Operation: Thriving Marriage

Operation: Thriving Marriage

It‘s not enough to have your marriage survive. We want your marriage to thrive! Bringing unique perspectives from counseling individuals and couples in the church, the law, and the military, Bryon and Jennifer Harvey bring a wealth of experience and perspective to Operation: Thriving Marriage.

  1. OCT 15

    Ep 73 - Being Your Spouse’s Peace

    Episode 73: Being Your Spouse’s Peace - Operation: Thriving Marriage IntroductionWe recently read an article titled, "Being a Man's Peace," but what does that really mean? Does peace depend on one spouse, or is it something deeper? We’ll break down this idea and see how it aligns—or conflicts—with a biblical understanding of peace. What Does Peace Really Mean?In today's culture, peace is often misunderstood as the absence of conflict or simply making things calm. But in the Bible, peace—"shalom"—is much more than that. It represents wholeness, completeness, and a life rooted in Christ. It’s about knowing who you are in Him and not constantly striving for more than God has given you. Jesus reminds us in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives." This peace isn't something we create for each other. Rather, it comes from God. While you can’t be your spouse’s source of peace, you can create a relationship that fosters peace by being the safest person in their life—someone they can trust without fear or judgment. How to Create Safety in Your Marriage1. **Communicate Deeply and Honestly:**    - Share your goals, dreams, fears, and insecurities with each other.   - Listen without judgment or interruption. Don’t listen just to respond—listen to understand. Pay attention to what’s being said, but also to tone, body language, and what might be left unsaid.   - This type of communication builds trust, allowing your spouse to feel safe and open with you. 2. **Give Each Other Space:**   - Even in the closest marriages, both spouses need space. Needing time alone doesn’t mean your spouse is rejecting you; it’s a necessary part of being human and experiencing shalom.   - Allow your spouse to pursue hobbies, interests, and time away from you. This space is crucial for personal growth and emotional well-being. 3. **Create Shared Experiences:**    - Balance the personal space with intentional time spent together. Build memories through vacations, date nights, and inside jokes.    - Every couple is different, so find the right blend of space and togetherness that works for you both. 4. **Focus on Your Own Shalom:**   - If you’re stressed, restless, or disconnected from God, that inner turmoil will affect your marriage. Focus on maintaining your own peace through prayer, Scripture reading, and spiritual disciplines.   - A peaceful spirit within you will naturally contribute to a more peaceful, healthy marriage. ConclusionTrue peace in marriage comes from Jesus, not from each other. While you can’t be your spouse’s ultimate source of peace, you can create a relationship built on safety, trust, and spiritual growth. By focusing on honest communication, giving space when needed, and maintaining your own connection with God, you contribute to an environment where both of you can experience the peace of Christ. --- **Maximize peace in your marriage** by applying these principles. Subscribe to *Operation: Thriving Marriage* for more insights on building a Christ-centered relationship.

    24 min
  2. SEP 30

    Ep 72 - Can I Still Be Friends With My Ex?

    **Podcast Episode Notes for "Operation: Thriving Marriage"**  **Episode 72: Can I Still Be Friends With My Ex?** **Introduction**  - Is it possible or wise to stay friends with an ex? How do different people feel about maintaining such relationships, especially within the context of a marriage? In today’s episode, we’ll dive into these questions, explore the complexities of relationships with exes, and discuss how they can impact your marriage. **The Problem: Almost Everyone Has an Ex**  - Whether it’s someone you dated before marriage or a former spouse after divorce, ex-partners often linger in the background.  - Feelings toward exes vary widely—from intense dislike to lingering affection.  - These relationships are inherently different from other friendships because they once involved romantic or sexual intimacy.  - This unique history with an ex can influence how your spouse perceives that relationship.  - If children are involved, the situation can become even more complicated, which we will address later. **The Solution: Can You Stay Friends With an Ex?**  - There is nothing in Scripture that forbids maintaining a friendship with an ex. The common Christian marriage vow to “forsake all others” refers to sexual exclusivity, not friendships. Hebrews 13:4 emphasizes the importance of maintaining sexual purity in marriage.  - While the Bible does not explicitly prohibit friendships with exes, maintaining a *close* relationship can be unwise for several reasons:    - It may make your spouse feel undervalued or less unique.    - Spending time with an ex could rekindle old feelings, leading to potential problems.    - Ask yourself: Why do you want to stay in touch? Are you looking for something from your ex that should come from your spouse? This is a crucial conversation to have with your partner if that’s the case. **Co-Parenting With an Ex**  - Co-parenting presents a unique dynamic. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your ex is essential for your children’s well-being.  - However, it’s equally important for all parties—your spouse, children, and ex—to understand that your current spouse takes priority in your life.  - If you’re a step-parent, supporting your spouse’s healthy co-parenting relationship with their ex is crucial for the success of your blended family. **Conclusion**  - There’s no biblical mandate to cut ties with an ex, but it’s wise to carefully evaluate the nature of that relationship. Maintaining a strong, healthy marriage means putting your spouse second only to God. An ongoing close relationship with an ex could create unnecessary tensions or even harm your marriage, unless co-parenting requires continued interaction. Keywords: Friends with exes, marriage advice, Christian marriage, staying friends with an ex, co-parenting with ex, biblical view on ex-relationships, maintaining marriage, forsaking all others, step-parenting, marriage and exes.

