Life is a Ride---Overcoming Huge Challenges in Unconventional Ways

Chris Joseph
Life is a Ride---Overcoming Huge Challenges in Unconventional Ways

“One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you, don’t do anything at all…” - Jefferson Airplane Americans consume around 25 percent of the world’s prescription pharmaceutical drugs, while comprising only about five percent of the world’s population. And it’s not like we have good outcomes resulting from this. The health of the American populace sits quite low in the rankings of industrialized nations, as does our health care system (especially for the amount of dollars we pay for it.) Americans have largely forgotten about eating healthy, moving our bodies, and getting outside for some fresh air. We’ve become a sedentary society, relying on fast and/or processed foods, and those pesky pharmaceutical drugs…most of which only treat symptoms and not underlying problems. We seem to have also forgotten – or perhaps not have even known – that the best medicine is actually prevention. And that sometimes the best treatments are NOT pharmaceutical drugs. My podcast, “Life is a Ride: Overcoming Huge Challenges in Unconventional Ways” takes off from my own health journey of overcoming and thriving for over six and a half years after a devastating diagnosis of third stage pancreatic cancer. I didn’t just do it by listening to my doctor, taking drugs and sitting back and waiting for results. In fact, had I continued to listen to my first oncologist and been a passive observer of my health, I wouldn’t be here writing this today. I was willing to get active, get healthy, and take charge of my situation. I was and am the CEO of my health. Please join me in my podcast journey as I interview others who have overcome life’s challenges in similar, unconventional ways. Their stories are heartwarming, inspirational, and life-affirming. I will also be interviewing teachers, coaches, health professionals and consultants who offer "unconventional" options for those who are looking to overcome challenging obstacles. More about Chris: Chris Joseph is an odds-defying, stage-three pancreatic cancer survivor and thriver since 2016, as described in his best-selling 2020 book "Life is a Ride: My Unconventional Journey of Cancer Recovery." He is also a co-curator and contributing author to "The Epiphanies Project: Twenty Personal Revelations." Both books are available as paperbacks or e-books, and can be found online wherever you buy your books. Over the last 35 years, Chris has started and managed three environmental consulting businesses, launched two fan-funded music record companies and founded a non-profit charitable foundation. He's also dabbled in philanthropy, songwriting, and magazine writing. Chris' other podcasts include Talking Threadheads, Dodger Dugout Dopes, The Epiphanies Project, Nine Lives: A Musical Story of New Orleans, and Oy Vey L.A. ***This podcast is not intended as a substitute for health, wellness, or medical advice. The listener should consult with a healing or medical professional in matters relating to their health and well-being, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require immediate diagnosis or medical attention. Further, while this podcast is intended to provide unique stories and/or healing modalities that are not necessarily widely discussed, it is not an explicit endorsement of the practices, tools and methods discussed with each podcast guest.***

  1. How Modern Living Is Creating an Epidemic of Chronic Illness in Kids: Interview With Beth Lambert


    How Modern Living Is Creating an Epidemic of Chronic Illness in Kids: Interview With Beth Lambert

    Please listen to a fascinating and illuminating discussion with author, educator and former healthcare consultant, Beth Lambert. Beth has monitored and documented the escalating rates of childhood chronic conditions for over a decade. Her first book, A Compromised Generation, provides a thorough analysis of the origins of this modern health crisis and documents how modifications to environmental and lifestyle factors can profoundly influence health outcomes, including full disease reversal. Beth is also the co-author of Brain Under Attack: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers of Children with PANS, PANDAS, and Autoimmune Encephalitis. Beth is also the founder and Executive Director of Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to reestablishing vibrant health in our children. She is also the creator and Executive Producer of The Documenting Hope Project, a multi-year prospective research study and media project that examines the cumulative impact of environmental stressors on health and their mitigation through personalized and systems-based treatment approaches. Beth is the mother of three children and is passionate about raising awareness about the connection between daily choices, human health, and planetary health. Learn more about: Epidemic Answers The Documenting Hope Project A Compromised Generation: Brain Under Attack

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  2. Interview with Writer/Director Jim Abrahams about The Charlie Foundation


