the Tony Funderburk FunderCast

Tony Funderburk
the Tony Funderburk FunderCast

Tony Funderburk shares the power of God's love in each podcast episode. He’s the author and publisher of dozens of books for adults and kids. And he's a songwriter with hundreds of songs to his credit. Get some free songs, a book for kids, and more good stuff when you subscribe to the FunderFlash Journaland focus on faith, hope, and love with me.

  1. 2天前

    X marks the spot where I got this thought

    X marks the spot where I read what a homeschool mom said about the idea that homeschooled kids don’t get enough social interaction. She said: Homeschooled kids: * leave their homes, * talk to people, * read books, * play sports, * go to dances, * play instruments, * debate, * create art, * work jobs, * drive cars, * build things, * perform science experiments, and * grow up to live in the real world. And then she finished with this tongue-in-cheek remark: “It’s almost as if they don’t need the public school system at all.” And I said X marks the spot because I read all that on In case you don’t know about that social channel (and it almost seems impossible that you wouldn’t) it used to be Twitter. But Elon Musk bought it. And he likes all his businesses to have some sort of connection to the letter X. Whatever. Anyway… Just imagine. A kid stays home to learn the three R’s from mom and dad, but he can still talk to other people. Wow, that’s explosive news. But that ain’t all. Learning at home also doesn’t stop kids from reading books or drawing and painting. And that woman expects us to believe those same kids can also learn to play musical instruments and even debate?! Plus, those socially deprived kids drive cars, build things, and grow up in and go out into the real world. I can ONLY imagine how difficult it must be for them to order off a burger joint’s menu. Because that’s gonna require skills they surely missed out on in those dastardly home schools. Yeesh. Look. If you’re a kid, and your mom and/or your dad are your teachers, you’re one of the luckiest kids in the whole, wide world. Because you get to learn from people who actually LOVE you and want you live up to the potential God put in you. And speaking of Him, here’s what I recommend… Start learning about the one, living Lord. Put knowledge inside your head, And when you read something He has to say, Go back and read what you read. As you get older you’ll see what I mean… Go add and subtract and spell. Then learn all about the one, living Lord. He made you and loves you well. Plus, He died on a “cross.” And that X marks the spot where Grace was paid for, forever. Your email address is all it takes to get encouraging, regular issues of my FunderFlash Journal. It comes directly to your inbox so you spend your valuable time reading instead of searching. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my Christian books for kids and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy. Stay tuned,

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  2. 2月25日

    Out there everyday so stay in the Way

    There are lots of bad guys (and that includes the female part of “guys” too) out there everyday. You can’t swing a metal jump rope without hittin’ at least one. In fact, I could tell you a story, three stories in fact, that happened one after another on three consecutive nights way back in the 20th century. Well, I’ll just share the short version of the first one. I was beaten by a motorcycle gang. Yep. True story. A group of them arrived at a place where I worked, and I had been advised to let them know they wouldn’t be allowed in. The establishment had a dress code. And, as you might imagine, the bikers didn’t come close to meeting the standard. They didn’t like being told to leave. And they started to, let’s say, “raise some cane.” One thing led to another, and I found myself locked outside with no other workmates. And the biker dudes threw me on the hood of a VW and commenced to pound the daylights out of me. I knew I couldn’t take them on, so I just rolled onto my belly and protected my face and head as much as possible. After what felt like too long, I heard sirens, and they hopped on their hawgs and took off. Workers opened the front door after hearing the sirens and motorcycle engines. And they found me lying on the sidewalk. Of course, the management saw the huge swollen spots on my face and rushed me to a nearby hospital to be checked out. Fortunately I ended up with only minor cuts, bruises, and a concussion. That was just the first night. Remind me to tell you what happened the next two nights. But bad stuff ain’t all. There’s something else out there everyday, too. The Way to be alert and aware. The Way to be prepared to avoid all, or at least most, of the baddies out there everyday. And the Way to get wiser and not just smarter. Since too many good guys don’t have a clue how to properly handle bad guys, it’s a good idea for YOU to learn how to discern. And that’s just a fancy word that means figger some things out. But never worry. Never fear. Because, as I said, your Way is here. Or at least the Way is a close as your bookshelf, table, or even your phone. That’s where I go when I need or want to know more about how to handle bad guy stuff. Here’s how it works: When you wear the full armor of God, You’ll be ready when the enemies attack. You can’t see ’em, but beware, they are out there everywhere. But with God’s help you can always fight them back. Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my books and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy. Then, I’ll do my best to encourage you to sing a new song with the power of God’s love. Stay tuned,

