Be Visionary the Navy SEAL way When we talk about leadership, we will think about a number of traits. But one trait that we often ill define in leadership is vision. Do you have vision? Are you leading with vision? What traits do you need to be a leader with vision? You may not be thinking about it, but have you considered that truly to be a leader with vision requires ethics, discipline, confidence , charisma, humor, strategic awareness and more? A leader with vision must be able to handle failure, disappointment , while at the same time making sure you are pitching your vision and getting every one in alignment. Who better to learn what it takes to be a leader with vision than a Navy SEAL, who was also a BUDs trainer and later a CEO. In this episode of A New Direction, Marty Strong joins us again, to talk about his book Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization. It promises to be one of the most enlightening and powerful episodes. Marty's Book, "Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization" is a book that will challenge you. It is not for the faint of heart is meant to get right to the heart of being a visionary for your business. Marty starts the book in chapter one with a great title, "The Vision Thing". Because quite honestly, we say the word, but are we truly sure we know what the word really means, and how to really implement it? What are the traits of someone who has vision. What is required, and what do you need to learn to be a person of vision? Throughout the book, Marty relays story after story of being a Navy SEAL, and also as he transitions into a CEO, and the challenges that he faced growing into a visionary and trying to teach others how to do it successfully. The book is in-depth. It deals with the subject in ways that you will not see it dealt with in your typical "leadership" book. It is written by a Navy SEAL and it shows. It is no nonsense, straight forward, and meant to challenge even the best of us. I found Be Visionary to be enlightening, challenging, and life changing. I really enjoyed this book! Get a copy by clicking here! Please reach out and thank the sponsors of A New Direction! “Zoundy is the ultimate game-changer for authors, publishers, and professionals in the audiobook space. With its cutting-edge marketing, customization, and specialty market sales tools, Zoundy helps you maximize your audiobook’s reach and revenue. Whether you’re launching your first audiobook, scaling your catalog, or leveraging your audiobook to market other products and services, Zoundy simplifies the process while unlocking unlimited opportunities. Visit and be sure to use the promo code JAY25 to unlock special savings.” And… Linda Craft Team, REALTORS, for 40 years they have been known as the “Legends of Customer Service”, because it is their culture. They have helped people from all over find the right professional to sell or buy their home. And if you are located in the greater Raleigh – Durham – Research Triangle Park (RTP) area stop in and get a FREE bottle of water a...