Part-Time Wellness

Chelsea Uithoven
Part-Time Wellness

Wellness (especially with ADHD) can feel like a full-time job - but it doesn't have to! Part-Time Wellness is the podcast where we redefine wellness and create wellness habits that enhance our lives, not overtake it. Come along with host, Chelsea Uithoven (late-diagnosed ADHDer and Wellness Resource for Women with ADHD) as we experiment with wellness habits and find the ones that spark joy for our neurodivergent brains. Wellness spans far beyond food and exercise, so expect this podcast to go unexpected places as together we navigate wellness and life in general with ADHD.

  1. 11/25/2022

    5 Ways Movement will CHANGE Your Life for the Better

    Do you struggle with checking off the movement part of your habit tracker? Maybe you have tried a thousand ways to add movement to your day, and you just haven’t hacked it yet. In this episode, I share the 5 ways movement will improve your life. Movement is crucial for everyone, but it's especially important for those with ADHD, and I have experienced that firsthand! If you are ready for a simple change to improve all aspects of your health and keep you aligned, this episode is for you! Highlights from this episode include: A new direction for all of us (5:22) My beginning with movement (17:36) Adding novelties and creativity to your life (22:22) Your pathway to presence (30:24) Reducing anxiety on a physical level (34:24) Improving your sleep habits (37:33) Feeling success and growth quickly (40:51) This is not the end of Part Time Wellness. We are simply moving into a new phase of what Part Time Wellness is. Follow my other platforms below if you want to be guided through fun and joyful movement. I want to stay connected with you! Don't forget to check out Patreon for all kinds of goodies and mini-courses! Connect with Chelsea: All Things Part Time Wellness Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    47 min
  2. 11/11/2022

    A candid convo with @sarahinyellow about body image & food mindset

    Do you still see the same body you saw in the mirror when you were a shamed little kid? Maybe you can still hear the daunting words of adults who were possibly trying to help you, and with the holidays approaching, you find yourself slumping back into that same negative self-image. In this episode, Sarah Simpson shares her story of going from low to even lower self-esteem when she met her goal weight and finally stepped on a journey of attaining a healthy body image.  Sarah is a body image and food freedom coach based out of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Sarah's passion for self-love and whole-body wellness emerged from her own experiences in the hamster wheel of dieting and weight loss goals that go back to elementary school and eventually led to orthorexia, or an obsession with being "healthy.” After recovering from her eating disorder and finding her inner confidence after college, Sarah realized she was not alone in her struggles. She became a coach because she understood that our relationships with our bodies and food impact every area of our lives, and not enough is done to help us through that.  Today, she helps clients from all over the world define their health based on how they FEEL and not how they look, if the food they eat is satisfying and nutritious, and if they’re exercising that they genuinely enjoy. As her community has grown, she's seen the demand for sustainable, affordable programs that allow women to take control of their food mindset and body image. To continue to spread self-love and pursuit of food freedom, she's opened her online course Freedom University. Freedom University is a self-paced, financially accessible course that allows students to constructively improve their relationships with food and their body. Check out Freedom U. if you like what Sarah has to say today! Highlights from this episode include: Sarah’s earliest memory of diet culture (1:14) Getting into a body image and food mindset career (5:41) Diet culture isn’t designed for you to succeed (14:06) Self-preservation during the holidays (16:19) Sarah’s wellness habits now vs. when she first started (20:48) Getting started in changing your body image (26:32) Healing isn’t linear (32:11) The more you work on body image, the less you care about it (37:16) Sarah’s Freedom University (40:42) Are you ready to disconnect from the shame you have around your body? Everybody's bodies look different, and I see the world shifting to that mindset more and more each day. Share with me on social media. I want to hear from you! Don't forget to check out Patreon for all kinds of goodies and mini-courses! Mentioned Resources: Healing Isn’t Linear Spiral  Connect with Sarah: TikTok Instagram Freedom University Connect with Chelsea: All Things Part Time Wellness Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    52 min
  3. 10/28/2022

