I Think I Like You

A counterintuitive approach to navigating dating and building relationships in the digital age. This is for the woman who feels disenchanted by more common dating rhetoric and sometimes even questions if she wants a relationship at all. She already lives a rich, full life. She would like to share that with someone, but not at the expense of herself. What gives? That’s where we’re digging in.
The best dating advice out there
4월 16일
Clara actually digs deep to help you become the best version of yourself to welcome a healthy and fulfilling relationship into your life.
Refreshing perspective!
2023. 10. 28.
Love a dating podcast that is rooted in building a better understanding of yourself — the only thing in the world you can really impact directly 😊
Intelligent, self guided approach (vs. empty strategy)
2023. 10. 10.
I’ve really enjoyed this podcast. Clara’s approach focuses on inner alignment, connecting dots, unearthing stories we get stuck in, and noticing patterns instead of outsourcing our self to click bait-y dating content. Always love when an episode drops.
“I Think I Like Me”
2023. 08. 16.
This podcast is all about making connections but not the obvious ones one thinks of in the dating realm. Clara helps you make connections to limiting beliefs, societal norms and expectations, patriarchal messaging, and self imposed ways of being that are the real barriers to relationship. She guides you through the unwinding of these “thought knots” so that you can see yourself as you really are. Sometimes I think this pod should be called “I Think I Like Me “ because it’s this work of getting back to me that makes the rest of it possible. Thanks Clara for the work that you do!
- 제작진Clara Artschwager
- 방송 연도2022년 - 2024년
- 에피소드132
- 등급무삭제판
- 저작권© 2024 I Think I Like You
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