Inclusive Activism

The Inclusive Activist
Inclusive Activism

INCLUSIVE ACTIVISM - This is Inclusive Activism Podcast – It comes from the idea love is an action word. We don’t just want to be enlightened to the reality of “ism” we want to DO something about it. To get active in the community and to learn about how to keep our learning ongoing. We never want to stop learning The purpose of the podcast is to learn and explore more with Diversity and Inclusion and how that relates to the concept of personal leadership. We want to learn more about how we can all be as inclusive as possible while also exploring personal leadership and how to be our best selves. I’m your host Rowdy – for all things related to the idea of Inclusion as well as how you can make your team better through the opportunity of inclusive and transformational leadership. This is a place and space for a deep dive into topics that are of concern to this community. Those of us who engage in the work and are staunchly Anti-“ist”

  1. 2022/08/04

    ROSAmerica Interviews Inclusive Activism

    First off – sorry for the delay in this podcast! We have had a few unexpected things pop up on as and we had to react to those problems in real time. So this was posted about 5 days later than we would have hoped. Michelle and I were interviewed by Revealing our Stories America a local nonprofit we are working with to help educators teach REAL history from the lens of the racalized groups who experienced that history. ROSAmerica strives to deliver training and resources to help educators bring these vital stories to the classroom with sensitivity and respect. Including the histories of many voices and perspectives allows students an entry-point into the material because the experiences of their ancestors are shared. They may come to see their teachers as trusted sources of information and education, as a result of this inclusiveness. And when students’ experiences and innate wisdom are valued as part of the American story, they make connections to the material they’re learning in school with civic engagement in society. In this way, students see relevance in learning this history. It becomes their connecting point for living lives of meaning, impact and compassion. ROSAmerica offers professional development programs within a brave space to hold courageous conversations and to train educators to teach their courses through multiple voices and perspectives with sensitivity and respect. Using pedagogy and primary resources, experiences of education innovators, expertise from museum curators, etc., teachers will nurture their students’ curiosity to delve into complex histories and inspire them to shape the future. ROSAmerica is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. And Michelle and I will be working with them to bring greater Justice, Equity, Inclusion and Diversity to a classroom or institution near you! Thanks for listening – if you liked the podcast – share it with someone you care about. And if you want to reach me – email me at or learn more about my/our work at

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  2. 2022/04/30

    On Speciesism

    In today’s podcast, we start to unpack the idea of Speciesism and how social hierarchies hurt not just all living beings but also tacitly endorses the suffering of human beings lower on the social caste. What is Speciesism? Lets go to wikipedia for more! Speciesism (/ˈspiːʃiːˌzɪzəm, -siːˌzɪz-/) is a term used in philosophy regarding the treatment of individuals of different species. The term has several different definitions within the relevant literature.[1] A common element of most definitions is that speciesism involves treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species in the context of their similar interests.[2] Some sources specifically define speciesism as discrimination or unjustified treatment based on an individual’s species membership,[3][4][5] while other sources define it as differential treatment without regard to whether the treatment is justified or not.[6][7] Richard Ryder, who coined the term, defined it as “a prejudice or attitude of bias in favour of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species.”[8] Speciesism results in the belief that humans have the right to use non-human animals, which scholars say is so pervasive in the modern society.[9][10][11] Studies increasingly suggest that people who support animal exploitation also tend to endorse racist, sexist, and other prejudicial views, which furthers the beliefs in human supremacy and group dominance to justify systems of inequality and oppression.[10][11][12][13][14] Some philosophers have argued that there is a normative relationship between speciesism and other prejudices such as racism, sexism, homophobia and so forth.[3][13]a href="

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  3. 2022/02/28

    Men and Masculinity with Martin X Henson

    Welcome to March’s Podcast and for this month we have a guest – a rare occurrence indeed. Martin X Henson is part of the BMEN project and he joins inclusive activism today! A bit about Martin X Henson – Martin has spent the last ten years advocating for Black lives, addressing the systemic issues that affect Black and marginalized groups through both conventional and unconventional avenues. Using his background as a mental health counselor, Martin is able to add nuance and clarity to the way we support the livelihood of Black people. Through seminars, community events, rallies, and curriculum development, Martin has worked with thousands of people around prison abolition, the fight against white supremacy, and lifting up Black communities. Martin has worked extensively with the Black Lives Matter Boston chapter, and is also a restorative justice coach working with various institutions in and around Boston. In 2017, a viral tweet pushed the #MeToo movement to the foreground of our national discourse. While men are often positioned as perpetrators, it also became clear that Black men who are victims of sexual assault had very few places to turn for support. Through exploring the way that Black men experienced and navigated harm, Martin found that there were many layers to the experience of Black men that were not being addressed. The Black Men Engagement Network (BMEN) started with the idea of exploring healthy ways to respond to sexual harm, and it expanded to encompass the unique and Black male experience. BMEN brings together Black men from all backgrounds to discuss often taboo topics in the Black community, including but not limited to: mental health, healthy masculinity, identity, sexuality, homophobia and sexual assault. For the past few years, BMEN has partnered with the Transgender Emergency Fund to connect Black men and Transgender women of color. By opening a dialogue, each individual can walk away with a deeper awareness of the issues preventing open coexistence and a new understanding of the experience of each other’s community.

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  4. 2022/01/01

    Gratitude as Precursor to Abundance – For All

    Todays Podcast is really unpacking Gratitude and Abundance. We will look at many different ways we can start to define Gratitude – 10 different definitions in fact. Then we start to better understand what Gratitude and invoke within us – Catharsis and Reciprocity. We see how Gratitude can begin to rewire our brains and help us with 9 wonderful amazing outcomes. We then unlock 4 Gratitude Practices what will help us strengthen our Gratitude – Journaling, Expressing, Celebrating Small Wins, And Meditation. Once we really can get our arms around – Gratitude we being to attract Abundance! We then look at 10 ways we can better see and develop our Abundance Mindset (BTW two are really practicing Gratitude!) Doing these things creates a world were we can better advocate and stand up for others as we see and believe there is plenty for all of us – by giving away the abundance we have to others. Then they can pass it along to others and we are more likely to again experience it again ourselves! If this podcast was a boon or blessing to you please rate and review on Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon, Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts to make this much more findable in the future. Also if this was helpful or enlightening please share this with someone who needs to know this valuable information. And as always if you want to reach out please email me at or see what I am up to at

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INCLUSIVE ACTIVISM - This is Inclusive Activism Podcast – It comes from the idea love is an action word. We don’t just want to be enlightened to the reality of “ism” we want to DO something about it. To get active in the community and to learn about how to keep our learning ongoing. We never want to stop learning The purpose of the podcast is to learn and explore more with Diversity and Inclusion and how that relates to the concept of personal leadership. We want to learn more about how we can all be as inclusive as possible while also exploring personal leadership and how to be our best selves. I’m your host Rowdy – for all things related to the idea of Inclusion as well as how you can make your team better through the opportunity of inclusive and transformational leadership. This is a place and space for a deep dive into topics that are of concern to this community. Those of us who engage in the work and are staunchly Anti-“ist”








