Podcast Talent Coach

Erik K. Johnson
Podcast Talent Coach

If you're looking to grow your podcast audience, radio and podcast veteran Erik K. Johnson helps you transform your podcast information into entertainment that keeps your audience coming back episode after episode.

  1. قبل ٥ أيام

    How To Keep More Of Your Money – PTC 515

    As an entrepreneur, you work hard to generate revenue. Many businesses focus on sales to drive that revenue. But, what are you doing to keep more of that money? THE BOOK ON SELLING I love learning the nuances of selling. In fact, I just finished another book on it. We talk a lot about connecting with other experts and the power those connections hold for your growth. This book came to me from connections. One of my former coaches introduced me to her daughter as a joint venture partners. Her daughter introduced me to the leader of her mastermind. The leader of the mastermind connected me to a sales expert who was another member of the mastermind. That expert is Joe Pallo. He wrote a great book on selling called "How To Sell Nothing – The Logical Way To Make The Emotional Sale". In the book, Joe talks about learning about the prospect before the sales conversation. It's a lot about relationships and very similar to what we discuss here. WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? As we generate revenue from our sales, we tend to allocate that revenue to a variety of expenses. But, do you know where your money is going? Why is it that people making $40k a year live paycheck-to-paycheck and people making $120k a year also live paycheck-to-paycheck? It's because our expenses creep up as our income increases. We think we could never live without something that we never dreamed of having when we were making half or a third of what we are making now. Unless you deliberately tell the money where to go, it will all disappear. Many entrepreneurs start their company on a shoestring budget. I started this company on $500 for a website, some podcasting tools, and a couple other things. As entrepreneurs make more money, they begin spending on things like marketing, virtual assistants, and memberships. How many memberships do you have? Which ones are you really using on a regular basis and getting benefit from? Back when you were making no money, you hustled and spent time instead of money. You made it work, because you didn't have the money to spend on marketing. Now, I'm not saying don't invest in marketing or powerful tools to help you grow your business even faster. I'm simply suggesting you invest that money with a purpose. Do you really need a second mastermind or third AI tool? KEEP MORE OF YOUR MONEY When it comes to spending money, I'm a big proponent of investing money where it can help you grow bigger and faster with focus. One of those ways is finding an expert who knows the space much better than you and can help you shorten the timeframe to reach success. Experts can typically show you what you don't know and help you discover solutions faster. I use coaches and experts for very specific purposes. I don't have a business coach. That is too broad. At this point, I have a sales coach and a marketing coach. They help me in very specific ways. Another expert I use is my accountant. I don't do my taxes, because I have no interest in learning all of the tax code, I don't know what I can write off properly, and I don't want to spend the time trying to figure it out. A good accountant can help you keep more of your money by finding the leaks in your bucket. You work hard to generate the revenue. It's time you start working a little harder to keep it. YOUR MONEY EXPERT Today, I want to help you get started. I want to bring you a conversation I had with Ralph Estep Jr. He is the host of the Ask Ralph Podcast where he shares insights on finance, taxation, and entrepreneurship and helps entrepreneurs manage money God's way. He has some incredible tips for you to help you keep more of your money. Ralph V. Estep, Jr. is a multifaceted professional whose career spans accounting, entrepreneurship, farming, and media. With a background in finance and technology, he founded Saggio Management Group and has held leadership positions in various organizations. This interview was part of my Podcast Profits Summit. Grab something to

