24 episodes

Welcome to "Permission to Be Great" where our mission is to empower you to walk in your greatness on a daily basis. Based in biblical principles, we'll journey to greatness together. I believe God has a plan for each of us, and living out that plan is our greatness. This podcast will give you the practical wisdom and motivation to get there.

Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey of personal/professional development, insight, and growth.


    • Education

Welcome to "Permission to Be Great" where our mission is to empower you to walk in your greatness on a daily basis. Based in biblical principles, we'll journey to greatness together. I believe God has a plan for each of us, and living out that plan is our greatness. This podcast will give you the practical wisdom and motivation to get there.

Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey of personal/professional development, insight, and growth.

    How to Embrace Your Greatness

    How to Embrace Your Greatness

    Dr. Dale discusses the importance of embracing your greatness and provides three steps to help you do so. The first step is to acknowledge your greatness and understand that you are a masterpiece created by God. The second step is to develop your gifts and talents through practice and personal development. The third step is to display your greatness for others and use your gifts to make a positive impact in the world. #permissiontobegreat


    -Acknowledge that you are a masterpiece created by God

    -Develop your gifts and talents through practice and personal development

    -Display your greatness for others and make a positive impact in the world


    00:00 -Embracing Your Greatness

    02:07 - Step 1: Acknowledge Your Greatness

    06:24 - Step 2: Develop Your Gifts

    12:07 - Step 3: Display Your Greatness for Others




    Diverse Medicine: https://www.amazon.com/Diverse-Medicine-Building-Stronger-Healthier/dp/B0CDNPS5Z1

    How to Raise a Doctor https://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Doctor-Wisdom-Parents-ebook/dp/B07F62JMCPA

    Doctor’s Guide to Self-Publishing https://book.authorandexpert.com/

    Black Men in White Coats: 100 Rules for Success https://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-White-Coats-Success/dp/1674109253

    PreMed Mondays https://www.amazon.com/PreMed-Mondays-Letters-Mentorship-Future/dp/167570077X/

    Doc 2 Doc (Heart) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Heart/dp/1693229765

    Doc 2 Doc (Lungs) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Lungs/dp/1706830637

    Doc 2 Doc (Bones) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Bones/dp/B086B9TT3P

    Doc 2 Doc (Viruses) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Viruses-ebook/dp/B088BP9S76

    Doc 2 Doc (Compilation) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Books-Dale-Okorodudu-ebook/dp/B08XP4L7R3

    • 17 min
    3 Steps to Grow Your Net Worth via Your Network

    3 Steps to Grow Your Net Worth via Your Network

    Dr. Dale discusses how to increase your net worth through your network. He emphasizes the importance of building a strong network and getting in the right rooms where decisions are made. Dr. Dale also highlights the value of being of service to others and the impact it can have on your network. He concludes by emphasizing that net worth is not just about money, but about the value you bring to others. #PermissionToBeGreat

    -Building a strong network is crucial for increasing your net worth.
    Getting in the right rooms where decisions are made is key to expanding your network.
    -Being of service to others is a powerful way to build relationships and add value.
    -Net worth is not just about money, but about the value you bring to others.

    00:00 - Increasing Net Worth via Your Network
    01:25 - Building Your Network
    03:12 - Knowing Which Room to Get Into
    05:38 - Being of Service to Others
    14:38 - Understanding Your Net Worth


    Diverse Medicine: https://www.amazon.com/Diverse-Medicine-Building-Stronger-Healthier/dp/B0CDNPS5Z1

    How to Raise a Doctor https://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Doctor-Wisdom-Parents-ebook/dp/B07F62JMCP

    A Doctor’s Guide to Self-Publishing https://book.authorandexpert.com/

    Black Men in White Coats: 100 Rules for Success https://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-White-Coats-Success/dp/1674109253

    PreMed Mondays https://www.amazon.com/PreMed-Mondays-Letters-Mentorship-Future/dp/167570077X/

    Doc 2 Doc (Heart) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Heart/dp/1693229765

    Doc 2 Doc (Lungs) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Lungs/dp/1706830637

    Doc 2 Doc (Bones) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Bones/dp/B086B9TT3P

    Doc 2 Doc (Viruses) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Viruses-ebook/dp/B088BP9S76

    Doc 2 Doc (Compilation) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Books-Dale-Okorodudu-ebook/dp/B08XP4L7R3

    • 24 min
    3 Things Every Husband Should Do For Their Wife

    3 Things Every Husband Should Do For Their Wife

    Looking to strengthen your bond with your wife? Look no further! I'm sharing three essential things every husband should do for their wives. I'll talk about the power of prayer, being a spiritual leader, having lunch dates for quality time, and working not just for financial security but to support your wife's dreams. Join me as we explore these key pillars for a stronger and more fulfilling marriage.

    Pray for your wife and be a spiritual leader in the household.
    Have lunch dates with your wife to provide quality time and reinvigorate her.
    Work for your wife to support her dreams and personal growth.
    Be present for your children and prioritize work-life balance.