    Interview with Writer/Director Jim Abrahams about The Charlie Foundation

    Please enjoy my talk with Jim Abrahams, best known as a writer and director (along with his friends Jerry Zucker and David Zucker) of the movies, Airplane, Kentucky Fried Movie, The Naked Gun, Top Secret and the TV show Police Squad. Jim is also the co-author of the new book: Surely You Can't Be Serious: The True Story of Airplane! While we touch a bit on Jim's wonderful movie and TV career, the focus of this talk is the story of Jim's son Charlie, Charlie's diagnosis with severe epilepsy at age 1, and the amazing journey that Jim and his wife Nancy embarked on to find an ultimately successful cure for their son. Find out more about their incredible work at The Charlie Foundation: An excerpt from Jim Abrahams in his new book "Surely You Can't Be Serious: The True Story of Airplane!" by David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker After Airplane!, I married Nancy, the woman whose fingers I had nervously smooshed together while sitting through an early Airplane! screening, and we started a family. Joseph, Jamie, and Charlie have brought incredible pride, light, and joy—and a few sleepless nights—into my life. Once David and Jerry and I decided to work independently, I directed Big Business (1988), co-wrote The Naked Gun, directed Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990), and co-wrote and directed Hot Shots! (1991) and Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993). By then I had spent the first forty-nine years of my life trying to find things to laugh about. Then in March 1993, everything changed. My one-year-old son, Charlie, had his first seizure. There’s absolutely nothing funny about being the parent of a child with uncontrolled epilepsy. Nothing. After a year of daily seizures, drugs, and a brain surgery, I learned that the cure for Charlie’s epilepsy, the ketogenic diet—a high fat, no sugar, limited protein diet—had been hiding in plain sight for, by then, over seventy years. And despite the diet’s being well documented in medical texts, none of the half-dozen pediatric neurologists we had taken Charlie to see had mentioned a word about it. I found out on my own at a medical library. It was life altering—not just for Charlie and my family, but for tens of thousands like us. Turns out there are powerful forces at work within our health care system that don’t necessarily prioritize good health. For decades, physicians have barely been taught diet therapy or even nutrition in medical school. The pharmaceutical, medical device, and sugar industries make hundreds of billions every year on anti-epileptic drugs and processed foods—but not a nickel if we change what we eat. The cardiology community and American Heart Association demonize fat based on flawed science. Hospitals profit from tests and procedures, but again no money from diet therapy. There is a world epilepsy population of over sixty million people. Most of those people begin having their seizures as children, and only a minuscule percentage ever find out about ketogenic diet therapies. When I realized that 99 percent of what had happened to Charlie and my family was unnecessary, and that there were millions of families worldwide in the same situation, I needed to try to do something. Nancy and I began the Charlie Foundation ( in 1994 in order to facilitate research and get the word directly to those who would benefit. Among the high points were countless articles, a couple appearances of Charlie’s story on Dateline NBC, and a movie I produced and directed about another family whose child’s epilepsy had been cured by the ketogenic diet starring Meryl Streep titled First Do No Harm (1997). Today, of course, the diet permeates social media. When we started, there was one hospital in the world offering ketogenic diet therapy. Today, there are 250. Equally important, word about the efficacy of the ketogenic diet for epilepsy spread within the scientific community. In 1995, we hosted the first of many scientific global symposia focused on the diet. As research into its mechanisms and applications has spiked, incredibly the professional communities have found the same metabolic pathway that is triggered by the ketogenic diet to reduce seizures has also been found to benefit Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, severe psychiatric disorders, traumatic brain injury, and even some cancers. I did dip back into the movie business co-writing and directing Jane Austen’s: Mafia (1998) and co-writing Scary Movie 4 (2004). Although I tried my hardest, my heart was no longer in it. I was painting by numbers. I had another passion. There is no way I would have embraced the concept or had the ability to take on this oversight made by American medicine were it not for the confidence and skills I learned with David and Jerry during our Airplane! adventure. It is one more reason I will always love them—and that silly movie.” A note from Chris Joseph:I am currently raising $$$ to fund the publication of my new book "The Kitchen Sink Approach to Cancer (and Why You Shouldn't Always Listen to Your Doctor)". If my mission resonates with you, please check out the Kickstarter campaign at:

