Burnt Toast by Virginia Sole-Smith

Weekly conversations about how we dismantle diet culture and fatphobia, especially through parenting, health and fashion. (But non-parents like it too!) Hosted by Virginia Sole-Smith, journalist and author of THE EATING INSTINCT. virginiasolesmith.substack.com
Essential listening!!
2024. 09. 19.
I can’t express how much this podcast has meant to me, and truly to so many sides of me—the mom unlearning that food is one of the ways I must show love for my kid whose sensory processing differences leave room for only 5% fat Fage yogurt and non-squishy chocolate cookies; the millennial seeking to divest herself from diet culture and actually internalize that health is possible for everyone but its performance is owed to absolutely nobody (and health and worthiness aren’t synonymous!); the cis woman who wants to understand her actual body and not the version of a body she’s been shamed into distrusting or trying to change. This podcast speaks to all these threads and so, so many more. I appreciate Virginia’s insights so much, and the guests she features couldn’t be of higher caliber. Cheers for existing, Burnt Toast! I recommend y’all to literally everyone who will listen! 😘
Love this podcast!
2024. 08. 22.
From a mid-forties mom, this is so relatable and such important discussion. Plus the shoes recs are on-point. Thanks!
2024. 08. 22.
Thank you, Virginia, for your insightful takes on difficult topics. And thanks for stopping me from buying a Nood!! Love you keep up the good work.
So many important topics!
2024. 03. 15.
Really appreciate this show and the important discussions that take place
- 제작진Virginia Sole-Smith
- 방송 연도2021년 - 2025년
- 에피소드177
- 등급무삭제판
- 저작권© Virginia Sole-Smith
- 웹사이트 보기