Andy and Golfwidow talk about food a lot. It's only fair that I do too. I talk about musquirt, its mayonnaise equivalent, stuff I cook, stuff my wife cooks, and Mama Fu's Asian House. Links: Musquirt Deliquescing Mama Fu's I also want to draw your attention to this story: Teens Toss Feces on Shopper. Seriously, you have to watch the video. It's muy hilarioso, especially the second soundbite from the woman. it was our (*wait for it*) #2 story on all morning yesterday. Since this is Podcrapular, I think it's a requirement that I mention poop every now and then. (I have PC Lite episodes from GW and Andy waiting to be edited, so those'll be coming as soon as I can edit them. It's been a bit busy around these parts. Also, I have two more episodes I recorded already "in the can", as it were. I just keep forgetting to post.)
- Show
- PublishedDecember 14, 2007 at 1:07 PM UTC
- Length11 min
- RatingExplicit