Welcome to the Womb

House of Groms
Welcome to the Womb

Join Midwife Em in Welcome to the Womb where she explores all things pregnancy, birth, babies and womanhood. She will be joined by some amazing guests along the way and be sharing birth stories from incredible women. Get ready to dive deep into the womb!

  1. Part 2 INDUCTION OF LABOUR: How to Have a POSITIVE Experience!


    Part 2 INDUCTION OF LABOUR: How to Have a POSITIVE Experience!

    In today’s episode, Em carries on the conversation from last week, however focuses more on what the process of an induction often looks like for women as well as talking through coping techniques and ways to make it a more positive experience. It’s so important to understand what the process of induction looks like before heading into it so you can mentally prepare yourself and have some techniques/preferences in place! Em talks through cervical preparation for labour (with Cervidil, Prostin gel, and the catheter/balloon) as well as the main process of induction include having your waters broken and the hormone drip. This is a really practical episode that heaps of mumma’s will find helpful, particularly if you already know you’ll be experiencing an induction. Time stamps: 3:30 – The induction process. 4:40 – Making sure the cervix is ready for induction (including discussion of vaginal examinations). 12:58 – Heading into hospital for preparing the cervix for labour. 15:02 – Cervical preparation process – Cervidil and Prostin gel (synthetic prostaglandins). 20:40 – Common experiences/side effects with this type of cervical preparation and coping tips. 26:45 – Cervical preparation process – The “balloon” (either the Foley’s or Cook’s catheter). 31:40 – Practical tips for coping with cervical preparation. 34:14 – The “main” induction process (breaking waters and starting the drip). 46:15 – Practical tips for coping and making it a positive experience. If you want to hear more from Em or want to support the podcast head to: Instagram @midwife_em and @welcometo.thewomb Link Tree https://linktr.ee/midwife_em Buy Em a Cuppa https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midwifeem

    1 小时 2 分钟
  2. INDUCTION OF LABOUR With Professor Hannah Dahlen


    INDUCTION OF LABOUR With Professor Hannah Dahlen

    So many pregnant women are met with conversations surrounding induction during pregnancy and it can be extremely confronting and overwhelming. As the rates of induction continue to increase with little to no effect on infant and maternal morbidity and mortality rates, we do need to question whether all these inductions are actually necessary. If you're finding it difficult or confusing to navigate conversations with your care provider surrounding induction, if you're after some more information, and particularly if you want to know what the evidence says about induction of labour, then this is absolutely the podcast for you. Midwife Em is joined by the incredibly experienced and knowledgable Professor Hannah Dahlen as they discuss: Does induction really hurt more? How is induction different from spontaneous or "natural labour"? Does it increase or decrease the chance of a Caesarean section? How to avoid unnecessary induction. Some practical tips and questions to ask regarding induction discussion with your midwife or doctor. What does the evidence actually say regarding inductions? Hannah also gives us a great insight into some of her research findings published in 2021 (see below) which looked at outcomes for low-risk first time mothers, including whether inductions impacted rates of Caesarean sections, postpartum haemorrhage, episiotomies, vacuum/forceps births, third/fourth degree tears, and the rates of vaginal birth. Hannah also touches on the US ARRIVE Trial study, and why the findings may not be exactly as they seem. This is an extremely open and honest conversation about the ever increasing rate of unnecessary inductions, though it's also important to note that both Em and Hannah agree that there is a time and place for induction of labour. The key thing is acknowledging the necessity and right for women and their families to be given the opportunity to have open and honest conversations with their care providers, free from coercion and scare tactics, in order to make a decision that is best fore them. If you would like to read more of Hannah's research surrounding induction of labour, here is the link to her incredible study. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/11/6/e047040 Dahlen HG, Thornton C, Downe S, et alIntrapartum interventions and outcomes for women and children following induction of labour at term in uncomplicated pregnancies: a 16-year population-based linked data studyBMJ Open 2021;11:e047040. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047040. You can also find Hannah on instagram at @hannah.dahlen. If you want to hear more from Em or want to support the podcast head to: Instagram @midwife_em and @welcometo.thewomb Link Tree https://linktr.ee/midwife_em Buy Em a Cuppa https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midwifeem

    1 小时 8 分钟
  3. PAIN RELIEF IN LABOUR: Everything You Need To Know!