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  2. ٩ ربيع الآخر

    Building Relationships With Your Audience – PTC 514

    Building relationships with your audience is the path to your success. RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUR AVATAR Whether you're trying to grow your audience, grow your business, or make your impact on the world, success requires a powerful relationship. People do business with those they know, like and trust. It's all about building rapport. People follow those they know, like and trust. Influential authority originates from building a relationship with those you want to follow you. When we start building your podcast, one of the first steps is defining your ideal target listener. Your avatar. Who are you trying to attract. Most people will go through the typical basics, like age, gender, niche, etc. Some will go a little deeper to describe the avatar's interests, pains, and goals. Few will get deep enough to define the influencers their ideal client follows, the mental challenges holding their prospect back, or the myths that the avatar believes. The more you know about your ideal target listener, the stronger your content will be. You can use this definition as a filter for everything you do. RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH PERSONALITY STYLE One area often overlooked is personality style. By defining the personality style of your ideal target listener, you will know what content is important to her, how to communicate with her, and what will inspire her to take action. There are a variety of personality tests available. Each of them are a little different, but typically measure a person's characteristics, motivations and tendencies. A personality test helps define the best way to interact with someone. By understanding how to communicate with the various personality types and which types you work best with, you can craft your content to superserve this specific group. ASHLEY LOGSDON On this episode, I'm joined by relationship expert Ashley Logsdon to delve into the intricate world of personality types and their impact on building strong audience relationships. Ashley Logsdon is a Life Harmony Relationships coach who works with individuals to create a life where every family member thrives. Focusing on introspection and understanding "the language of empathy", she helps professionals and families move from communication to true connection - with themselves, their environment, and others. She's been involved in her father's business for the past 20 years and now runs and manages 48 Days, LLC - a resource for creating the work - and the life - you love. Ashley and her husband Nathan co-hosted the Mama Says Namaste podcast for 7 years, focusing on intentional family living and togetherness. This conversation is from my Podcast Profits Summit and will help you understand how to attract, connect with, and communicate with your ideal target listener. DISC PERSONALITY PROFILE Together, we explore the DISC personality system, where Ashley explains the varying traits of D (Dominant), I (Influential), S (Supportive/Steady), and C (Conscientious/Creative) types. The discussion highlights how understanding these personality styles can help podcasters adapt their communication to better connect with their listeners. Ashley emphasizes that every personality type has its strengths and challenges, especially in entrepreneurial ventures. She suggests that while D and I traits are often seen in successful business builders due to their assertiveness and social ease, S and C personalities also bring unique advantages. MOVING BEYOND THE TYPICAL AVATAR Throughout the conversation, Ashley and I discuss the significance of knowing your audience on a deeper level. Moving beyond basic demographics to understand the challenges, interests, and personality types of listeners can greatly enhance content engagement. Ashley introduces a free guide available at 48days.com/you that provides practical tips on empathetic communication tailored to various DISC profiles, which can be an invaluable resource for podcasters aiming to resonate more with the

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  3. ٢ ربيع الآخر

    How Your Values Make You A Magnetic Host – PTC 513

    It has been said many times that people do business with those they know, like and trust. Having common values helps you build that rapport. RELATIONSHIPS I like to think of know, like and trust as relationships. When you build relationships with your audience, your impact grows in amazing ways. Your potential clients want to get to know you, because they want to understand if you believe what they believe. Do you have similar values? Your values build the foundation of who you are. To become a magnetic host who attracts listeners and clients to you rather than chasing them, you need to be someone others want to be around. Not only be around, but they seek you out. INFLUENCE THROUGH VALUES This happens when you get clear on the characteristics of an influential authority. First, you need a powerful origin story. How did you develop your superpower? How were your values instilled in you? Next, you need to define your values and beliefs. What makes you you? Write out your foundational principles. Now describe that pivotal moment when you discovered this was your mission. When did that transformational moment happen that gave you your superpower? Then you need to develop the stories of your journey that demonstrate your values, beliefs, and principles. What insider language is incorporated into those stories that is used by your tribe? Finally, you need a tribe to spread your message and be your testimonials. BEGIN WITH VALUES This entire process starts with defining your values. You can't develop your origin story, foundational principles, transformational moment, stories to share, or a tribe to spread it without first knowing your values. Be brave and stand for those values you believe in. It will be scary. Do it anyway. If you try to please everyone, you please no one. You become safe and middle of the road. When you're in the middle of the road, you become roadkill. Make people pick a side. When you make people care, you will attract the right people and repel the wrong people. If everyone rates you a 3 on a one-to-five scale, they really don't care. Three means, "I could take it or leave it. I really don't have a feeling either way." That's a bad place to be. When you pick a side, some people love you and others hate you. That's ok. At least they care. You'll attract more people who love you and the people who hate you won't come back anyway. They weren't going to buy in the first place. You will be ok. Stand for what you value. VALUES WITH ROBERT MACPHEE I want to share an interview I recently did on the Podcast Profits Summit on values with Robert MacPhee. This will help you get started. Robert MacPhee is the creator of the “Excellent Decisions” values-based leadership program and the author of "Living a Values Based Life". He is the former Director of Training for the Canfield Training Group, having worked closely for many years with Jack Canfield, the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book series and the author of The Success Principles. Robert is an expert in experiential learning, peak performance, values clarification and leadership. He is also the host of the Value Based Life Podcast. You can find Robert's free gift at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/values. It is the Values Advantage free video mini-course to begin the process of discovering what YOUR highest values are. Enjoy the gift from Robert.   If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

