Mystic Dog Mama

Dr Alexia Mellor
Mystic Dog Mama

Mystic Dog Mama is the podcast for soul-led dog mamas where you will discover how to best nourish your dog - and yourself - mind, body, and soul. Join me, Dr. Alexia Mellor, as I talk with some of the most inspiring pet experts, spiritual leaders, health professionals, and more, as we explore how our dogs are teaching us about what it means to be human. This is the place for inspiring stories, along with practical tips and tricks on how to lead a more holistic, nourished, and soulful life with your canine companion.

  1. HACE 1 DÍA

    Beyond the Bowl: Sensory Diets to Regulate Your Dog's Nervous System (and YOURS!) with Sharon Vincuilla

    Hi there, and thank you so much for joining me! Today, I talk with Sharon Vincuilla of Human Canine Collaborative all about co-regulating our nervous systems with our dogs. With a doctorate in Occupational Therapy and certification as a professional dog trainer and dog behaviour consultant, Sharon has extensive experience in taking an interspecies approach to helping dogs and their humans find grounding and joy by co-regulating their nervous systems. In particular, her practice focuses on supporting neurodivergent dog guardians in regulating their nervous systems while reducing reactive, anxious, or aggressive behaviour in their dogs, and today she shares with us what this can look like in practice, and some simple tips that you can apply in your relationship with your own dog.  I was really excited to have Sharon on the podcast because the conversations she brings to the table around the need to recognise different ways of processing the world, and the need to create inclusive ways of supporting pet parents and dogs with different sensory needs are just so important to be having. In talking with Sharon, I found myself having so many “aha” moments, including realising areas where I can, personally, become more empathetic and inclusive - with humans and dogs alike. And where I can have more self-compassion, too! I really appreciated that Sharon asked if we could start the conversation with some breath work to anchor us both in our bodies, and to the moment, so that we could be more present for one another in our conversation. I just loved that suggestion, and asked if we could invite you, the audience, to join us, too, and she was thrilled to do that. So, this episode starts off with Sharon leading us through a short grounding exercise, which we invite you to join us in if it is safe and comfortable for you to do so. From there, Sharon shares her journey of bringing together Occupational Therapy and an understanding of dog behaviour and dogs’ emotional needs via her experience in animal-assisted interventions. This ultimately led her to the work she does today in the Human Canine Collaborative. There is so much goodness in the episode, but to give you some highlights, you will learn about: What a sensory diet is and how to use it to better meet your dog’s and your own sensory needs Really helpful tips and tricks to build awareness of your nervous system’s needs, your dog’s nervous system needs, and how to co-regulate Neurodiversity and neurodivergence, and whether or not it’s appropriate to think about our dogs in these contexts and with these terms Why Sharon refers to her dog, Muggins, with the they/them pronouns, and why you may consider doing the same with your dog How Muggins’s experiences with stress, trauma, and hypersensitivity paralleled Sharon’s experiences of navigating a diagnosis of C-PTSD and autism, and how she worked with and through that Tips on how you can navigate a difficult situation where you and your dog are both triggered at the same time This episode is sponsored by Aspirationery ,which in full transparency, is another project of mine where we create books, notebooks, and stationery to support you in becoming all you aspire to be. I’m really excited to announce that we have released a Spanish language version of our popular My First Period Tracker for Young Girls and Tweens in order to increase menstrual literacy and empower young people to become advocates for their menstrual health. You can learn more about our books on our Instagram OK, on that note, let’s go! Connect with Sharon: Instagram Happy Dog Happy Human podcast Connect with me:

    1 h y 18 min
  2. 19 OCT

    Support Your Dog's Microbiome for Better Physical, Mental, Emotional Health with Dr Carol Hughes