    00:00 -Introduction and Reluctance to Discuss Personal Life
    01:26 - Pray for Your Wife
    06:36 - Have Lunch Dates with Your Wife
    09:27 - Work for Your Wife
    12:05 - Parent Your Children
    14:01 - Recap and Final Story



    Diverse Medicine: https://www.amazon.com/Diverse-Medicine-Building-Stronger-Healthier/dp/B0CDNPS5Z1

    How to Raise a Doctor https://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Doctor-Wisdom-Parents-ebook/dp/B07F62JMCP

    A Doctor’s Guide to Self-Publishing https://book.authorandexpert.com/

    Black Men in White Coats: 100 Rules for Success https://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-White-Coats-Success/dp/1674109253

    PreMed Mondays https://www.amazon.com/PreMed-Mondays-Letters-Mentorship-Future/dp/167570077X/

    Doc 2 Doc (Heart) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Heart/dp/1693229765

    Doc 2 Doc (Lungs) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Lungs/dp/1706830637

    Doc 2 Doc (Bones) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Bones/dp/B086B9TT3P

    Doc 2 Doc (Viruses) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Viruses-ebook/dp/B088BP9S76

    Doc 2 Doc (Compilation) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Books-Dale-Okorodudu-ebook/dp/B08XP4L7R3

    • 16 min
    Finding Your Purpose: 3 Practical Steps

    Finding Your Purpose: 3 Practical Steps

    In this conversation, Dr. Dale discusses the importance of finding and living in alignment with your purpose. He provides three questions to ask yourself and three steps to gain clarity around your purpose and find fulfillment in your work and life. The conversation emphasizes the significance of relationships, understanding your God-given gifts, and engaging in activities you enjoy. By aligning these elements, you can live your purpose and experience joy and fulfillment in your daily life.

    Purpose can be seasonal, and it's important to understand where you are in life and what steps you can take to find satisfaction and fulfillment.
    Start with who you feel most drawn to serve, as purpose is often found in relational connections and serving others. Identify your God-given gifts and talents, as they can guide you towards your purpose and bring fulfillment. Consider the activities you enjoy doing, as they can provide clues to your purpose and bring joy and excitement to your daily life. Living in alignment with your purpose allows you to wake up excited and fulfilled, and it's important to take action and pursue your purpose.

    00:00 - Introduction: Finding Your Purpose
    01:53 - Understanding Seasonal Purpose
    03:17 - Start with Who, Not What
    06:10 - Identifying Your God-Given Gifts
    10:16 - Discovering Your Favorite Activities
    13:03 - Living Your Purpose
    14:56 - Conclusion: Taking Action

    Diverse Medicine: https://www.amazon.com/Diverse-Medici...

    How to Raise a Doctor https://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Doct...

    A Doctor’s Guide to Self-Publishing https://book.authorandexpert.com/

    Black Men in White Coats: 100 Rules for Success https://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-Whit...

    PreMed Mondays https://www.amazon.com/PreMed-Mondays...

    Doc 2 Doc (Heart) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn...

    Doc 2 Doc (Lungs) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn...

    Doc 2 Doc (Bones) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn...

    Doc 2 Doc (Viruses) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn...

    Doc 2 Doc (Compilation) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Books-Dale...

    #PermissionToBeGreat #ChannelYourPain #purposedrivenlife
    #OvercomingObstacles #StrengthThroughStruggle #MindsetMatters #PurposefulLiving #EmpowermentJourney #PositiveMindset #SelfDevelopment #InnerStrength #SuccessMindset #ResilienceInAction #MotivationMonday #InspiredLiving #InnerHealing #MindfulGrowth #GreatnessWithin #TurningPainToPower #LifeTransformation #PersonalEmpowerment #PositiveVibesOnly #DailyMotivation #InnerPeace #SelfImprovement #MindfulLiving #SuccessDriven #UnleashYourPotential #MindOverMatter #ThrivingNotSurviving #ElevateYourMind #TransformativeThinking #MindBodySpirit

    • 15 min
    5 things that are holding you back...

    5 things that are holding you back...

    Don't Fall for the Trap: Quitting is Not Always a Bad Thing! Learn why quitting can sometimes be the best decision for your personal growth and success. Join Dr. Dale in this eye-opening video as he challenges the notion of never quitting and encourages you to embrace the power of knowing when to let go. Don't miss out on this empowering message - hit that subscribe button and start walking in your greatness today!

    In this episode, Dr. Dale challenges the notion that quitting is always a bad thing. He emphasizes that there are certain things in life that it is okay to quit in order to pursue greatness. He discusses five things that people should quit: thinking that quitting is a bad thing, living life without a mission, wasting time, letting fear stop them, and thinking they have to do everything alone. Dr. Dale encourages listeners to embrace quitting as a means to achieve their goals and live a purposeful life.

    Quitting is not always a bad thing; there are certain things in life that it is okay to quit in order to pursue greatness.