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  4. ٢٦ ربيع الأول

    The Real Reason Your Offer Isn't Working – PTC 512

    WHY AN OFFER DOESN'T CONVERT Dumping time and energy into a podcast that does nothing to grow your business does not make good, financial sense. The offer you present on your podcast needs to inspire people to take action. If people are't taking action, it's not your offer. It's who you're being while you're making the offer. The solution is about your authority, not your podcast. [Podcast Launch Workshop Details HERE.] MY JOURNEY INTO PODCASTING I came to podcasting from radio. My radio career started in 1988. I began coaching on-air talent and programming radio stations in 1995. In 2009, I discovered podcasting and began helping podcasters in 2012. I love podcasting. But it isn't about podcasting. It's about authority and relationships. The selling process is 40% rapport and relationships. If you want to get your audience to take action, you are selling. OFFER WITH ORIGIN Consider Gary Vaynerchuk or Russell Brunson or Brendon Burchard. Do they have podcasts? Yes. But they also have YouTube channels, websites, email lists, and a variety of other content platforms. It isn't about the platform. This is about creating relationships. If you follow them, you know a lot about each of these guys. Gary is from Belarus. He collected baseball cards growing up, hated school, and worked in his father's liquor store. Gary originally started Wine Library TV and eventually wrote "Crush It". He's all about the hustle. Russell was a wrestler and lives in Boise. It all started with his potato gun. Brendon grew up in Montana. Went through a bad breakup before getting in his car wreck. You know their origin stories, and it builds rapport. Can you see how your podcast can help you build relationships with your audience? It isn't about the offer. They each have a variety of offers. This is about know, like and trust. Relationships. YOUR OFFER WITH AUTHORITY Attract your clients with your personality rather than chasing them with your ads. When you speak people listen because you're an authority and you have influence. Your offer isn't the secret to your success. This is about positioning you as the “go to” expert in your niche. Do you ever feel like you have an incredible message to share, but no one is listening? You haven't established authority yet. When you become the authority, you are well-known and sought-after. People seek you out. Would you rather chase your leads or have them come to you? As an authority, you build a loyal fan base full of paying customers. Not only do people pay you often, they refer you to others. Leads creating more leads. Don't be a product looking for a buyer. It's not the offer Be a leader helping clients achieve their goals. YOUR OFFER WITH PERSONALITY Become an influential authority by infusing you and your story into every episode. Many podcasters tell me they don't have a big personality. And, that's ok. You don't need a big personality. You just need an authentic personality. Everyone has a personality and can be a storyteller. This is a process I have refined since 1988. I've been successfully teaching people how to do it since 1995. Over the years I have built and activated huge audiences. I build influencers. When you know your "why", your what becomes more impactful. This is how you develop an effective offer. You struggle to get clients, because you're spending your time chasing clients with your offer rather than attracting them with your personality. IT ISN'T YOUR FUNNEL Your problem isn't your offer funnel. It's you. Put in the time to build relationships. Once the well starts producing water, it will continue to flow with ease. Attract people with who you are. You will attract clients with your personality by building relationships. People do business with those they know, like and trust. That's the definition of rapport. Stories build relationships. The podcast is just the vehicle. It is secondary to your story. The key to your success is your authorit

