Sometimes we like to use our sewing superpowers for good. In this episode, we share ideas for how our passion for sewing can help more than just our own closets. First, Barbara shares her enthusiasm for helping new sewers fall in love with our hobby. Then Lori and Helena interview Pam Damour and Loriann Payne about their trip to Huánuco, Peru to teach beginning sewing skills with Pam's non-profit Sewing with a Mission. During that unforgettable experience, they met and taught sewing to many women, while Loriann's husband offered much needed repairs to sewing machines. We also share many other ways we can contribute with our sewing skills to several different causes closer to home.
- 节目
- 发布时间2019年8月21日 UTC 04:01
- 长度59 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