    29 min
  3. SEP 3

    Ep 71 - What Does the Bible Really Say About Marital Submission

    **Introduction** Welcome to another episode of *Operation: Thriving Marriage*. Today, we're diving into one of the most challenging and divisive topics in Christian marriage—submission. Bryon and Jen explore why submission stirs such strong reactions and what it really means from a biblical perspective. **Why Submission is a Major Issue** Bryon asks Jen why she thinks submission is such a contentious topic in Christian marriages. Jen explains that there are two primary reasons for this: 1. **Historical Abuses Against Women**: The concept of submission is often rejected as outdated and harmful because of past abuses that have subjugated women.   2. **Misunderstanding of Biblical Submission**: Many people, including some pastors and church leaders, do not fully understand what biblical submission entails. This misunderstanding can lead to a variety of issues, including:   - **Unbiblical Restrictions on Women**: These restrictions can prevent women from fulfilling the roles and callings God has for them.   - **Misinterpretation of Scripture**: Misunderstandings can lead to incorrect interpretations and doctrines, which misrepresent Christ and hinder outreach efforts. **The Problems with Misunderstanding Submission** When people dismiss biblical submission as harmful, they often draw false conclusions about Jesus and Christianity, missing the beauty and truth of God's teachings. Misunderstanding biblical submission can result in: 1. **Unbiblical Restrictions**: Preventing women from achieving their full potential in Christ.   2. **Misinterpretations of Scripture**: Leading to flawed doctrines that can distort the gospel.   3. **False Representations of Christ**: Making it harder to attract others to God's kingdom. **Understanding Biblical Submission (Ephesians 5)** To clarify what biblical submission really means, Bryon and Jen turn to one of the most commonly discussed passages: Ephesians 5:15-28. They emphasize that: 1. **Continuity of Thought**: Many Bibles incorrectly separate verse 21 ("submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ") from verse 22 ("Wives, submit to your husbands"), but these verses are part of the same continuous thought. Verse 22 and beyond, often referred to as the household code, provide practical applications of the preceding teachings within the home. 2. **Submission vs. Subservience**: Submission is often overemphasized in verse 22, leading to misunderstandings. Paul’s teachings in this passage do not suggest that women are inferior or that submission equates to subservience. Instead, biblical submission is about mutual respect and love, modeled after the relationship between Christ and the Church. 3. **Submission Does Not Define Roles**: Submission does not dictate that women must be homemakers or refrain from working outside the home. It is also not something that can be forced; Christ doesn’t force the Church to submit, and the Church submits out of love, not fear. 4. **Headship as Responsibility, Not Privilege**: Headship is often misinterpreted as a position of privilege, but Paul presents it as a position of responsibility. Husbands are called to serve their families as Christ served the Church, even to the point of self-sacrifice. **Conclusion** In conclusion, Bryon and Jen encourage listeners not to look for a prescribed way to live out submission and headship in their marriage because the Bible doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, they urge couples to seek understanding and guidance from Scripture and to work together to apply biblical teachings in their unique circumstances. When submission and headship are understood correctly, they become a way to glorify Christ rather than a burden to bear. If you have questions or need further guidance on this topic, we encourage you to seek godly counsel from your local church community. Remember, living out biblical principles in your marriage isn’t about following cultural norms; it’s about following Chr

    23 min
  4. JUL 15

    Ep 68 - Friends, Finances, and Your Marriage

    In Episode 69 of Operation: Thriving Marriage, we focus on how friendships impact the financial health of a marriage. Jen shares personal stories about how her friends influence her relationship and finances, reflecting Jimmy Evans' insight from XO Marriage that our friends shape our future. We delve into Biblical teachings that highlight the importance of healthy, God-designed relationships, emphasizing that financial decisions are crucial within these dynamics. We address the challenge of friends who negatively affect our finances, especially in today’s social media-driven world. Friends often showcase their extravagant lifestyles online, leading to feelings of inadequacy and financial strain. We discuss the pressure to match their spending on dinners, activities, and vacations, which can cause tension and stress in marriages. To navigate these challenges, we offer practical solutions. Your financial decisions as a couple should reflect your values, goals, and the example you wish to set. We emphasize the importance of contentment and aligning financial goals with Scripture. Learn to celebrate your friends' successes without falling into discontentment and make wise choices about the people who influence your financial habits. In conclusion, as Christians, we are called to be different through how we live and manage our finances. Let your financial decisions glorify God and reflect His kingdom. Tune in for insightful discussions on managing friendships and finances in your marriage. **Keywords: Financial Health in Marriage, Marriage and Finances, Social Media Influence, Biblical Financial Guidance, Christian Financial Management, Contentment in Marriage, Marriage Advice Podcast**

    25 min
out of 5
8 Ratings


It‘s not enough to have your marriage survive. We want your marriage to thrive! Bringing unique perspectives from counseling individuals and couples in the church, the law, and the military, Bryon and Jennifer Harvey bring a wealth of experience and perspective to Operation: Thriving Marriage.

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