadorFOMO
- Episodios10
- ClasificaciónExplícito
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