    PAIN RELIEF IN LABOUR: Everything You Need To Know!

    With so many different options of pain relief available, how do we know what to choose? It can get so overwhelming with so many opinions floating around, but fear not! Midwife Em has put together such a great episode exploring all the different options, how they work, and their pros/cons (both natural and medical!). Just SOME of the options covered include: Instinctual movement and different positions. Massage, touch, and acupressure. Heat. Water immersion. TENS machines. Sterile water injections. Gas and air. Epidural (the big one that everyone seems to have something to say about!). Em presents the information in a really informative and non-judgmental way so you can make the best decision for YOU! Every woman is different, so it’s important to know your options and be properly informed before you get there! If you want to hear more from Em or want to support the podcast head to: Buy Em a Cuppa https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midwifeem Instagram @midwife_em and @welcometo.thewomb Link Tree https://linktr.ee/midwife_em Podcast episodes and pages mentioned in the episode: LABOUR & BIRTH TECHNIQUES With Emma, The Naked Doula https://open.spotify.com/episode/57Z8V8FoXHLtxpCUm6z71N?si=8fe725564edc46e9 https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/labour-birth-techniques-with-emma-the-naked-doula/id1613284419?i=1000570505242 Labour, What Is Actually Going On? https://open.spotify.com/episode/403Y1S6FgvjAzxXyDICj3F?si=05d40249523340a9 https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/labour-what-is-actually-going-on/id1613284419?i=1000554895544 The BEST KEPT SECRET For Pregnancy And Birth?! Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine With Georgia Payten. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0upFxYbQexddZ1SlD8AJta?si=4b3ca6c1501140e0 https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-best-kept-secret-for-pregnancy-and-birth/id1613284419?i=1000569705842 HOMEBIRTH: Is It Actually Safe? With Dr Melanie Jackson. https://open.spotify.com/episode/7qQJEy1PrhGw2yXPx6b3rv?si=9184a8da0b044ce9 https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/homebirth-is-it-actually-safe-with-dr-melanie-jackson/id1613284419?i=1000567309950 'Aromatherapy During Labor for Pain Relief' by Evidence Based Birth https://evidencebasedbirth.com/aromatherapy-for-pain-relief-during-labor/

    1 小时 2 分钟
  4. The BEST KEPT SECRET For Pregnancy And Birth?! Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine With Georgia Payten


    The BEST KEPT SECRET For Pregnancy And Birth?! Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine With Georgia Payten

    Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)...is it actually the real deal and does it have a place in pregnancy? Lucky for you all, Em is joined today by the incredible Georgia Payten, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist working in Sydney, Australia. Georgia comes at today’s episode with a heap of practical experience and knowledge as well as evidence to support the practice she is so passionate about. This episode is SO eye opening! As well as answering your questions, some of what they cover includes: · What acupuncture is and how it works. · The role of acupuncture and TCM during the preconception period. · Safety of acupuncture in pregnancy. · “Labour induction” acupuncture. · Acupuncture for turning Breech babies. · Breastfeeding and the postpartum. If you want to hear more from or would like to book to see Georgia check out: Website https://thedaohealth.com.au/ (make sure to have a look at The Dao Does Journal while you’re there!) Instagram @thedao and @integratingchinesemedicine Podcast Integrating Chinese Medicine with The Dao Health Written/visual information and videos for acupressure by Debra Betts: https://acupuncture.rhizome.net.nz/ If you want to hear more from Em or want to support the podcast head to: Instagram @midwife_em and @welcometo.thewomb Link Tree https://linktr.ee/midwife_em Buy Em a Cuppa https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midwifeem

    1 小时 6 分钟
共 5 分
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Join Midwife Em in Welcome to the Womb where she explores all things pregnancy, birth, babies and womanhood. She will be joined by some amazing guests along the way and be sharing birth stories from incredible women. Get ready to dive deep into the womb!