    Today we launch into all things microbiome! This is honestly one of my favourite topics, because as we discover more and more each day, the microbiome plays such a pivotal role in all aspects of our dogs health, and our own health!  You’re really in for a treat because my guest is Dr Carol Hughes, who is arguably one of the world’s pre-eminent experts when it comes to the canine microbiome. Carol has had a vast career in bioscience research, and for over 10 years has specifically been engaged in research and development of our companion animal’s microbiomes with her company PetBiome.  In today’s conversation, Carol and I explore the microbiome as the missing key in the canine diet, and how nurturing this ecosystem, you can vastly improve your dog’s physical, mental, and emotional health. And, based on the wonderful questions that you guys ask me, Carol and I touch on a range of topics that I know you will find really helpful, including: *What the microbiome actually is and its role in health *The pros and cons of probiotics *The relationship between the microbiome and behavioural challenges like anxiety and aggression *How dogs’ microbiomes have changed in the post-COVID era *Easy steps you can take to better support your dog’s microbiome and increase diversity *Whether a raw or gently cooked diet is better for microbiome health *and What Faecal Matter Transfer (FMT) is, and how your dog might benefit from it If you’d like to reach out to Carol, or you’d like to learn more about how to order a microbiome test and report for your dog, visit her website What was your biggest takeaway from this episode? What questions do you still have about your dog’s microbiome and its link to their health? Let me know in the comments, or DM me on Instagram, or contact me through my website It’s such a fascinating and ever-evolving topic, so I will definitely be addressing it further in future episodes, so let me know what you want to know more about. If you are enjoying the podcast, and haven’t done so already, I would be so grateful if you would consider liking, subscribing, and leaving a review. This really helps me to know what you are enjoying, and it also helps other mystic dog mamas - and papas! - who are looking for help and support to find the podcast and this beautiful community we are creating together.  This episode is sponsored by Aspirationery ,which in full transparency, is another project of mine where we create books, notebooks, and stationery to support you in becoming all you aspire to be. I’m really excited to announce that we have released a Spanish language version of our popular My First Period Tracker for Young Girls and Tweens in order to increase menstrual literacy and empower young people to become advocates for their menstrual health. You can learn more about our books on our Instagram DISCLAIMER: This is not a substitute for medical advice or other relevant professional advice.

    1 h y 8 min
  3. 12 OCT

    How Astrology Can Help You Create A Better Relationship with Your Pets, with Suzanne Gerber

    Today, instead of looking down at the ground like so many of us dog owners are used to doing, we are going to take a look up towards the sky! I’m joined by my guest, Suzanne Gerber, who is a classically trained astrological counselor, shamanic energy healer and animal lover who draws on her training and initiations in shamanism, Reiki, Buddhism, quantum physics and soul-centered psychotherapy to support people in waking up to their purpose and manifesting their dream life.  This is a fascinating episode! Suzanne shares with us how we can use tools like astrology to better understand ourselves, and to create better relationships with our pets, and others. She reminds us that we, and our beloved pets, are intimately connected to the cosmos, because we are made of stardust, too!  We touch on topics like: * Free will vs fate (hint: despite popular lore, the planets don’t cause things to happen to you!) * How your natal chart is your psychic MRI scan * And some really useful places to start if you want to explore astrology as a tool for self-inquiry You’re going to love this! And Suzanne also really kindly offers listeners a powerful gratitude recording that you can use in your own personal practice. To learn more about Suzanne and how to work with her: This episode is sponsored by Aspirationery, which in full transparency, is another project of mine where we create books, notebooks, and stationery to support you in becoming all you aspire to be. I’m really excited to announce that we have released a Spanish language version of our popular My First Period Tracker for Young Girls and Tweens in order to increase menstrual literacy and empower young people to become advocates for their menstrual health. You can learn more about our books on our Instagram And if you would like me to cover any particular topics related to nourishing your dog and yourself mind, body, and soul on future episodes, please reach out and let me know! You can DM on or reach out to me on my website All right, until next time!

    1 h y 23 min
  4. 5 OCT

    Why IBS is BS! Getting to the Root of Your Gut Issues (& Your Dogs', Too!) with Kaytee Hadley

    This week’s episode is one that I hope you’ll find really helpful for both yourself and your dog if either of you are experiencing GI issues!  I’ve mentioned before on the podcast that Lucky’s GI issues and then his kidney issue were what launched me into canine nutrition, but something I haven’t mentioned before is that I used to suffer from debilitating IBS myself. In fact, it was so bad at one point that doctors thought I must have colon cancer  because they just couldn’t figure out what was going on. My whole experience with the traditional medical community at that time was so humiliating, discouraging and disempowering, and it wasn’t until a family friend who was a naturopath sat down to talk to me about what was going on in my life, and recommended a functional medicine approach to get to grips with what was happening in my body that for the first time I saw major improvement.  It’s for that reason that I really wanted to bring today’s guest, Kaytee Hadley, onto the podcast to talk about IBS, some steps you can take to support your gut health, and how to become your own health advocate. We talk a lot about our dog’s gut health over here at Mystic Dog Mama, but as you’ll discover in this conversation, there are SO many parallels with our own gut health, too. You might know Kaytee from social media as the anti IBS dietician. Kaytee and I both sing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to needing to get to the root of gut issues and not just throwing an unhelpful label like IBS on them. Kaytee has had her own story with IBS and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), and having come out on the other side, she now supports other people navigating the often complex journey of GI issues. We talk about : * How gut issues are linked to insulin resistance, skin issues, fertility issues, disrupted menstrual cycles, yeast infections, and more, and how this requires approaching gut issues from a whole-body perspective *Kaytee’s 3 pillars for addressing gut issues *Why YOUR insights into your body are so important *Whether or not probiotics are useful for IBS, and how the nervous system plays a critical role in gut health Kaytee also shares a beautiful, touching tribute to her soul pup, Peanut who has passed on, so get your tissues ready. To connect with Kaytee: Website: ⁠ ⁠ Instagram: This episode is sponsored by Aspirationery, which in full transparency, is another project of mine, where we make books, notebooks, stationery to support in becoming all you aspire to be. I’m really excited that we have just released a Spanish language version of our super popular My First Period Tracker for Young Girls and Tweens. This is a book designed to empower young people starting their periods and foster menstrual literacy. You can find out more about Aspirationery and our offerings on our Instagram account Connect with me on Instagram ⁠⁠, or on my website ⁠⁠ DISCLAIMER: This is not a substitute for medical advice or other relevant professional advice.