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  3. A Conversation with Author and Healer Allan Flood


    A Conversation with Author and Healer Allan Flood

    Allan Flood, author of "Perfect Misfortune: How I Found Hope and Healing in the Teachings of Sydney Banks and The Three Principles" joins the podcast to talk about his decades long journey with M.S. and how he found a healing path. Allan's book is its fifth version, and he's helped countless people over the decades. A fascinating conversation! About the book: Perfect Misfortune and the four previous editions have been about healing and about emotional and physical recovery in the face of personal crisis and loss. They've each been about discovery, recovering a piece of childhood, and finding part of ourselves we've lost bouncing over the speed bumps of life. Perfect Misfortune is about our spiritual nature and the healing power of our spiritual nature. The book is meant for anyone with an illness or disease, physical or mental condition, who is struggling. This book is about three principles - Mind, Thought and Consciousness - discovered originally through an insight by Sydney Banks. These three principles describe our spiritual nature in a way that's healing. Perfect Misfortune is Allan Flood's continuing, deepening, ever-evolving journey to understand The Three Principles, the good disguised in our worst misfortunes, the learning that comes from them and how the wisdom we acquire in crisis can help us find the best in ourselves and others. This edition is a "coming home" story. It has fresh insights and humbling discoveries he has made about life and healing over the last five years as he has sought deeper and deeper peace-of-mind. This book is intended to give comfort and hope to those in life-changing circumstances. The journey has occasionally been harrowing as his ego trips (no pun intended) over deeply held beliefs and reactions but it's always been enriching. The path towards Truth and healing becomes more beautiful with time. This fifth edition reflects his understanding of Sydney Banks' insights, the power of The Three Principles, and shares what he has discovered over the last five years that is healing. Allan is excited and relieved to simplify the journey, to bring this edition to life and contribute to your healing as well as his own. So, as he has said in earlier editions of Perfect Misfortune, he invites you to grab the tiger's tail as he shares with you the greatest adventure of his life and what could be the beginning of the greatest adventure of yours as well. About the Author: Allan Flood, author of Perfect Misfortune and Management by Inspiration, lives in Bend, Oregon. His unique and practical perspective of how to find peace and hope in the face of upsetting personal circumstances comes from living with and coming to peace with multiple sclerosis for 35 years. Allan has extensive business and non-profit experience and has seen how important it is to understand where the human experience comes from. With humor and personal warmth, Allan shares with you his insights and how they can improve your health and well-being. Find his book on Amazon at:

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  4. Interview with Steve Searles and Chris Erskine, Authors of "The Bears Know"


    Interview with Steve Searles and Chris Erskine, Authors of "The Bears Know"

    A great interview with Steve Searles and Chris Erskine, authors of the new book "What the Bears Know: How I Found Truth and Magic in America's Most Misunderstood Creatures." Some of you may know Steve from his groundbreaking work with bears (and people) in the mountain town of Mammoth Lakes, California. And some of you know Chris Erskine, a nationally renowned writer, columnist and editor for The Los Angeles Times. This is a fascinating talk and an even more fascinating book! Steve Searles is a self-taught bear expert who’s been working with the animals for nearly three decades. Since 1996, he has been the wildlife specialist for the ski town of Mammoth Lakes, Calif., where he developed a global reputation for his novel approaches to keeping residents—and the bears—safe. Steve founded the town’s “Don’t Feed Our Bears” program and helped formulate Yosemite National Park’s initial bear program. In 2010, he was the topic of the reality show “The Bear Whisperer” on Animal Planet. He is a native of Orange County, Calif. Chris Erskine is a nationally known columnist, with most of his work appearing in the Los Angeles Times and distributed to 600 papers nationwide. As an editor there, he was part of two Pulitzer Prize-winning teams. He is best known to readers for his weekly pieces on life in suburban Los Angeles. This is his fifth book. He is a native of Chicago and now lives in Los Angeles.