    ADHD Productivity: Monday Reset Rituals

    Are you still dragging through the week by Wednesdays?? Maybe everyone else is dreading Mondays, but you are freaking out on Fridays because you haven’t accomplished anything on your to-do list. In this episode, I share how I use Mondays to reset my week and kickstart a routine that works for me. If you are ready to take control of your time with plans that work for YOU, this episode is for you! Highlights from this episode include: Having a Monday reset routine (1:22) The consequences of skipping the Monday reset routine (3:46) The power of planning (5:18) Diving into my Monday reset routine (12:05) Mentally resetting at the beginning of the week (14:28) Resetting physically and the reason behind it (26:28) My Monday emotional reset (41:08) Putting my resets all together for Monday (47:14) If you're at a place where you feel your Mondays or your life and how you schedule things do not work for you. I encourage you to devise a Monday reset routine that can help you jumpstart your week. Make sure to leave a review to be eligible for the 12 Week Year giveaway! Share with me on social media. I want to hear from you! Don't forget to check out Patreon for all kinds of goodies and mini-courses! Mentioned Resources: Montelle Bee's Youtube Lexi Merritt’s TikTok Connect with Chelsea: All Things Part Time Wellness Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    52 min
  4. 10/14/2022

    ADHD Productivity: Is The 12 Week Year ADHD-Friendly or a Neurotypical Nightmare?

    Do you struggle to maintain multiple goals? You may become so hyper-focused on one goal that you tend to put all your other goals up on a shelf until the end of the year when you realize you had multiple goals for this year. In this episode, I share how The 12 Week Year has helped me take control of the second half of this year to accomplish more of the goals I set for myself. If you want a more effective implementation of things that you actually want to achieve, this episode is for you! Highlights from this episode include: Hyper focusing on Essential Teachings (3:03) Time for another giveaway (5:30) For the multitasking listener (8:29) Diving into The 12 Week Year (11:51) A new way of thinking about time (13:12) How The 12 Week Year works (16:34) The cons of this method (20:16) The pros of The 12 Week Year (33:44) How The 12 Week Year has helped me reach my goals (51:58) What do you want to accomplish in 12 weeks? This book has been so beneficial, and I look forward to hearing how it helps you! Make sure to leave a review to be eligible for the giveaway! Share with me on social media. I want to hear from you! Don't forget to check out Patreon for all kinds of goodies and mini-courses! Mentioned Resources: Montelle Bee's Youtube Eckhart Tolle podcast Reading hack credit to Kim (Manifestation Coach) 12 Week Year book Connect with Chelsea: All Things Part Time Wellness Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    1h 3m
  5. 09/30/2022

    This Simple ADHD-Friendly Nutrition Switch can CHANGE your Relationship with Food (The Plate Method)

    Are you ready to start craving balance and stop craving everything else in your pantry? Maybe you think you are eating healthy, but even after your morning oatmeal, you still find yourself hangry or just feeling gross within a few hours. In this episode, I share something that truly helped set the foundation of my other goals - the Plate method! If you are ready to find an eating habit that works and isn't restricting, this episode is for you! Highlights from this episode include: Hyper focusing on a walking pad (1:45) The why and the how (10:13) Introducing the Plate method (15:41) The benefits of the Plate method (19:57) How this method impacts your wellness and relationship with food (21:12) Stop having "off limit" foods (26:05) The science behind the Plate method (29:29) Experiencing emergency hunger (35:14) Diving into naked carbs (39:06) Joining the more detailed mini-course (46:27) Are you ready to try the plate method? This was such a game changer for me, and I look forward to hearing how it helps you! Come share with me on social media. I want to hear from you! Don't forget to check out Patreon for all kinds of goodies and mini-courses! Connect with Chelsea: All Things Part Time Wellness Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    49 min
  6. 09/16/2022

    HYPERFOCUS EPI: My Latest Obsessions (mindsets, rituals, foods, books, etc.)

