113 episodes

I denne podcast-serie vil jeg dele de mange informationer som jeg støder på i mit arbejde med at afdække hvad Danmark er for et land, og hvordan det i virkeligheden fungerer. Det afdækker jeg i bøgerne i trilogien "Illusionen om Danmark" og bogen "Illusionen om Grundloven".

Jeg laver disse podcast så du kan lytte til dem på farten, og forhåbentlig blive meget klogere på dit land.

Hvis ikke vi danskere ved hvor vi står (og det gør vi desværre ikke i særlig høj grad!) hvordan kan vi så vide i hvilken retning vi skal gå?

Kend dit land og dets fortid, og du vil kunne forstå hvor du er i nutid!


Podcast-serien "Illusionen om Danmark‪"‬ Flemming Blicher

    • Society & Culture

I denne podcast-serie vil jeg dele de mange informationer som jeg støder på i mit arbejde med at afdække hvad Danmark er for et land, og hvordan det i virkeligheden fungerer. Det afdækker jeg i bøgerne i trilogien "Illusionen om Danmark" og bogen "Illusionen om Grundloven".

Jeg laver disse podcast så du kan lytte til dem på farten, og forhåbentlig blive meget klogere på dit land.

Hvis ikke vi danskere ved hvor vi står (og det gør vi desværre ikke i særlig høj grad!) hvordan kan vi så vide i hvilken retning vi skal gå?

Kend dit land og dets fortid, og du vil kunne forstå hvor du er i nutid!


    Del Bigtree, Meryl Nass (CHD) and Jimmy Dore goes into disinformation overload

    Del Bigtree, Meryl Nass (CHD) and Jimmy Dore goes into disinformation overload

    It’s time to kill your darlings
    At the point of writing this post, a full five days period have passed since WHO adopted new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Since then an overflow of disinformation has ‘flooded the zone’ making it impossible for most people to get a somewhat clear picture of the weekends results from WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva.
    Reporters and channels like Del Bigtree, Meryl Nass, Robert F. Kennedy’s Childrens Health Defense, Alan Miller, Dan Astin-Gregory and Philipp Kruse are all spreading disinformation regarding these amendments. It is done very subtle - and each in its own way - but the summed-up result is disinformation on a massive scale.
    Check out Del Bigtrees media TheHighWire’s last report from June 6th. Watch the fulle show HERE! Make sure you watch from around 24 minutes in and until around 32 minutes, where Del Bigtree and his sidekick, Jefferey Jaxen, manages to rub Roguski into their disinformation campaign.
    Jaxon: Good news, there’s a way out of it in article 61, which makes it possible for states to opt out (of the amendments). You just have to pressure your politicians to opt out. This is a really really easy piece to do!
    And Del Bigtree wraps it up:
    Bigtree: It is completely illegal (what WHO have done)
    Bigtree (finalising the issue): But we are here! It’s all part of waking up!
    The less than 10 minutes narrative the two hosts offers on the issue, completely fails to touch on the fact, that WHO now has includede “cell- and gene-based therapies” as part of the “relevant health products” which WHO can organise accross borders all around the world, when the Director General feels like calling for a “pandemic emergency”.
    Del Bigtree might just be very ignorant when he read the adopted amendments, or is his actually being dictated - by someone in the shadow on how to abuse his platform - to direct disinformation at his audience? It’s hard to know, so I will leave it up to the reader to make up his/hers own mind. Don’t forget to watch the last 5 minutes at the very end of the whole show. I’d say it is Bigtrees finest hour of dwelving in his own wisdom and fame, as he rants on about the normal worker and free citizens of the world, and the greatness of America. All the while he wraps up a show full mixed with valueable information, and a ton af disinformation. Shame on you, Bigtree!
    Bigtree: I promise I will make us laugh more next week, but this week, PLEASE! Do everything you can: Donate to ICAN, so we can continued… Donate 25 dollar a month if you can, donate a dollar or fifty cents…
    Problem solved! Donate to Del Bigtree at he will make you laugh (next week)!
    What Bigtree just don’t tell you is that he passifies you in the process, by letting you think your are contributing to the pure truth getting spread all over the world!
    Even Rebel News
    Rebel News published the below video on Thursday a full five days after WHO adopted the amendments:
    It is 100% clear that Rebel News are not reporting anything of value regarding the outcome of the protest, but instead are trying to make some bucks to cover their flight tickets, hotel rooms and other expenses.
    Instead of informing the viewers, the otherwise fantastic brave Rebel News reporter, Ezra Levant, just takes another ‘victory lap’ and collects money from freedom fighters.
    Ezra Levant (together with Avi Yemini) did a fantastic job on Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in january 2023 at the WEF Davos meeting.
    To me, this news is a hard case of ‘killing my darlings’ even though I had noticed a certain zionistic tone in Rebel News reporting since October 2023 :(
    Some sober reporting from California
    The only report from the 77th WHA that does an honest and sober report on the dire status of the adopted IHR amendments is James Roguski (watch his report HERE!).
    Also James Corbett has succeeded with great and honest information on the amendments through an excellent