    1 h y 4 min
  5. 28 SEPT

    I Never Knew But My Dog Did: A Discovery of Self-Love with Maureen Scanlon

    OMG this is SUCH A FUN EPISODE! To celebrate International Podcast Day which takes place on September 30th, this week’s episode is a Spotlight Series episode where I talk with fellow mystic dog mama and podcaster, as well as author, coach, and medium Maureen Scanlon! You know when you meet someone and you think to yourself, “This person is just SO COOL?” that’s how I felt meeting Maureen! Maureen has an incredible backstory that includes being in an abusive marriage, and then making her way as a single mother. And she also shares how her dogs were pivotal in her self-love, self-awakening journey. But what is most incredible about Maureen is her resiliency and her ability to transform past pains and difficulties into the very strength and gifts that she now uses to support people as an author, coach, and medium. In this episode, we cover so much interesting stuff! Maureen talks about how she discovered her amazing gift of talking to dead people, and how you can nurture your own gift! How to have “no regerts” - no, that’s not a typo! And we go into so much more about what exploring the spiritual path can teach us about choosing the version of ourselves we want to become Maureen leaves us with really useful and practical Tips for developing compassion, starting with self-compassion, and creating the life we love - and how we can learn ALL of this from our dogs! And she shares the reminder, just in case nobody has told you this today: YOU ARE AMAZING I’ve left links to Maureen’s podcast and website in the show notes, so be sure to check them out. AND, to celebrate International Podcast Day, I’m doing a giveaway! Yes, that’s right! I’m giving away a free copy of my brand new ebook, The N.E.W. Approach to Feeding Your Dog Fresh Food. This really is the ultimate guide to simply and easily make your dog fresh food. It’s not a recipe book - I teach you the basics and fundamentals of putting a healthy diet together for your dog so that you can totally customise it based upon your dog’s needs, what’s available to you, what’s in season, and what your dog likes! No more guesswork, and no more worry that you’re not doing it right. I include how to feed raw meaty bones, how to work out how much your dog needs to eat, how much of each ingredient they need, and I even include bone broth recipes, garlic guidance, and weekly meal planners and shopping lists. And because this is the N.E.W. Approach, I’ve also included information on food energetics and the energetic profiles of the most common foods, as well as some easy wellbeing practices you can start implementing today. SO, if you’d like to enter the giveaway for your chance to with the ebook, all you have to do is write a review of the Mystic Dog Mama podcast on Apple Podcasts, take a screenshot of your review, and DM me the screenshot on Instagram @mysticdogmama. Or, if you’d prefer, email it to me at All of this info will be in the show notes. I am accepting entries until Thursday, the 3rd of October at 5pm Eastern, and the winner will be announced on Friday the 4th of October! To learn more about Maureen and how to work with her: To listen to my interview on Maureen's podcast I Never Knew But My Dog Did (INK): My website:

    1 h y 40 min
  6. 26 SEPT

    Is It All Feeling A Bit Too Much? Then You Need to Listen to This!

    Are you going through your own personal Groundhog Day, asking yourself why the same things keep happening over and over again to you? Are you yelling at the Universe, “I thought I already learned this lesson!”? then this episode is for you! In this bonus chat, I share with you a SUPER helpful concept I came across that has been unbelievably helpful to me as I navigate a season of lots of transition, and I wanted to let you know about it in case it helps YOU!  You’ll learn: What the “echo” is, and how it’s actually a sign of some deep healing you have completed How engaging with the difficult situations in your life as though you are in a lucid dream can be really empowering How to use the experience of the echo to step into the next version of yourself I’ve been having so many lightbulb moments and lightbulb experiences recently thanks to becoming aware of the echo, and it’s radically changed how I am experiencing some pretty stressful times. I really hope this resonates with you and that you can use it if you’re in a similar kind of situation right now, and even if you’re not, you’ll have this in your back pocket the next time you are dealing with some stress and uncertainty. Enjoy! And let me know if you’ve experienced the echo before, and what you found helpful! DM me on Instagram @mysticdogmama, or leave a comment! Until next time! Website:

    20 min
  7. 21 SEPT

    Music to Your Dog's Ears: Sound Therapy for Anxious Dogs with Lisa Spector

    You are in for a TREAT! Today, my guest is Lisa Spector of My Zen Pet. Lisa has such an incredible story. From graduating from the world renowned Julliard School, to pursuing a concert career, opening up a music school, and even raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, Lisa has been on an incredible journey that has shown her the power that music holds - for dogs and humans alike. In this episode, Lisa talks about her journey into canine sound therapy, and she shares with us some really useful ways we can use music to calm our dogs’ nervous systems to both prevent and treat all kinds of anxiety. And she also shares why just putting any ol’ classical music on for your dog when you go out during the day, or during fireworks, might not actually be a helpful thing! Don’t worry, Lisa shares exactly what IS helpful to your dog’s nervous system, too. AND you’ll be treated to a mini concert you can share with your dog, as Lisa plays for us some of her calming music. It’s so beautiful, and you’re going to feel just as relaxed as your dog, so get comfy! Check out Lisa’s website ⁠⁠ to learn more about her Dog Gone Calm Training Program and to stream her Dog Gone Calm album for your dog! You can also follow Lisa on Instagram ⁠@my_zen_pet⁠. Visit ⁠⁠ for more information on booking a holistic nutrition and wellness consultation, and to get your copy of my ebook The N.E.W. Approach to feeding your dog! Finally, can I please ask you for a favour? If you are enjoying the podcast, a simple and really meaningful way you can support me is by rating the podcast and leaving a review on Apple podcasts. I know, I wish Spotify allowed reviews, too! Alas! But seriously, it really helps me to know what you are enjoying, and it is SO HELPFUL for helping others to find the podcast, and find this beautiful community we are creating together. I am so grateful for each an every one of you! OK, until next time!

    57 min
  8. 14 SEPT

    Honoring Our Animals + Ourselves: Normalizing Pet Loss Grief with Beth Bigler

    In this week’s episode, I chat with Beth Bigler of Honoring Our Animals. Beth is a pet loss grief counsellor who is offering a really important and valuable space for us to explore the various kinds of grief we will inevitably experience in our lives, especially when we invite our four-legged beloveds into our lives. Beth and I have one of the most important conversations I think I’ve had around the topic of grief, of our culture’s complete avoidance of the grieving and mourning experiences, and how we can transform with and through the process of honouring our animals, and honouring ourselves.This is not a sad conversation, don’t worry. But, it is a validating one. We talk about all different kinds of grief - whether that’s the grief we feel around not having the kind of dog we thought we would have, or the grief of feeling we are not a good enough pet parent, as well as the grief of anticipating our pet’s passing, and the grief we feel when they have crossed over. Beth shares so many helpful tips, and she speaks from personal experience because it was her own experience of seeing a pet loss grief counsellor when her beloved cat Arnie was passing from cancer that catapulted her into this work. Beth also shares how her relationship with Arnie has continued to grow and deepen even as he is on the other side.Whether you are currently experiencing grief, whether you did in the past and didn’t feel supported, whether you’re wanting to know how to support another who is in the grieving and mourning processes, or whether you just want to know more ways to deepen your relationship with your pet in life and on the other side, this is such an impactful episode. And I hope that it helps create the space here in this community to honor, recognise, and hold space for us all as we experience the big emotions we have in our lives. You can connect with Beth on her website⁠ and Instagram ⁠⁠ If you are enjoying the podcast, I would be SO GRATEFUL if you would consider subscribing and leaving a review on Apple podcast. I wish Spotify had that option, but only Apple does at the moment. Reviews are so helpful for me to know what you are enjoying so that I can make sure to create content you find helpful, and reviews also really help others to find the podcast and find the support they are looking for in this beautiful, beautiful community we are creating together! You guys are just so amazing, and I am so grateful for each and every one of you!⁠⁠Instagram: ⁠⁠

    1 h y 21 min
de 5
9 calificaciones

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Mystic Dog Mama is the podcast for soul-led dog mamas where you will discover how to best nourish your dog - and yourself - mind, body, and soul. Join me, Dr. Alexia Mellor, as I talk with some of the most inspiring pet experts, spiritual leaders, health professionals, and more, as we explore how our dogs are teaching us about what it means to be human. This is the place for inspiring stories, along with practical tips and tricks on how to lead a more holistic, nourished, and soulful life with your canine companion.

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