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  3. 2月21日

    BB gun wasn’t fun when the exploring was done

    Maybe you think of “A Christmas Story” when I share the term, BB gun. Or maybe you remember wanting one yourself once upon a time. Hopefully you’re not a scaredy cat who’s triggered (pun definitely intended) by any use of the word gun. Whatever you think of, I’ve got a funny story about a goofy BB gun. Once or twice upon a time Dad brought home a pellet rifle, he’d found during his workday, and gave it to my younger brother and me. OK, you probably think, “Tony, you’re supposed to be telling a BB gun story. What’s that got to do with a pellet rifle?” Gosh, aren’t you the little detective? Sure, I know the two guns aren’t the same. But they are the same KIND. Because they both use air to fire off the ammo. Anyway… Dad had to work on the little rifle’s pump and trigger to get it to work well enough to use. And he did a great job because the gun worked just right after he finished. He even bought us a box of pellets. And we had some target practice for a few days till the pellets ran out. Then, my brother and I took a quick bike trip to the sporting goods store nearby to get some more. But we discovered something extremely important. BB’s were a lot cheaper than pellets. And we figured since an air rifle can shoot either one, we’d go for the BB’s. And the only problem would be how to aim and shoot. As long as we aimed at something straight across or up no problem. But we couldn’t shoot at anything that was down. Because, after loading a single BB in the barrel, it would just roll back out if it was pointed down. Kinda silly. Right? Yeah, but hey. We saved who knows how many pennies by buying BB’s. So, it was totally worth it. And for a lot of the shooting we did, we could make do. One time, during a bike and hike journey into the wilderness, we took the BB gun to get some practice shooting at bugs and limbs and other stuff. The wilderness was just some land that followed the path of a bayou down in South Texas. We had plenty of BB’s. And a couple of our buddies came with us. We all had a blast. And we were probably out there for a few hours. But, as young boys often do, we all got hungry and knew it was time to go home. My brother discovered his bike had a flat. I told him I’d watch it for him, after one of our friends offered to give him a ride home to get a tire patching kit. So, he jumped on the bike with his buddy and they rode across the trail. When they were about 75 yards away, I got a crazy notion to just aim the BB gun in the air and shoot in their direction. In my young mind of mush I had pictured the BB landing in the dirt somewhere just to spook ’em. But wouldn’t you know? (I sure wouldn’t.) The BB fell out of the air and hit my brother on his neck. It wasn’t flying fast enough to break his skin. But I know it stung. Because he flew off the bike, turned around and saw me, and started running back at me yelling bloody murder. If you were ever an older brother, or if you’re one now, you know how hard it would be to not laugh. Darn near impossible. But if you were ever the younger brother, or you’re one now, you can probably remember the frustration (and pain) of dealing with an older, bigger brother. Ah, good times. OK, the morals of this story are: * Don’t turn a pellet rifle into a BB gun * Make sure you have a bike tire patch kit, especially if you’re a younger brother * Never fire any kind of gun in the direction of someone you don’t intend to hurt * Make sure your loved ones know you love them (because crazy things happen in life) Well, there you go. An epic story of adventure from back when epic stories of adventure happened daily. Hope you enjoyed it. If you say no,

