29 episodes

Welcome to Pivot to Joy with Dele Downs Kooley! Dele shares her insights on the connection between our thoughts and the results we see in our lives. She talks about how understanding this connection can help us take charge of our lives and create the outcomes we desire.

Pivot To Joy Dele Downs Kooley

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 13 Ratings

Welcome to Pivot to Joy with Dele Downs Kooley! Dele shares her insights on the connection between our thoughts and the results we see in our lives. She talks about how understanding this connection can help us take charge of our lives and create the outcomes we desire.

    From Insecure Overachiever to Confident Leader: A Conversation with Lindsay Lyman

    From Insecure Overachiever to Confident Leader: A Conversation with Lindsay Lyman

    In this episode, Coach Kooley interviews Lindsay Lyman, a certified career and life coach. Lindsay shares her journey from an insecure overachiever to a confident leader, offering insights on tackling corporate challenges and finding motivation in difficult work environments. The conversation covers building self-trust, achieving work-life balance, and finding fulfilment in and out of work. Lindsay discusses the importance of transparency, empathy, and consistency in leadership and self-care. The episode also explores strategies for working under challenging managers and addressing common misconceptions about happiness at work.
    Tune in now!
    Timestamps: [01:12] Lindsay Lyman’s background
    [04:58] Key turning points from an insecure overachiever to a confident leader
    [12:26] Lindsay's coaching approach to helping others feel motivated at work
    [15:26] Three-part framework for earning trust
    [24:04] Advice for individuals working under managers they don't trust
    [25:00] The importance of transparency and honesty with yourself
    [28:57] The challenge of consistency in self-care
    [33:15] Addressing the misconception of "it'll get better when..."
    [37:53] The concept of work-life balance
    [41:29] Finding what brings you joy and rejuvenation
    [46:14] Lindsay's upcoming workshops and resources
    Quotes: I always tell people I don't sell happiness, I just don't believe that's actually what we want. Like, I don't wanna feel happy when terrible, tragic things happen. I don't want to love managers that micromanage. If you can't consistently know what to expect from your leader, are they gonna back you up in this meeting? Are they gonna throw you under the bus? It's really hard to have that trust. I just believe at my core, we as humans are more alike than we're different, and we all want to help each other and to keep becoming more amazing at what we are. Just because we're coaches doesn't mean we don't do this. Where we have an opportunity in the consistency space is to consistently, consistently take action faster. The most important relationship that we have is the one with ourselves. So how do we put our arm around ourselves in that moment and ask that question like, what do you need? Resources: More Than a Paycheck podcast: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/podcast/
    Craig Groeschel's framework on the three elements of trust: transparency, empathy, and consistency: https://www.youtube.com/@craiggroeschel
    Lindsay Lyman Coaching website: https://lindsaylymancoaching.com/
    Lindsay's coffee chats: lindsaylymancoaching.com/chat
    Promotion script: lindsaylymancoaching.com/ask
    If you want to learn more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect. Remember to SHARE with your friends!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dele.kooley.coaching
    Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com
    Look out for a free downloadable journaling page to reflect on and capture what resonates with you.
    To Book Your Strategy Session, go to delekooleycoaching.com/coaching
    If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast 
    Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your summer and set yourself up for a fantastic Q4. Subscribe to the Pivot to Joy podcast and start your Summer of Success today!

    • 50 min
    Summer of Success Series: Organizing for Joy: Tips To Organizing Your Space and Life with Rebecca Johnson

    Summer of Success Series: Organizing for Joy: Tips To Organizing Your Space and Life with Rebecca Johnson

    In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by a professional organizer, Rebecca Johnson, who shares her journey to becoming organized, tips for decluttering and organizing spaces, and advice for those overwhelmed by disorganization. She talks of the emotional and financial impacts of clutter, the value of professional organizing services, and practical strategies for getting started with organizing. Rebecca further discusses the benefits of getting organized, how to approach organization based on your personality, and advises busy parents trying to maintain order. Rebecca emphasizes that organization should work for you and doesn't have to be perfect to be effective.
    Don’t miss out on these insightful and empowering tips!
    Timestamps: [04:14] Rebecca's background and journey to becoming organized
    [09:00] Common challenges clients face with organization
    [12:56] The value of professional organizing services
    [21:55] Tips for budgeting time for organizing projects
    [25:00] The importance of progress over perfection in organizing
    [26:15] Understanding "things out" vs "things away" organizing styles
    [29:55] Why not everything needs to be folded perfectly
    [31:38] Making organization work for your style
    [33:26] Adapting organizational approaches for different family members
    [35:36] Advice for busy working parents trying to stay organized
    [39:55] How to delegate age-appropriate organizational tasks to children
    [00:47:14] How household organization can enhance leadership development
    Quotes: Being disorganized is not a personality trait or a character flaw. We are all good at things and not so good at other things. Don't set out to organize your entire house in one weekend. I would say pick your biggest pain point. Practice makes progress. You get credit for doing something. I think that might be hard when we've been raised by that grading system of you get an A, you get a B. Um, life doesn't actually work the way that we started through school, where you studied hard for the test. It's you're doing these little tasks, and you get credit for that, and incrementally, they build over time. Organization without perfection is still being organized. And it gives you your time back to do other things that are more important. The key takeaway of being organized is it has to work for you! Resources: National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals: https://www.napo.net/
    QC Design School: https://www.qcdesignschool.com/
    Connect with Rebecca on:
    Website: https://www.soundorganizing.net/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soundorganizingsolutions
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soundorganizingsolutions/
    Recommended products page: https://www.soundorganizing.net/recommended-products
    If you want to learn more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect. Remember to SHARE with your friends!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dele.kooley.coaching
    Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com
    Look out for a free downloadable journaling page to reflect on and capture what resonates with you.
    To Book Your Strategy Session, go to delekooleycoaching.com/coaching
    If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast 
    Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your summer and set yourself up for a fantastic Q4. Subscribe to the Pivot to Joy podcast and start your Summer of Success today!