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  5. ١٩ ربيع الأول

    Do You Have A Personality? – PTC 511

    Many podcasters tell me they don't think they have a personality. We all have a personality. It just depends how we want to use it. People come for your content. They come back for you. Become magnetic by developing and embracing your personality. LINKS: Audience Explosion Workshop - http://www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/workshop Podcast Strategy Call - http://www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply WHAT IS PERSONALITY A personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. I want you to be a magnetic character who attracts people to you. But I don't want you to create some character that isn't true to who you really are. Defining your personality and character is an exercise in self-evaluation. You need to dig deep to find the qualities that make you unique. PODFADE Many podcasts fade away after about 7 episodes. I thought this stat was an old wives' tale until I did the research. While on a call with a client, we were looking for podcasts where she could be a guest. As we looked through the podcasts in her niche, we realized many of them only had published a few episodes and had faded away years ago. There are around 4 million podcasts today. However, only half of those podcasts are actively publishing new content. Podcasts fade away for 3 reasons. Podcasting is more work than they thought it would be. The show doesn't grow as fast as they thought you would. You can join us for the Audience Explosion Workshop - http://www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/workshop. And, the show doesn't make money as soon as they thought it would. These can all be solved with your personality. PERSONALITY SOLUTIONS People will come to your show for your content. They continue to come back for you. Creating a podcast every week becomes difficult when you are trying to teach something new every week. The show doesn't need to be new information every week. It needs to be new context every week. Teach the same principles through different context. Add stories, case studies, your personality, and a fresh perspective. Dave Ramsey hosts the Ramsey Show. It is a 3-hour daily radio show and podcast that began in 1992. On his show, Dave answers listeners questions about personal finance. Nearly every question is answered through the filter of Dave's eight baby steps to get out of debt and build wealth. Nearly every answer for decades has been one of the 8 same answers. Dave's show is one of the top five most-listened-to radio shows in the country. People aren't coming back every day for the answer. They come back for the stories. It's all about the context. STOP TEACHING As you are creating your episode, stop teaching. Make it less about the how and more about the why. Information isn't engaging. Entertainment attracts listeners. When I was getting my architecture degree, I had a professor who taught architectural history. Every morning he would turn off the light, turn on his projector, and read his historical notes of every building he showed. I could barely stay awake in that class. In high school, I took U.S. History with Mr. Johnston. When he taught topics, he would tell stories that would bring the characters to life. I'm not a history fan, but loved that class. Both classes where teaching history. But the engaging class was about the story, not the information. I'M NOT A PERSONALITY Many people don't think they are entertaining. They don't feel they have a great personality. You don't need to be over-the-top to be a great personality. Stand apart from the rest by being yourself. It doesn't require that you be funny or boisterous. You don't need to be Howard Stern or Gary Vaynerchuk or Dave Ramsey. Get noticed by being authentic. Consider Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank. She is a big personality without being larger than life. You just love her for who she is. How about Mel Robbins from the Mel Robbins show? She is a former on-air commentator for CNN and contributing

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  6. ١٢ ربيع الأول

    Creating An Effective Interview – PTC 510

    AN EFFECTIVE INTERVIEW REQUIRES STRATEGY Interviews can be a powerful tool for your podcast. But creating an effective interview requires a strategy and plan. In this episode, I want to show you how to use strategic questions to craft an effective interview that helps you reach your goals. I'll also share a recent interview I conducted with popular music artist Teddy Swims. We'll dissect it to see what makes it an effective interview. Get details on your Podcast Strategy Coaching Call with me here: https://podcasttalentcoach.com/strategy-call/ WHY DO YOU INTERVIEW? You first need to ask yourself why you are conducting interviews in the first place? What are interviews doing for you? Solo episodes build your credibility. Interview episodes build your network. When you create a solo episode, you have the entire episode to demonstrate your expertise, share your story, and connect with your listeners. The episode is all you. But, a solo episode also requires you to do the heavy lifting and create all the content yourself. Doing a show by yourself doesn't require coordinating calendars to schedule the recording, which is a big benefit to me. I like to record when it's convenient for me. That may not be as convenient for a guest. You will also be the only person promoting a solo episode. When you create an effective interview episode, you don't have nearly as much room to demonstrate your expertise. The spotlight needs to be on your guest. However, I'll show you how to get creative to interject yourself into the episode. On the other side of the coin, there are many benefit to interviews. When you interview guests, it is easier to create content. To build an effective interview, you simply need to create a few great questions with a story arc. Then, have a great conversation by being a good listener. It is also possible that your guest will promote. This usually happens when you make a clear ask before the interview and make it incredibly easy for your guest to share. When your guest shares the episode, it helps you build your network by getting in front of your guest's tribe. On top of the exposure to a new tribe, you can also build a relationship with your guest. Over the long haul, this can help you get even more exposure. EFFECTIVE INTERVIEWS ARE ABOUT MOMENTUM So, how long should your effective interview be? I get this question often. When it comes to your content, there is no such thing as too long, only too boring. I have listened to episodes that are an hour long, and I wish it was longer. Then there have been 15-minutes episodes that seemed to drag on forever. An effective interview is all about momentum. Just like your solo shows, effective interviews cannot be information alone. When you infuse story and emotion into your interviews, you keep your listener engaged. People have learned from story as long as people have been around. TEDDY SWIMS INTERVIEW Earlier this week, I had the pleasure to interview singer-songwriter and popular music artist Teddy Swims. When I attend concerts, I typically go backstage to the artist's meet and greet. This is where a group gathers in a room. The artist comes in to shake hands and take photos. My wife and I had been looking forward to the Teddy Swims show for quite some time. He has an amazing soul and sound. Two weeks before the show, my contact told me Teddy isn't doing any meet and greets. He then said Teddy would be willing to do an interview if I was interested. I jumped at the chance. Creating effective interviews with pop stars can sometimes be challenging. They are often asked the same questions, provide standard answers, and can be a little standoff-ish. Teddy has blown up quickly, and I was a bit nervous. The music of Teddy Swims is hard to define. He blends R&B, soul, country and pop into a mix that is quite unique. He started publishing cover tunes on YouTube back in 2019. People started taking notice by his unique voice and style. Tedd