    • 9 min
    Min grundlovstale på Himmelbjerget 2024

    Min grundlovstale på Himmelbjerget 2024

    I 2022 holdt jeg en grundlovstale på Himmelbjerget, det sted hvor min tipoldefar, Steen Steensen Blicher startede Himmelbjergfesterne i 1839, og som har stor symbolsk betydning for forståelsen af folkesjælen i Danmarks Riges Grundlov.
    Talen blev optaget på hjemmesiden Danske Taler, og du kan gense min grundlovstale fra 2022 HER!
    Men det huede ikke ‘etablissementet’, at Frihedslisten at jeg selv fik adgang til at fejre grundlovsdag sammen med andre - andre der evt. kunne komme til at lytte til vores budskaber.
    Efter 2022 lavede Skov- og Naturstyrelsen nye regler som gjorde at det kun var Hotel Democracy og Konservative der i eftertiden har fået lov til at tale på Himmelbjerget på grundlovsdag.
    Derfor er det ikke længere muligt for mig at holde en rigtig grundlovstale på Himmelbjerget. Og derfor har jeg benyttet muligheden til at konvertere mine svar - på Kjesten Johannsons rigtige gode spørgsmål grundlovsdag på Himmelbjerget - om til en grundlovstale.
    Lyt til grundlovstalen som hermed udgives som en podcast.
    * 00:00:00 Grundlovsdag på Himmelbjerget
    * 00:24:40 WHOs 77nde samling i Genève og den nye IHR-aftale
    * 00:49:20 Infiltration af friheds- og sandhedsbevægelsen
    * 00:55:30 Skal vi frygte OWG og WHO?
    * 01:02:00 Opsamling (hvad gør vi?)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe

    • 1 hr 9 min
    Kort interview med Mogens Lykketoft, Grundlovsdag på Himmelbjerget

    Kort interview med Mogens Lykketoft, Grundlovsdag på Himmelbjerget

    Mogens Lykketoft vil gerne holde en lang tale om Grundloven, men vil ikke deltage i debat om den!
    Efter en meget lang grundlovstale på Himmelbjerget d. 5. juni 2024 havde Mogens Lykketoft stort set ingen vilje til at snakke med mig om Grundloven.
    Det på trods af at han netop havde fået overrakt et eksemplar af en bog jeg selv har skrevet om netop Grundloven.
    Lyt selv og gør din egen dom over demokratiet og de politikere, og forhenværende politikere som burde være gode eksponenter for netop demokratiet.
    Jeg udleverede 175 eksemplarer af min bog Illusionen om Grundloven (se omtale af bogen HER!) den dag på Himmelbjerget. Jeg ville have at ‘værdigt trængende’ skulle kunne få et eksemplar af min bog om Grundloven. Det virker til at Mogens Lykketoft er i netop denne målgruppe, for han er ikke særlig interesseret i at kigge kritisk på Danmarks forfatningsmæssige tilstand.
    Lykketoft var en del af den siddende regering da Folketinget udgav “Min Grundlov”
    Mit spørgsmål til Lykketoft vedrører Folketingets udgivelse af “Min Grundlov” i 2001. I 1999 afsatte Folketinget nemlig 60 millioner kroner til “År 2000 Fonden”. Således beskrives Fonden i en artikel i Berlingske d. 9. juni 1999:
    Fonden er etableret af Folketinget og indeholder i alt omkring 60 millioner. Pengene skal uddeles til projekter, der i forbindelse med årtusindskiftet kan skabe debat og forøge viden, indsigt og erkendelse for større eller mindre grupper i det danske samfund.
    På daværende tidspunkt var Mogens Lykketoft finansminister i Poul Nyrup Rasmussens fjerde regering. I december 2000 blev han udenrigsminister indtil regeringen blev erstattet af Anders Fogh Rasmussens første regering.
    Lykketoft var altså en del af den regering der fik afsat de 60 millioner kroner til År 2000 Fonden, hvor en del blev brugt til at udgive en grundlovsfortolkning kaldet “Min Grundlov”.
    På Folketingets hjemmeside kan man derfor ikke finde Grundloven, men i stedet den fortolkning af Grundloven som Folketinget åbenbart mener er vigtigere end selve Grundloven. Se Min Grundlov på Folketingets hjemmeside HER! eller klik på billedet herunder.
    I Min Grundlov erstatter Folketinget konsekvent “kongen” med “regeringen” hvilket gør Grundloven helt ulæselig.
    Prøv selv at læse den rigtige Grundlov og lave denne ordombytning. Se den rigtige nugældende Grundlov af 5. juni 1953 HER! eller klik på billedet herunder.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe

