Pilot Episode - Season 8 (S08E00)

Juggalo Rewind

Season 8 starts off with the pilot episode, aka Episode Zero. This is a great place to start if you are a new listener to the podcast. Sit back and listen as Peter (aka Pencil) and Chris (aka Cellar) talk about the Psychopathic Rydas, discuss the history of the supergroup, talk about the plans for the original Gathering of the Juggalos, and tackle important topics like the history of the Uziman!

New gimmick: TIME STAMPS!
0:00:00 (Start)    0:05:54 (Who We Are)    0:12:59 (Who Are The Rydas?)    0:18:21 (Rydas Timeline)

The LinkTree can be found at https://linktr.ee/juggalorwd. Otherwise here are all of our links -  Twitter/X: @JuggaloRWD  IG: @JuggaloRWD  Facebook: @JuggaloRWD  TikTok: @JuggaloRWD  Threads: @JuggaloRWD  The website is www.JuggaloRewind.com.  Join us on the ICPWWE Discord and talk to other listeners and podcast hosts about ICP, Twiztid and random juggalo nonsense.  Email us at juggalorwd@gmail.com or call/text us at (810) 666-1570.

Additional music provided by Steve O (aka Analog) of the IRTD. Voiceover work provided by Christmas (aka Lil Krampus). The Rewind is forever powered by the 20x20 Apparel.  

All music played is owned by the respective publishers and copywrite holders and is reproduced for review purposes only under fair use. Except for this season. Fuck your copyright. CopyWRONG, youknowwhatimsayin.

#ForTheJuggaloCulture  #RydaRewind