    Living life without a mission and purpose is a waste of potential; it is important to have a clear sense of purpose and work towards it.
    Wasting time on activities that do not contribute to personal growth or progress towards goals should be avoided. Fear is natural, but it should not be allowed to hold you back from taking action and pursuing your dreams. It is important to recognize that you do not have to do everything alone; seeking support and collaboration can lead to greater success.

    00:00 - Introduction: The Trap of Not Quitting
    01:11 - Chapter 1: Quit Thinking That Quitting is a Bad Thing
    02:58 - Chapter 2: Quit Living Life Without a Mission
    07:14 - Chapter 3: Quit Wasting Time
    12:41 - Chapter 4: Quit Letting Fear Stop You
    15:37 - Chapter 5: Quit Thinking You Have to Do It Alone
    17:02 - Conclusion: Recap of the Five Things to Quit

    Diverse Medicine: https://www.amazon.com/Diverse-Medicine-Building-Stronger-Healthier/dp/B0CDNPS5Z1

    How to Raise a Doctor https://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Doctor-Wisdom-Parents-ebook/dp/B07F62JMCP

    A Doctor’s Guide to Self-Publishing https://book.authorandexpert.com/

    Black Men in White Coats: 100 Rules for Success https://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-White-Coats-Success/dp/1674109253

    PreMed Mondays https://www.amazon.com/PreMed-Mondays-Letters-Mentorship-Future/dp/167570077X/

    Doc 2 Doc (Heart) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Heart/dp/1693229765

    Doc 2 Doc (Lungs) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Lungs/dp/1706830637

    Doc 2 Doc (Bones) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Bones/dp/B086B9TT3P

    Doc 2 Doc (Viruses) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Viruses-ebook/dp/B088BP9S76

    Doc 2 Doc (Compilation) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Books-Dale-Okorodudu-ebook/dp/B08XP4L7R3

    #PermissionToBeGreat #ChannelYourPain #purposedrivenlife
    #OvercomingObstacles #StrengthThroughStruggle #MindsetMatters #PurposefulLiving #EmpowermentJourney #PositiveMindset #SelfDevelopment #InnerStrength #SuccessMindset #ResilienceInAction #MotivationMonday #InspiredLiving #InnerHealing #MindfulGrowth #GreatnessWithin #TurningPainToPower #LifeTransformation #PersonalEmpowerment #PositiveVibesOnly #DailyMotivation #InnerPeace #SelfImprovement #MindfulLiving #SuccessDriven #UnleashYourPotential #MindOverMatter #ThrivingNotSurviving #ElevateYourMind #TransformativeThinking #MindBodySpirit

    • 17 min
    Why Hard Work Doesn't Equal Success

    Why Hard Work Doesn't Equal Success

    Have you ever worked tirelessly, burning the midnight oil, only to find that all your efforts were in vain? In this eye-opening episode, we uncover the truth behind the lie we've all been told. Join us as we challenge the notion that hard work alone leads to success. Prepare to have your perspective shattered and subscribe to our channel for more mind-blowing revelations.

    Dr. Dale challenges the belief that hard work alone is enough to guarantee success. He shares the story of Shay Cotton, a talented basketball player who worked hard but did not achieve the same level of success as others. Dr. Dale emphasizes the importance of hard work but also highlights the need for networking, coaching, and mentorship. He encourages listeners to seek guidance and surround themselves with the right people. Additionally, he discusses the value of leisure time for personal growth and the significance of aligning one's actions with the favor of God.

    -Hard work is an important component of success, but it is not enough on its own.
    -Networking, coaching, and mentorship are crucial for achieving success.
    -Leisure time is essential for personal growth and making smarter decisions.
    -Aligning one's actions with the favor of God can lead to true success.

    00:00 -The Lie of Hard Work
    03:37 - The Importance of Hard Work
    07:24 - The Power of Networking
    12:13 - The Value of Leisure Time
    15:19 - The Favor of God


    Diverse Medicine: https://www.amazon.com/Diverse-Medicine-Building-Stronger-Healthier/dp/B0CDNPS5Z1

    How to Raise a Doctor https://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Doctor-Wisdom-Parents-ebook/dp/B07F62JMCP

    A Doctor’s Guide to Self-Publishing https://book.authorandexpert.com/

    Black Men in White Coats: 100 Rules for Success https://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-White-Coats-Success/dp/1674109253

    PreMed Mondays https://www.amazon.com/PreMed-Mondays-Letters-Mentorship-Future/dp/167570077X/

    Doc 2 Doc (Heart) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Heart/dp/1693229765

    Doc 2 Doc (Lungs) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Lungs/dp/1706830637

    Doc 2 Doc (Bones) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Bones/dp/B086B9TT3P

    Doc 2 Doc (Viruses) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Tony-Learn-About-Viruses-ebook/dp/B088BP9S76

    Doc 2 Doc (Compilation) https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Books-Dale-Okorodudu-ebook/dp/B08XP4L7R3

    • 20 min

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