Podcast Episode: Cyber Risk and Resiliency: A Call to Board Members and Public Companies (Part 1 of 2)

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In the first of this two-part series, Brian Hengesbaugh, Global Chair of Privacy and Security at Baker McKenzie, is joined by Cyrus Vance Jr., Global Chair of Cybersecurity, as the two discuss the alarming increase in cybercrimes, looking broadly at the trends, public safety risks and legal implications for the business community, particularly as it pertains to boards and senior management navigating the current threat landscape. Listen to learn more about:

  • Why it is difficult to combat cybercrime and hold criminals accountable
  • The importance of multijurisdictional cooperation and public-private partnerships in fighting cybercrime
  • How geopolitical challenges and tensions will impact the outlook of cybercrime
  • What global companies and boards should understand about threat actors as cybercrimes become increasingly sophisticated in today’s environment

Want to Learn More?Stay tuned for part two of this podcast series, which will focus on the National Cybersecurity Strategy.

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