    • 5 min
    VIDEO-MØDE PÅ DANSK OM WHO: Opsummering af det 77nde World Health Assembly i Genève

    VIDEO-MØDE PÅ DANSK OM WHO: Opsummering af det 77nde World Health Assembly i Genève

    Thomas og Flemming var i weekenden i Genève for at deltage i en protest mod WHO
    Thomas Friis Bruun (se Facebook-profil HER og Instagram-profil HER) og jeg selv (se Facebook-profil HER, X/Twitter-profil HER og Telegram-kanal HER) tog i sidste weekend en tur til Genève for at deltage i protesten imod WHO’s vedtagelse af nye ændringer (amendments) af IHR-aftalen (den International Health Regulation-aftale som Danmark har været en del af siden 2007).
    Det blev en vældig interessant tur og jeg har tidligere sendt et par nyhedsbreve ud på engelsk (Husk at du altid kan bruge oversætterfunktionen til også at læse opslagene på dansk):
    Nu er det tid til en WHO-tilstandsrapport på dansk
    Thomas og jeg planlagde zoom-mødet for at gennemgå alle de vigtigste ting ved IHR-aftalen, samt gennemgå vores oplevelse af dem som saboterer at denne viden kommer ud til folket (kontrolleret opposition).
    Diverse links
    Se WHO’s hjemmeside hvor de konkluderer det 77. WHA:
    Og her er den nøjagtige ordlyd af de omtalte ændringer af IHR:
    På James Roguski’s Substack har han klippet alle ændringerne ud, så du kan se den ændrede tekst separat fra resten af dokumentet:
    På Dr. Meryl Nass’ hjemmeside kan man se i hvor alvorlig grad hun er med til at misinformere om resultatet af 77. WHA (ADVARSEL: MISINFORMATION!):

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe

    • 1 hr 21 min
    Pleased to meet you Dr. Ryan Cole! - Let's discuss Astrid Stückelberger, graphene oxide and 5G!

    Pleased to meet you Dr. Ryan Cole! - Let's discuss Astrid Stückelberger, graphene oxide and 5G!

    Discussions with Ryan Cole at last weekends protest in Geneva
    In the first part of my first book “Illusion about Denmark - The three lost years” I praised Dr. Ryan Cole very generously. However during writing the book, my friend Claire Edwards reported in her newsletter how Ryan Cole had treated Astrid Stückelberger in Stockholm at a conference. That let me to write the following in the latter part of the book (see below image which has been copied from my book):
    Interestingly Del Bigtree has done an extensive interview with Ryan Cole, where he did a 200%' debunking of graphene oxide being present in the COVID-19 vials. You can find the video on Ryan Cole’s homepage, and if you go to 44:30 minutes into the video, you go directly to Cole’s debunking.
    The same Del Bigtree whose media TheHighWire covered the whole protest in Geneva, with Del Bigtree being present at the protest himself.
    Review of Dr. Ryan Cole alledged gaslighting of Dr. Astrid Stückelberger in Stockholm
    Here the video links from the situation that occured on the stage at the mentioned Stockholm conference (January 2023): https://www.bitchute.com/video/83wETyfgK3dc/
    Dr. Jane Ruby should be credited with spreading the news in the USA on La Quinta Columna’s discovery of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vials in june/july of 2021, as Astrid Stückelberger should be credited with spreading the same news in Europe.
    This is a video where Dr. Ruby interviews Astrid Stückelberger (slightly edited by Fritjof in Sweden. I am sorry for using this video instead of Dr. Ruby’s two original videos, but it has not been possible for me to find both the originals):
    Here’s Dr. Ruby’s walk-through of the whole graphene oxide subject:
    Ryan Cole claims that Stückelbergers presentation was “pseudo-science”
    When I confronted Dr. Ryan Cole in Geneva on Saturday with the claim that he had censored Stückelberger in Stockholm he told me that she had talked about graphene oxide in the vials, and hence had been unscientific. Below is some quotes from the video recorded in the backstage area in Geneva:
    I went on stage to make a scientific statement!
    The organizers asked me to come up and clarify!
    So I pressed Cole to explain why he as a fellow presenter participated in censoring Stückelberger. His answer:
    The organizers and the other scientists did a very scientific conference, and it went into a realm of, what I call pseudo-science, fringe-science or conjecture-science.
    Again I confronted him with the fact that people had experienced him shutting Stückelberger down. Cole denied and said she had used up her time for presenting and he was just a diplomatic fellow presenter:
    That was the people who organized it (who had ended her presentation prematurely) and I was just another presenter who was trying to be diplomatic
    But that wasn’t me that asked her (to end her presentation), no, she was done with her talk.
    She got mad, she ran up and grapped the microphone and yelled a bunch of things, and got her friends in the crowd to yell at me.
    Unfortunately for Ryan Cole the video evidence (see links listed above) does not support his statements.
    After speaking to Cole in Geneva I went over to ask Stückelberger whether I had misunderstood the happening at the Stockholm conference, and whether Cole was talking the truth? This was denied by Stückelberger. She said that she was denied the presentation time she was promised, and that Cole was complicit in censoring her information on the WHO plan involving genome therapy (this was the slide Stückelberger was stopped in her presentation) and also the graphene oxide in vials.
    Again interestingly, the amendments to the IHR defines “relevant health products” as including cell- and gene-based therapies:
    ‘Some people’ apparently dont want us to discuss genome therapy and graphe