    • 50 min
    Summer of Success Series: Finding Balance and Making an Impact w/ Chezik Tsunoda

    Summer of Success Series: Finding Balance and Making an Impact w/ Chezik Tsunoda

    In this episode, Coach Kooley is joined by Chezik Tsunoda, a filmmaker, water safety advocate, and founder of No More Under. Chezik shares how she balances her busy life as a single mother of four while managing two businesses. She discusses the importance of self-care, being present, and building a strong support system. Chezik further shares her journey from corporate work to entrepreneurship and practical insights on self-awareness, intentional living, and trusting your instincts. She also discusses balancing passion projects with corporate responsibilities, making value-aligned decisions, and harnessing the power of meditation and stillness. 
    Tune in to gain practical advice and be inspired by Chezik's journey. 
    Don't miss out! Listen now and take the first step towards intentional living!
    Timestamps: [03:33] Finding balance as a busy mother and entrepreneur
    [06:32] The importance of being present and celebrating moments of balance
    [09:39] How self-care contributes to better relationships
    [11:50] Morning rituals and the importance of "me time"
    [14:56] Building a support system and learning to delegate
    [18:41] Balancing creative entrepreneurship with business skills
    [21:01] Transitioning from corporate work to entrepreneurship
    [24:00] Importance of self-awareness and anchoring to your "why"
    [26:00] Finding your path and trusting the process
    [28:11] Challenges of social media influence on self-awareness
    [34:07] Benefits of meditation and stillness
    [43:07] The importance of knowing how to ask for help
    [44:58] Water safety statistics and Chezik's TEDx talk
    Quotes: When there's that ability just to be and truly be in the moment, that is a form of having that balance. Ultimately, it starts with our relationship with ourselves. It starts with how much you're pouring into yourself and understanding how much you can pour into others. Sometimes, it's getting to the reframe and being anchored to the why that gets you through. You have to find out what works for you and how you are getting there because I'm not going to be able to walk in the exact same path as someone else and have the same results. Resources: No More Under website: https://www.nomoreunder.org
    Visually Inspired Productions: https://www.visuallyinspiredproductions.com/
    Drowning in Silence: https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/drowning-in-silence/umc.cmc.28nysp18en5ydcnfo8gxsqqls
    Yuri's Law: https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/blog/2023/03/08/house-passes-yoris-law/#:~:text=House%20Bill%201750%2C%20also%20known,and%20resources%2C%E2%80%9D%20said%20Berg.
    No More Under Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomoreunder/?hl=en
    No More Under LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/no-more-under/
    Shaik's TEDx talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgvjsTC2uX8
    "Drowning in Silence" documentary on Apple TV and Amazon Prime: https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/drowning-in-silence/umc.cmc.28nysp18en5ydcnfo8gxsqqls
    If you want to learn more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect. Remember to SHARE with your friends!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dele.kooley.coaching
    Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com
    Look out for a free downloadable journaling page to reflect on and capture what resonates with you.
    To Book Your Strategy Session, go to delekooleycoaching.com/coaching
    If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast 
    Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your summer and set yourself up for a fantastic Q4. Subscribe to the Pivot to Joy podcast and start your Summer of Success today!

