Parents' Night In #54: Rear Window (1954) - Alfred Hitchcock's Masterpiece?

Kelly & Justin are back after a little hiatus to talk about our favorite Hitchcock film, Rear Window, starring James Stewart as a photographer stuck in his apartment with a broken leg, who may or may not have witnessed a murder across the courtyard of his apartment building, and Grace Kelly as his glamorous girlfriend. Shot entirely on a single soundstage, Rear Window is full of little subplots involving the neighbors, while building suspense around whether or not Lars Thorwald (Raymond Burr) has murdered and dismembered his wife.
We'll talk about the film and why it's our favorite of Hitchcock's our love of Jimmy Stewart, who's hotter, Grace Kelly or Donna Reed, and whether or not we pronounce the "th" in the word "clothes."
Join us for some fun!
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- 프로그램
- 발행일2021년 3월 24일 오후 6:31 UTC
- 길이39분
- 시즌1
- 에피소드54
- 등급무삭제판