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  4. 2月20日

    Leadership skills that true love instills

    Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask you this? Do you think that’s happening in America these days? I don’t. At least not as a rule. Only as the exception. The general rule has turned to females in charge of little boys. And a majority of those little boys have turned into pasty-faced, video-playing mama’s boys who act way too feminine. And that brings me back to why a boy needs to develop leadership skills? Well, here’s some reasoning I read in a bullet list somewhere online. It said, “Boys who are taught to lead with integrity and respect can become leaders in their communities, workplaces, and families, promoting positive change and setting examples for others.” Yeah, OK. Nothing particularly wrong about that. But it uses two overused clichés. “Promoting positive change.” And “setting examples for others.” And I exiled those two phrases to cliché status because they don’t actually say anything. For example, what one person might call “positive change” another person might say is too crazy to even consider. And what kinds of examples should be set for others? Who gets to determine what they should be? I’ll tell you who, here in the FunderSphere, gets to say what positive change is and what kinds of examples should be set. Mister Tony. That’s who. Uh-oh. Did I just put myself in charge of what’s right and wrong? You bet I did. But before you go ballistic, berserk, and bonkers on me for doing something so unthinkable, let me use some of my hard-earned leadership skills and ‘splain it just a step or two further. Because no one is good but God. And since that includes me, I look for real truth. I found real Truth when I was only 13. And every time I’ve zig-zagged away from that Truth, I knew it was me who moved. Not Truth. So, when I want to share actual, man-building truth with kids (at least the male kids), I go to the Manufacturer’s manual. And I look for the solid answers there that are always right. Always on target. And always based in God’s love for anyone who loves Him. Then, I take those answers I find, in the manual, and I convert them into easy-to-understand nuggets of knowledge and insert them into Christian books for kids, rhymes, songs, and videos. Here’s a short, to-the-point example: There’s a life inside of you, and it comes from God, And He wants you to live and to always enjoy And remember He made you the person you are, Yes, a girl is girl and a boy is a boy. And that ain’t never gonna change no matter how much haters try to change it. Now, take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my books and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy. Then, I’ll do my best to encourage you to sing a new song with the power of God’s love. Stay tuned,

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  5. 2月9日

    Faith over fear makes it bearable here

    Faith over fear. Make that your motto. Your creed. Or the sticky note you put on your computer. Whatever works. Here’s one reason, I found in an article, about why it’s a good idea: Because faith over fear Promotes Positive Action Over Paralysis Hmm…sounds a little psychoanalytical. But here’s the rest of what they said: “Faith encourages proactive behavior and resilience. When people have faith, whether in themselves, others, or in a higher power, they are more likely to take action despite uncertainties. And this can lead to personal growth, innovation, and community building. But fear often leads to inaction or defensive behaviors. And those can stagnate personal and collective progress. Faith inspires one to move forward. But fear might keep one stuck or retreating.” OK. That’s a big nay-nay from over here in FunderWorld. The article also said this about faith over fear: “It Enhances Mental and Emotional Well-being.” Well, I see nothing wrong with doing that. So, how did they illustrate this? “Faith provides a sense of peace, hope, and security. And it can act as a psychological buffer against stress and anxiety. Plus, it comforts in times of uncertainty or hardship. Studies have shown that faith or spiritual beliefs can correlate with better mental health outcomes. And that includes lower levels of depression and anxiety. But fear can contribute to chronic stress, anxiety disorders, and a host of other mental health issues. Because it comes from negative anticipation and worry.” Yeah, that gets a big, fat goose egg on the Tone-O-Meter. So, let’s see how they did with their final reason to choose faith instead of fear: “Faith Fosters Connection and Community: Faith often leads to communal bonds through shared beliefs, rituals, or goals. This can create supportive networks where individuals feel part of something larger than themselves. And that fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support. So, these connections can be invaluable in times of personal or societal crisis. But even though fear can unite people in emergencies it more often isolates individuals. Because fear responses can be individualistic and survival-focused. And that can potentially lead to division rather than unity.” And that completes the NO THANK YOU trifecta. Because not once did any of that information mention God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit. Nope. It was all selfish mankind focus. And it attempted to make it sound inclusive and thoughtful and intelligent. But that kind of thinking makes you foolish. Because here’s the real reason faith over fear is superior. God says it is. In fact, it appears that there are 365 times, in the Bible where God says not to fear. Once for every day of the year. And since He knows, better than you and me, how things work, I have faith in that. Well, your dead-end dreams left you lacking laughter And you lived your life in a smile-free shade. And you found no faith in an ever after, From the floor to rafter Your foundation laid.  © 2015 & 2024 Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you links to 2 songs and 2 books that adults AND kids enjoy right away. Then, I’ll send you flashes of light from the power of God’s love. Stay tuned,

