One Heart One Mind

Thomas McConkie
One Heart One Mind

What gifts can contemplative spirituality offer to a world that is crying out for a greater Love and Freedom? Animated by a vision of interspiritual dialogue, meditation teacher Thomas McConkie searches Christianity and the world’s Wisdom traditions for gems and insights into awakening, transformation, and the soul’s journey Home. One Heart One Mind is both a podcast and sacred space where you can come to rest, deepen your connection with the Divine, and let your heart be as big as it actually is. One Heart One Mind is a proud member of the Faith Matters Podcast Network. Learn more at

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582개의 평가


What gifts can contemplative spirituality offer to a world that is crying out for a greater Love and Freedom? Animated by a vision of interspiritual dialogue, meditation teacher Thomas McConkie searches Christianity and the world’s Wisdom traditions for gems and insights into awakening, transformation, and the soul’s journey Home. One Heart One Mind is both a podcast and sacred space where you can come to rest, deepen your connection with the Divine, and let your heart be as big as it actually is. One Heart One Mind is a proud member of the Faith Matters Podcast Network. Learn more at

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