Pilgrim Church

Pilgrim Church
Pilgrim Church

We look like Vancouver. Find your people and spiritual fam here! We are full of scandalous curiosity and wonder around Jesus. #pilgrimpeople A church that looks like the Kingdom of God. Pilgrim Church is located at the corner of East 45th and Inverness Street in South Vancouver, two blocks southwest of East 41st and Knight Street. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @pilgrimyvr, Youtube @pilgrimchurchyvr, and www.pilgrimchurch.ca

  1. Creation Speaks with Rev. Laura Wiens


    Creation Speaks with Rev. Laura Wiens

    Reading Scripture Well: Myths We (Should) Believe Creation Speaks with Rev. Laura Wiens Genesis 1-2:3 This Sunday at Pilgrim, join us for a message titled "Creation Speaks" as we dive into Genesis 1 and explore how the beauty of creation declares the majesty of God. Together, we'll reflect on the mystery of creation, the majesty of our Creator, and the incredible value God has placed on each of us as His image-bearers. For reflection & discussion: Genesis 1 describes God as speaking creation into existence. What does this say about the power of God's Word, and how does that impact your faith? How do you approach the "mystery" of Genesis 1? Do you see it as poetic, narrative, or something else? What do you see as the author’s main  intention when this portion of Scripture was originally spoken/ written?  When have you experienced a moment that you’ve noticed the amazing beauty of God’s creation? How can you use experiences like this to draw closer to God? Does the beauty of creation inspire you to praise God in your daily life?  Share your perspectives and experiences with the group.  4. How does knowing that all people are made in the image of God influence the way you treat others, especially those who are different from you? 5. The sermon mentioned preaching to yourself during times of discouragement (Psalm 42:5-6) What are some truths about your identity in Christ that you can remind yourself of in difficult seasons? 6. In what ways can you reflect God's image more clearly in your words, actions, and relationships this week? Resources: Books, articles and podcasts on the topics of Faith/ Science by Justin Brierly and William Lane Craig. Case for a Creator for Kids by Lee Strobel How Do We Know God Created Life? By Melissa Cain Travis (for children)

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  2. Reading Scripture Well with Joshua Liem


    Reading Scripture Well with Joshua Liem

    Reading Scripture Well with Joshua Liem Luke 24 This Sunday, we’re diving into an exciting new series that starts with one essential question: How should we read the Bible? With so many interpretations and debates, it can be overwhelming to know what to believe. But here’s the good news: Scripture points us to Jesus. It reveals who he is, shapes how we live, and helps us discover truth through the lenses of tradition, reason, and experience. Join us as we learn to read the Bible well before we begin our journey in Genesis next week. For reflection & discussion: What does it mean to say that all Scripture points to Jesus? How does that impact the way you read the Bible?  Is there any difficulty with this saying? What are some ways Jesus’ life, teachings, and actions challenge how we interpret Scripture? Think about myths or stories you’ve believed about life (e.g., success, happiness, identity). How does the Bible offer a counter-narrative? Which of the four elements (Scripture, tradition, reason, experience) do you naturally lean on most when interpreting the Bible? Why? Why is it important to interpret Scripture within the broader Christian tradition? How does this safeguard against misinterpretation?  Describe your current practice of Bible reading.  What is one step you feel challenged to take this week for reading Scripture? Further Resources : BibleProject — https://bibleproject.com/explore/how-to-read-the-bible/  Iain Provan, The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture, also Seriously Dangerous Religion: What the Old Testament Really Says and Why It Matters 3. Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

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  3. ROOT TO FLOURISH 16 - A Rule of Life for the Return of Christ with Joshua Liem


    ROOT TO FLOURISH 16 - A Rule of Life for the Return of Christ with Joshua Liem

    ROOT TO FLOURISH A Rule of Life for the Return of Christ with Joshua Liem Matthew 24-25 What does it mean to be human? As we conclude our Root to Flourish series this Advent season, we will explore Jesus' words in Matthew 24–25 and consider how ancient Christian practices can shape us for a life of flourishing. Discover how a Rule of Life can help you prepare for Christ’s return with sustainable habits that align with his kingdom. For reflection & discussion: Resources  Designing a Rule of Life:  https://www.practicingtheway.org/ruleoflifebuilder  For Covenant Partnership (Church Membership): https://www.pilgrimchurch.ca/join.html  Covenant Member Commitments: Will you… Follow the leadership of Pilgrim Church? Lead where your giftings are? Keep one another accountable as they/we seek to accomplish the mission and vision of our church? Live a life that is consistent with Scripture (in the light of God’s love and grace)? Use your spiritual gifts in leadership/ministry at Pilgrim Church and the community of Vancouver? Worship God through regular (consistent) and generous giving *(aim for a grace-based) resulting in supporting the ministry of Pilgrim Church? Practice Biblical personal peacemaking in right relatedness (1) with God? Practice Biblical personal peacemaking (2) with others, maintaining relationships characterized by covenant trust and faithfulness, avoiding dissention, gossip, and self-centeredness, and doing all you can to heal broken relationships? Regularly pray for Pilgrim Church worship gatherings and other teams that I am a part of? (Praying for pastor, elders, leaders, attenders, and those we are called to reach and love? Attend and be engaged as a regularly scheduled habit to be open to others and known? (Out of 52 weeks in a year (13 a quarter), attending at least 2/3 of the worship gatherings would be 35 weeks, 3/4 would be 39 weeks.)

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  4. ROOT TO FLOURISH #15 Authentic Fasting with Rev. Laura Wiens | FASTING 03


    ROOT TO FLOURISH #15 Authentic Fasting with Rev. Laura Wiens | FASTING 03

    ROOT TO FLOURISH #15 Authentic Fasting with Rev. Laura Wiens | FASTING 03 Isaiah 58:1-11 What does it mean to fast in a way that truly honors God? This Sunday, we’ll explore how authentic fasting includes fighting injustice, helping those in need, and living out God’s love daily. Don’t miss this opportunity to dive deeper into how true fasting can transform lives and lead to flourishing! --- For reflection & discussion: Isaiah 58 describes the kind of fasting God desires. What stands out to you from this passage? Does this text challenge your current understanding of fasting?  How have practices like prayer, worship, Sabbath keeping or fasting affected your relationship with God? How can these practices help you grow in authenticity? How do you see God calling you to "loose the chains of injustice" or "share your food with the hungry"? What are practical steps you can take to live this out?  Reflect on Dorothy Day’s quote about giving up unnecessary things so that we can afford to help others. Is God inviting you to make some changes in your lifestyle? How can we ensure that our efforts to serve others come from a place of humility rather than superiority?  Have you ever noticed a type of ‘helping’ that may actually hurt people?   In what ways can your home church or church community support one another in living out true fasting and caring for those in need? Isaiah 58 describes flourishing in the lives of people who live an authentic lifestyle as God’s children.  Have you experienced any of this flourishing in your own life as you care for others in need? Suggested Resources: When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor..  and Yourself  by  Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.   The Transforming Friendship: A Guide to Prayer written by James Houston

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We look like Vancouver. Find your people and spiritual fam here! We are full of scandalous curiosity and wonder around Jesus. #pilgrimpeople A church that looks like the Kingdom of God. Pilgrim Church is located at the corner of East 45th and Inverness Street in South Vancouver, two blocks southwest of East 41st and Knight Street. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @pilgrimyvr, Youtube @pilgrimchurchyvr, and www.pilgrimchurch.ca