    • 47 min
    Your Roadmap for a Joyful and Productive Summer

    Your Roadmap for a Joyful and Productive Summer

    In this episode, Coach Kooley kicks off the 2024 Summer of Success series, emphasizing the critical balance between high performance and self-care. She introduces the series' themes and encourages listeners to define what brings them joy, offering practical suggestions and free journaling resources to accompany each episode.  She also shares her recent family celebrations and introduces the upcoming guest interviews focused on working better, learning better, and growing faster. 
    Are you ready to make this summer your most successful yet? Join Coach Kooley on this journey of growth and joy!
    Timestamps: [01:13] Announcing the 2024 Summer of Success series and recent family celebrations
    [02:19] Importance of balance and incorporating joy into daily life
    [03:37] Staying on track with goals while making room for joy
    [04:29] Preview of upcoming guests and series themes
    [05:56] How to connect with Coach Kooley
    Quotes: Joy is one of the greatest preventative measures from burnout. With big events comes the need for balance, and for us high performers, that means rest and recovery. Joy looks different for each of you, so try a few things out, and remember: It doesn't have to be complicated or take a long time. Resources: If you want to learn more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect. Remember to SHARE with your friends!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dele.kooley.coaching
    Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com
    Look out for a free downloadable journaling page to reflect on and capture what resonates with you.
    To Book Your Strategy Session, go to delekooleycoaching.com/coaching
    If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast 
    Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your summer and set yourself up for a fantastic Q4. Subscribe to the Pivot to Joy podcast and start your Summer of Success today!

    • 6 min
    Navigating Mile Markers Celebrating Success and Embracing Growth

    Navigating Mile Markers Celebrating Success and Embracing Growth

    In this episode, Coach Kooley discusses celebrating milestones and embracing the journey toward success rather than solely focusing on the end goal or destination. She discusses strategies for staying motivated, such as pausing to reassess and set new goals after accomplishing objectives, surrounding yourself with a supportive community, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Coach Kooley provides advice for nurturing a positive, growth-oriented mindset essential for navigating the path to success and fulfillment, including taking actionable steps to maintain momentum, celebrating small wins to fuel motivation, and shifting your perspective to view success as a continuous journey of learning and evolution.
    Join the show now for this and more!
    Timestamps: [01:14] Episode overview and reflections on celebrating milestones
    [02:19] The importance of celebrating moments along the journey
    [04:04] Shift from viewing success as a destination to a journey
    [05:17] Strategies for staying motivated and maintaining momentum
    [06:33] Advice to a client on pausing and celebrating accomplishments
    [07:52] Invitation to reflect on a personal journey and embrace challenges
    Quotes: Success is a journey, not a destination.e Pause and take in your new surroundings and the space you occupy because you don't want the version 1.0 of yourself charting the path forward or the version 2.0 version of yourself. When we don't celebrate those moments, we're robbing ourselves of more opportunities for more joy in our lives. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and development. Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching/
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley
    Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com
    Anyone joining the Pivot community before May 15th will receive two free coaching and strategy sessions with me. Use code celebrate at checkout to get your free sessions.
    Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching
    If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast

    • 9 min
    Harnessing the Power of Intention for Success

    Harnessing the Power of Intention for Success

    Hello, welcome to episode 2 of a 5 part series on your success. In this episode, Coach Kooley continues her five-part series on success by discussing the pivotal role of intentionality. She explains how intentionality shapes our actions and outcomes, provides strategies for setting clear intentions, and shares examples of her clients achieving success through intentional action. Coach Kooley emphasizes the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs, building a supportive system, and taking consistent action toward your goals.
    Join the show now!
    Timestamps: [02:27] Intentionality and its impact on performance
    [03:50] Importance of clarity when setting intentions
    [04:52] Using visualization to clarify desired outcomes
    [06:14] Leveraging affirmations to instill new beliefs
    [07:07] Overcoming limiting beliefs rooted in fear, lack, loss
    [10:01] Building a supportive environment and system
    [12:26] Client examples of achieving goals through intentionality
    Quotes: Intentionality shapes, actions and outcomes by starting with clarity. It starts with setting intentions and it requires more than just wishful thinking or operating on autopilot. Clarity is essential for maximizing your performance and potential. Our beliefs shape our reality, and sometimes, adopting a new belief can be challenging. It's not enough to set an intention. You have to take action. Success doesn't happen in isolation. We need a strong support system that encourages us and lifts us up on the journey toward our next success." Resources: If you want to know more about creating intentional pivots, let's connect, and remember to SHARE with your friends!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delekooleycoaching
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dele-downs-kooley
    Website: https://delekooleycoaching.com
    If you're listening to this episode on the release date, it's the last day of my birthday month, so to celebrate, I have a gift for you. Anyone joining the Pivot community before May 15th will receive two free coaching and strategy sessions with me. Use code celebrate at checkout to get your free sessions.
    Book Your Strategy Session: delekooleycoaching.com/coaching
    If you want the complete show notes or you want to learn more about the work that I do with my clients, go to https://delekooleycoaching.com/podcast 

    • 16 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
13 Ratings

13 Ratings

GabiGar ,

Such a great show

Enjoy the episodes and the tangible tips & teaching Dele does.

CeciliaMD ,


Love the practical steps of shifting your mindset to be your best self and succeed in all aspects of life.

KristinG77 ,

Fresh Voice, Real Results

Love the straight talk approach with actionable ideas. Dele walks the walk and I love hearing her also do that talk!

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