Our So-Called Podcast

Carrie King
Our So-Called Podcast

Welcome to Our So-Called Podcast. Tune in weekly on Thursdays for a conversation with Carrie and Ginny King. ABOUT US: Ginny works by day at NBCUniversal and teaches Group Fitness classes at Equinox in her free time. Carrie is a musician, writer, and runs her own editing/consulting business. Carrie’s instagram: (@_carrieking) https://instagram.com/_carrieking?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=1upkreq390vg7 Ginny’s instagram: (@ginnykingfit) https://www.instagram.com/ginnykingfit/ Twin youtube channel: (Carrie and Ginny King) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrXFH3HH8cLGW063ui3Yk9Q

    최고 5점
    36개의 평가


    Welcome to Our So-Called Podcast. Tune in weekly on Thursdays for a conversation with Carrie and Ginny King. ABOUT US: Ginny works by day at NBCUniversal and teaches Group Fitness classes at Equinox in her free time. Carrie is a musician, writer, and runs her own editing/consulting business. Carrie’s instagram: (@_carrieking) https://instagram.com/_carrieking?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=1upkreq390vg7 Ginny’s instagram: (@ginnykingfit) https://www.instagram.com/ginnykingfit/ Twin youtube channel: (Carrie and Ginny King) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrXFH3HH8cLGW063ui3Yk9Q

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