    Do you find yourself rotating through obsessions? If so, get ready because I am doing something new this week and sharing my hyperfocus with different habits, rituals, foods, and books. OH - if you like giveaways, be sure to tune in!! I know I've been doing a lot of serious, heavy-brain-focused topics lately, and I wanted to try something more lighthearted. I'm excited, and it will be a lot of fun, so if you are ready to dive into this episode of hyperfocus obsessions, grab some water and a snack and get comfy. "So many people are trying to build a movement habit, and we rigidly try to stick to it. We often end up falling off because we're not flexible with it, and we don't find a way to make it work for us."- Chelsea Uithoven. Highlights from this episode: In the name of fun, let's do a giveaway (2:25) Rotating through mindset reminders (5:40) Trying on habits like we try on clothes (6:12) Take the time to make something special (9:50) An energizing morning ritual (14:03) Keeping focused while reading (19:56) Movement snacks (21:45) Embracing the seasons fully (25:22) Food & Books hyper focus (27:47) The 12-Week Year (35:17) Living with Joy (38:20) Feeling good about yourself with Intuitive Alignment (39:10) Never Have I Ever (41:09) Goodbye janky standing desk setup (43:24) The Adventure Quencher Stanley Cup and my new journal (45:34) This episode was so much to put together; I hope it was fun for you too! What is something that caught your interest in this episode? What is your current hyper focus? Share with me on social media. I want to hear from you! And don't forget to check out Patreon for all kinds of goodies! Mentioned Resources Amazon Storefront Allison Bickerstaff YouTube Connect with Me All Things Part Time Wellness Enjoying the Part-Time Wellness podcast? Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    52 min
  7. 09/02/2022

    FREE MINI-COURSE: Motivate your ADHD Brain with The Spoonful of Sugar Method

    Are you constantly trying to get motivated? Do you think of all the things you should be doing and how you should motivate yourself to get started? Get cozy because in this episode, we'll dive deep into the things that motivate the ADHD brain and how you can use the Spoonful of Sugar Method to get motivated. If you are curious and want to experience a sneak peek into my Patreon audio courses, let's dive in! "The funny thing about 'shoulding' on ourselves is we think that's going to motivate us, but it doesn't."- Chelsea Uithoven. Highlights from this episode: An outline of the Spoonful of Sugar Method Course (6:17) Why The Spoonful of Sugar Method exists and matters (10:17) Dopamine production in the ADHD and neurotypical brains (11:30) A quick caveat to set expectations (15:27) The five things that motivate the ADHD brain (17:41) Diving into play (21:02) Understanding our interest-driven brain (32:53) Are you ready to get motivated in a way that works for YOU? If you want to hear more about the Spoonful of Sugar Method and learn more about PINCH and how to actually incorporate this stuff into your life, join me on Patreon! Please go ahead and share with me on social. I want to hear from you! Connect with Me Part Time Wellness Patreon Wellness with ADHD Digital Course My Links Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    38 min
  8. 08/19/2022

    4 Reasons Traditional Habit Formation Methods Aren't ADHD-Friendly

    Do you constantly feel frustrated with the amount of habit-creating methods that don't work for you? Or maybe, you've lost trust in yourself and your ability to create a habit that will stick. This episode is for you if you are ready to discover why specific habit formation methods don't work! "Keep in mind that wellness is not your whole life. Starting all the habits at once, when this is just one piece of another hectic, full, exciting life, could be pretty unrealistic. Inevitably, the other areas will start crumbling."- Chelsea Uithoven. Highlights from this episode: Hyper-focused on hypnosis (3:34) Struggling with all or nothing thinking (10:28) Thinking of the areas of your life as your class schedule (16:18) Finding habits that accommodate our brains (21:31) Enhancing low self-esteem with habit formation (27:49) Trusting yourself when creating habits and self-efficacy (36:35) Recapping the four reasons traditional habit formation methods aren't ADHD-friendly (44:32) A surprise for my listeners (45:52) Are you ready to create habits in a way that will work for you? It's time to start trusting in yourself! Share with me on social; I want to hear from you! Mentioned Resources CNN Health 5 Steps to Create a Habit, According to Science Research Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation Hypnosis Podcast Recommendations: Hypnosis With Joseph Clough Hypnosis and NLP with Donald Currie, Registered Psychotherapist HypnoSOS Patreon: Connect with Me Wellness with ADHD Digital Course My Links Thanks for joining me on this episode of Part-Time Wellness! Did you enjoy this episode? Give me a 5-star, and leave a review to help me reach even more women ready to redefine wellness and create healthy habits that enhance our lives, not overtake them.

    49 min
out of 5
29 Ratings


Wellness (especially with ADHD) can feel like a full-time job - but it doesn't have to! Part-Time Wellness is the podcast where we redefine wellness and create wellness habits that enhance our lives, not overtake it. Come along with host, Chelsea Uithoven (late-diagnosed ADHDer and Wellness Resource for Women with ADHD) as we experiment with wellness habits and find the ones that spark joy for our neurodivergent brains. Wellness spans far beyond food and exercise, so expect this podcast to go unexpected places as together we navigate wellness and life in general with ADHD.

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