    • 8 min
    AMENDMENTS ADOPTED!!! - Conclusion to the WHO's 77th WHA w/James Roguski

    AMENDMENTS ADOPTED!!! - Conclusion to the WHO's 77th WHA w/James Roguski

    New Amendments to the IHR were adopted by WHO on June 1st
    Contrary to what my belief was, when I went to bed in my hotel room in Geneva yesterday, the WHO actually adopted a range of new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
    In this video James Roguski goes through what changes were actually made just yesterday, through the mentioned amendments to the IHR.
    Successful protest in front of the WHO HQ in Geneva
    Since around 12 o’clock local time I had been on the spot in Geneva, as part of the protest against WHO’s adoption of new amendments to the existing IHR regulations.
    WHO had also been attempting to make the WHO member nations agree to a brand new Pandemic Treaty. The Pandemic Treaty was off the table already before the 77th World Health Assembly started, but WHO succeeded in adopting new amendments to the IHR.
    The protest was arranged by two fractions of the local overall freedom, health and truth movement, namely Road to Geneva (headed by amongst others Michelle Cailler) and The Geneva Project (headed by Attorney-at-law Philipp Kruse).
    I have been involved in arranging more than 50 demonstrations and protests myself, so I know how much work has to be put into it, and how many things can go wrong. Therefore I want to express my thankfulness to the people arranging it and admiration of them, as this protest was done in the best possible way a protest can be arranged. WELL DONE GENEVA!
    But the outcome of the World Health Assembly in Geneva is extremely worrisome
    As James Roguski walks us through in the Zoom video-recording I did this morning (nighttime in California where James resides), WHO’s 77th WHA was concluded by adopting new amendments to the IHR.
    The work on the Pandemic Treaty (this framework goes under many different names) has been postponed to the future, but this 77th WHA shows that the globalists are still pushing forward with the adoption of amendments to an existing framework (IHR). As I have earlier documented, Denmark adopted these back in 2006/2007, with no, or very little, public debate. Our then Minister of Health, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, simply sent a note to all political parties in parliament, saying that if he did not hear anything back from them, Denamark would become part of the IHR framework.
    Yesterday Danmark, and all other some 190 member states (minus the few who have opted out) got their existing IHR agreement updated with new amendments to take effect in either 10 or 18 months depending on the individual IHR status.
    However, two nations, Costa Rica and Slovakia has already , since yesterday, told the WHO that they will opt out of the IHR amendments. Whether they will stay in the IHR framework is not clear to me at this point in time.
    The last 192 member states now has a 10 respectively 18 months time period to decide to opt out, if they choose so. If a member state does nothing, the amendments will automatically take effect in due time.
    Former japanese minister admits to the unvaccinated - “You were right!”
    A parallel rally was held in Japan and according to the media The Peoples Voice, the former japanese minister of internal affairs, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, spoke at this rally and admitted to the unvaccinated that they were right all of the time: “The vaccines caused a tsunami of deaths”.
    Click on the picture below to read the article in The Peoples Voice (or click HERE!):
    If you want to stay updated on WHO do follow James Roguski on Substack:
    Watch my own Facebook livestreams
    Here’s the livestream from the presentations (click image below or click HERE!:
    And here’s the livestream from the march in downtown Geneva (click image or click HERE!):
    Watch the TheHighWires professionel production from the event
    Del Bigtree is a very well know figure in the US and in the rest of the World, and he is also behind the alternative media TheHighWire, which reported live from the event in Geneva.
    Some time before sending live from Geneva, TheHighWire had sent out this

    • 40 min

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