Opt Out of Life with Nate Broughton

Good Life Property Management

Welcome to the Good Life Property Management podcast! I’m your host, Steve Welty. This is a show for property management entrepreneurs who want to build not only a great business but also great lives. I’m here to help you gain the freedom to live life on your own terms while creating a positive impact in the world. Also, please check out Steve Welty’s Music!

In this episode, I talk to Nathaniel Broughton. He specialized in online marketing and private investments in the Southern California region. He is married to Kristi, and they live in San Diego, CA, with our two sons. Nate enjoys the work hard play hard lifestyle, and in between his trips to the beach, you'll find the family globetrotting during their downtime.

Nate and I chat about his involvement with large businesses in the 7, 8 and 9 figure range and two of his own service and commission-driven businesses. Nate "fell into an entrepreneurial company which offered him a job" in San Diego when he was 18 in 2001. He worked to grow the business until four years later when they sold the business. Nate considers this experience his "trial by fire in college" and how he learned online marketing and generating sales online.

I dig into how Nate stayed in his career and his "why" for working in the online sales industry and how Nate embraced the "opt out" Life. Having the freedom of time and place was the heyday in Nate's mind. He was around in the golden era of online income, no matter where you are in the world. Nate decided to stay in San Diego as this is a hotbed of opportunity for making money online. When he planted his flag, he decided to start a business connection group, hosting dinner for the first SoCal.ly group. He hosted the dinner every quarter to invite his connections to the network. He currently has 400 business owners to come to his event.

Opt Out Life, a movement started by Nate, resonates with many people. Nate tells stories of his tribe who has followed this trend and how they make Opt-Out Life work in their lifestyle. Income, Life, and time are three essential aspects of Opt Out Life. There are often bold decisions along the path created by those in Opt Out Life. Have the courage and curiosity to find a different way of Life.

Nate talks about mindset shifts and experiences in his personal and professional career, which has given him growth. One of his current priorities is to be present for his children, walking them to school and being at their games and activities. He and his wife enjoy extensively traveling with their kids regularly.

Nate gives us advice on how to choose the right business partner, how he's never found one career path he's fallen in love with yet, and his experience with keyword research and SEO for his clients.

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In This Episode:

[01:37] - Nate talks about his part in many different businesses.

[02:10] - Nate gives details about the many types of businesses he has worked with through the past few years and how he became an entrepreneur.

[03:48] - He explains how he fell into this position and why Nate stayed in this career.

[04:51] - How Nate worked his way into the “opt out” life.

[06:49] - Nate created the SoCal.ly business group for business entrepreneurs.

[11:30] - Opt Out Life: a trend started by Nate for the type of lifestyle he lives.

[13:56] - The Opt Out Life is a way to have your cake and eat it too lifestyle!

[17:30] - What experiences Nate has encountered which led him to grow personally and professionally.

[21:11] - How Nate approaches real estate investments.

[24:40] - Why Nate has a variety of business experiences at 36.

[25:15] - Advice from Nate on how to choose a good business partner.

[28:47] - Nate’s key superpowers which have

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