Overhead Projectors + Binder Review

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Review That Review with Chelsey and Trey
👑 Happy Friday, Queenies! This week’s After Show dives into some TikTok reflections and a hilarious 3 Star Amazon Review of a binder. Chelsey and Trey break down the review’s questionable humor and entertain the randomness of it all! Trey and Chelsey share their mutual obsession with school supplies. From binders to overhead projectors, their love for organizational tools shines through with lots of laughs along the way! Chelsey and Trey hilariously debate the value of the 3 Star Review about a binder that supposedly makes someone’s butt look big. Will this bizarre review score higher crowns, or will the nonsensical premise knock it down a peg? Tune in to see how they crown this review! 👑 💭 Quote of the Episode: "My big butt makes my butt look big, but I think it's the binder." Have a Royal Weekend! 👑

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