Pregnancy is amazing....but what do you actually DO with a baby!?
This is what the final parenting class taught us, or rather, how to care for it (STOP CALLING THE BABY IT, CHRISTOPHER!).
We discuss Breastfeeding, Formula milk and our decision on what we'll feed Baby BW. Nappies, bathing, and more. Christopher gets protective over parents feeding in public, and they get to grips with a load of information about what to do when Baby BW is actually here.
We'd love to hear about your baby journeys, so email the show at and support the show for free, by Tweeting, Instagramming or posting about it with @FTPPUK & copying the link to the show ! We REALLY appreciate it.
Music by Jukedeck.
- 节目
- 发布时间2019年7月3日 UTC 00:25
- 长度1 小时 2 分钟
- 单集12
- 分级儿童适宜