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  5. Surviving a Cult, with "Forager" Author Michelle Dowd


    Surviving a Cult, with "Forager" Author Michelle Dowd

    Michelle Dowd, author of the new boo "Forager---Field Notes for Surviving a Family Cult: a Memoir" joins the podcast to talk about her amazing journey. About Michelle: As a child, Michelle Dowd grew up on a mountain in the Angeles National Forest. She was born into an ultra-religious cult—or the Field as they called it—started in the 1930s by her grandfather, a mercurial, domineering, and charismatic man who convinced generations of young male followers that he would live 500 years and ascend to the heavens when doomsday came. Comfort and care are sins, Michelle is told. As a result, she was forced to learn the skills necessary to battle hunger, thirst, and cold; she learned to trust animals more than humans; and most importantly, she learned how to survive in the natural world. At the Field, a young Michelle lives a life of abuse, poverty, and isolation, as she obeys her family’s rigorous religious and patriarchal rules—which are so extreme that Michelle is convinced her mother would sacrifice her, like Abraham and Isaac, if instructed by God. She often wears the same clothes for months at a time; she is often ill and always hungry for both love and food. She is taught not to trust Outsiders, and especially not Quitters, nor her own body and its warnings. But as Michelle gets older, she realizes she has the strength to break free. Focus on what will sustain, not satiate you, she tells herself. Use everything. Waste nothing. Get to know the intricacies of the land, like the intricacies of your body. And so she does. Using stories of individual edible plants and their uses to anchor each chapter, Forager is both a searing coming-of-age story and a meditation on the ways in which understanding nature can lead to freedom, even joy.

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“One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you, don’t do anything at all…” - Jefferson Airplane Americans consume around 25 percent of the world’s prescription pharmaceutical drugs, while comprising only about five percent of the world’s population. And it’s not like we have good outcomes resulting from this. The health of the American populace sits quite low in the rankings of industrialized nations, as does our health care system (especially for the amount of dollars we pay for it.) Americans have largely forgotten about eating healthy, moving our bodies, and getting outside for some fresh air. We’ve become a sedentary society, relying on fast and/or processed foods, and those pesky pharmaceutical drugs…most of which only treat symptoms and not underlying problems. We seem to have also forgotten – or perhaps not have even known – that the best medicine is actually prevention. And that sometimes the best treatments are NOT pharmaceutical drugs. My podcast, “Life is a Ride: Overcoming Huge Challenges in Unconventional Ways” takes off from my own health journey of overcoming and thriving for over six and a half years after a devastating diagnosis of third stage pancreatic cancer. I didn’t just do it by listening to my doctor, taking drugs and sitting back and waiting for results. In fact, had I continued to listen to my first oncologist and been a passive observer of my health, I wouldn’t be here writing this today. I was willing to get active, get healthy, and take charge of my situation. I was and am the CEO of my health. Please join me in my podcast journey as I interview others who have overcome life’s challenges in similar, unconventional ways. Their stories are heartwarming, inspirational, and life-affirming. I will also be interviewing teachers, coaches, health professionals and consultants who offer "unconventional" options for those who are looking to overcome challenging obstacles. More about Chris: Chris Joseph is an odds-defying, stage-three pancreatic cancer survivor and thriver since 2016, as described in his best-selling 2020 book "Life is a Ride: My Unconventional Journey of Cancer Recovery." He is also a co-curator and contributing author to "The Epiphanies Project: Twenty Personal Revelations." Both books are available as paperbacks or e-books, and can be found online wherever you buy your books. Over the last 35 years, Chris has started and managed three environmental consulting businesses, launched two fan-funded music record companies and founded a non-profit charitable foundation. He's also dabbled in philanthropy, songwriting, and magazine writing. Chris' other podcasts include Talking Threadheads, Dodger Dugout Dopes, The Epiphanies Project, Nine Lives: A Musical Story of New Orleans, and Oy Vey L.A. ***This podcast is not intended as a substitute for health, wellness, or medical advice. The listener should consult with a healing or medical professional in matters relating to their health and well-being, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require immediate diagnosis or medical attention. Further, while this podcast is intended to provide unique stories and/or healing modalities that are not necessarily widely discussed, it is not an explicit endorsement of the practices, tools and methods discussed with each podcast guest.***