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  6. 2月4日

    Ipecac, a heart attack, and things you just can’t get back

    Ipecac. No, I’m not talking about the story of the headless horseman. I’m talking about syrup. And this ain’t from Aunt Jemima or even Cousin T’s. Ipecac syrup is some kinda tough stuff. In fact, ipecac is what they use in medical situations (poisonings, etc.) to induce vomiting. So, obviously it’s not something your body needs or wants. And yet, would you believe people have used it (and somebody probably is even as you read this) to look good? Well, sort of. One famous example is Karen Carpenter, who died at the prime age of 32. She died of a cardiac arrest at her parent’s house on this day, February 4, back in 1983. And the coroner’s report listed the cause of death as “imbalances associated with anorexia nervosa.” Yeah, Karen used ipecac syrup to vomit so she could lose weight and look slim and good, according to her misguided standards. What a sad story. And a sad loss. Because she was SO talented. In fact, she had one of the purest voices in pop music. Ever. Plus, she could even play drums so well that she was voted best rock drummer of 1975. Go figure. Karen, and her brother Richard, better known as The Carpenters, won Grammy awards for best song and best performance by a pop duo, for We’ve Only Just Begun, in 1971. They won the Grammy for best album of the year again in 1972. And they won the American Music Awards best pop duo in 1975. They were also nominated for lots of other awards. Back when awards weren’t some weird freak show. Yeah, looks can deceive. Because soon after their first awards and successes in 1970 Karen’s self image problems started. And they never really went away until she finally did in 1983. It’s a little bit ironic that someone who appeared to have a heart to help and please others would die from ipecac syrup which destroys the heart muscles. If you’ve never heard Karen sing, do yourself a favor today. Watch her sing “Superstar.” You can see it on YouTube here: Check out what the world lost because of a low self-image problem. And I hope it inspires you to trust in God’s view of you instead of your own. Because once life on Earth is done the next phase is forever. Understanding It isn’t always easy. It isn’t always hard. The choice is yours to play The winning or losing card. It isn’t always visible. It isn’t always hidden. There is a light so beautiful, You’ll think that it’s forbidden. Oh, I believe in understanding, In understanding each other. Sooner or later you’ll find the key, The key to the heart of your brother. It isn’t always peaceful. It isn’t always loud. Sometimes you find yourself alone. Sometimes you’re in a crowd. It isn’t always happy. It isn’t always sad, And with a little understanding… It isn’t always bad. © 1978 Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you links to 2 songs and 2 books that adults AND kids enjoy right away. Then, I’ll send you flashes of light from the faith, hope, and the power of God’s love. Stay tuned,

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  7. 2月3日

    Point finger, say stuff, that shows you don’t know enough

    Here’s the three-step process a hypocrite uses to become one. Point finger. Say stuff. Play the sound of their own voice back in their head. Now. Who’s ready to start with step one? Point finger. Hmm. I see no hands raised. And, as Martha Steward used to say, that’s a good thing. Because I know you’re like me. We’ve all certainly done things, in this life, we’re not proud of (or as the school teachers from the olden days would say, of which we’re not proud). I know my faults and fails stack high. But thankfully my shortcomings aren’t what keep me out of Heaven. And, by the way, it’s not my good deeds that get me there either. Nope. It’s not about me. It’s not about how wonderful or how miserable I am. And it’s not even about the donations I make to church or charities. It’s not about the people I know or the clothes I wear or the car I drive. Nope. It’s ALL about my relationship with my awesome Creator. He is THE Christ. The one that, without Him, not even the “great and powerful Oz” would have ever been invented. The one who could actually create a “horse of a different color” if He felt like it. Oops, I didn’t mean to fly over the rainbow there. It was kind of a point finger say stuff moment. Sorry. Anyway… How about you and me taking the road less traveled, through the narrow gate? Let’s do our best to think first and not be hypocrites. And how about we follow… The One True Way To Peace Judge me; I need to be judged Correct me;  whenever I’m wrong Save me from thinking my thoughts I’ve lived in them way too long Show me what I need to see Tell me what I have to hear Give me a voice of wisdom Thank You for taking my fear And I have to trust that my God is just And I feel my boldness increase I’m a dissident, and I’m an instrument For the one true Way to peace Search me for the deeper things Fill me from Your living well Free me from the ways of man Take me off the path to Hell Listen to my fervent prayer Bless me so that I can bless Change me with Your mighty Word Spare me with Your tenderness Chorus Make me to always understand I’m only mighty in Your mighty Hand inst…Chorus to end © Copyright 1998 Tony Funderburk So…do you call yourself a Christian? Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you links to 2 songs and 2 books that adults AND kids enjoy right away. Then, I’ll send you flashes of light from the faith, hope, and the power of God’s love. Stay tuned,

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  8. 2月1日

    Hold on to the Truth like permanent bluetooth

    Regardless of what happens today, this weekend, or ever, hold on to the Truth. And just in case you didn’t catch it (but I bet you did), I capitalized the word, Truth. And I just did it again. Because I’m not talking about the truth that can be so manipulated in this world filled with lies and AI’s. It’s crucial to hold on to THE Truth, now, more than ever. Because now, more than ever, that Truth is the only Way to be truly free. Uh-oh. Now I’ve gone and done it. I capitalized the word “Way.” And just in case you didn’t know it (but I bet you do), it’s capitalized because it’s THE Way. And THE Way is the same as THE Truth. By the way, if you haven’t already found your Way to the Truth (but I bet you have), don’t put it off even one more minute. Planes falling from the sky in the past few days should show you (and I bet they do) how uncertain your amount of time, here on Earth, is. And that uncertainty should make you curious about all the eternal Life talk Christians are always sharing. If it doesn’t, I hope it doesn’t take a personal tragedy to make you curious. You caught that capitalized word, Life, didn’t you? Of course, now I’ve gone full circle. Because Jesus called himself “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” And He said He’s the only way to eternal life in Heaven. With all that’s going on, so far in 2025, I sure hope you’ve decided to take advantage of His amazing grace. I bet you have. But I bet you know someone who hasn’t. Tell ‘em time’s a-wastin’. Back in 1985-86 I wrote a song called “Hold On.” I didn’t say to hold on to the truth. But the feel is still kinda there. Hold On I would love to take you in my arms And capture all your dreams that get away And put them in your heart where they belong And fill it full of love so they can stay But I wonder if there’s magic in my hands And I don’t know for sure what I should do To make your monsters fade and disappear So I can only sing these words to you… Hold on; you know you gotta hold real tight Gotta keep your dreams where they’re easiest to see Hold on; I know you gotta hold real tight If you look behind the Love that’s where they’ll be I would love to see your smiling face And know that at least in some small way I was there When you needed someone to help you through your darkness And help you get your wings back in the air Chorus You got to keep believing in your choices No one but you can really clear the air And if you find you’re hearing different voices Then it isn’t just a passing love affair Repeat 1st verse and choruses to end © 1986 Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you links to 2 songs and 2 books that adults AND kids enjoy right away. Then, I’ll send you flashes of light from the faith, hope, and the power of God’s love. Stay tuned,

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Tony Funderburk shares the power of God's love in each podcast episode. He’s the author and publisher of dozens of books for adults and kids. And he's a songwriter with hundreds of songs to his credit. Get some free songs, a book for kids, and more good stuff when you subscribe to the FunderFlash Journaland focus on faith, hope, and love with me.