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  7. ٤ ربيع الأول

    The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster – PTC 509

    HOW TO SURVIVE THE ENTREPRENEUR ROLLER COASTER Have you ever been on the entrepreneur roller coaster? It is all about the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur. IMPORTANT LINKS Next chance to launch is coming up. See the launch workshop details at www.podcasttalentcoach.com/podcastfast. If you have a podcast and you're ready to grow now, here's your chance. See my next workshop at www.podcasttalentcoach.com/workshop. THE BOOK As I've created this podcast, I've experienced the entrepreneur roller coaster time and time again. One day it is the best thing going. You get a client to enroll and you're on cloud nine. The next day you get the email that a client is not renewing and they are moving on. You're bummed for the next three days. This all comes to life everyday for most of us as entrepreneurs. It is also described in an amazing way in the book The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy. Darren currently owns and runs DarrenHardy.com where he and his team help people be exceptional. He is an author, speaker, and advisor. Darren is also the former publisher of Success Magazine. In addition to The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, Darren Hardy also wrote Living Your Best Year Ever and The Compound Effect. It will prepare you for the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It will warn you of the forthcoming fears, doubts, and the self-defeating conditioning of your upbringing and past. It will inoculate you from the naysayers, dream-stealers, and pains of rejection and failure. And it will guide you safely past the landmines that blow up and cause the failure of 66 percent of all new businesses. MY ENTREPRENEUR ROLLER COASTER 2024 is a perfect example of my own roller coaster. This year started with two of my coaching clients and one of my editing clients not renewing for another year. I loved each of them. It was painful and felt like a breakup. I knew they had amazing potential. Each of them had achieved so much to this point. The progress was fantastic. Over the year, I had a few amazing calls with coaches who didn't sign up for the coaching I felt would help them in such a big way. Each of them had their own reasons. We continue to stay in touch. I believe the time will eventually be right for them. THE FUN PART OF THE RIDE Then there were call like my most recent client who couldn't enroll fast enough. He has been in my world for a few years, and we finally got on a coaching call together. On that call, he signed up and has been knocking it out of the park. It feels so great. Each time I get on a call with my other clients, they tell me of all the great progress they are making and the lives they are changing. I just wrapped up a coaching program helping Neil and Taylere launch their "The Leadership Pause" podcast. They sent me an email that said, "Thank you for everything, Erik! We appreciate all your guidance. This course was terrific." It has happened in my business year after year. A few years ago it was really getting to me to the point I was going to throw in the towel. THE DATA Then one day I looked at the data. I noticed a trend in my business. Listening to my podcast tends to dip in the summer. My workshops are less attended in the summer. Fewer clients sign up in the summer. When August arrives, my downloads increase. I have more speaking opportunities. My workshops have great crowds. And more clients enroll. It's nothing I'm doing. The entrepreneur roller coaster is just the nature of my business. That's when I realized I didn't need to be scared of that first roller coaster drop. It always happens. Then comes the fun of the turns and loops. Once I started understanding the entrepreneur roller coaster is natural, podcasting and business became much more fun. WE ARE ALL ON THE ENTREPRENEUR ROLLER COASTER I was on a summit this week. During a roundtable discussion with the other experts who were speaking, I discovered we all have our own entrepreneur roller coasters. We all have ou

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  8. ٢٨ صفر

    Kathi Burns – Get Your Time Back – PTC 508

    CLAIM YOUR TIME As you produce your podcast each week, how do you get your time back? I've invited Kathi Burns on this episode to help you with your productivity and organization. She is a board certified professional organizer. Your time is something you can never get back. It's important that you use it as wisely as possible. I want to see you spending your time building your business and working with your clients. When you spend more of your time than necessary producing your podcast, you business suffers. SPENDING YOUR TIME EDITING? You may think you can save money producing your podcast yourself. Let's take a look at what that costs you. There are a variety of things you need to do to publish an episode. As an example, we'll say you need to edit your audio, export it as an .mp3, edit your video, export it to file, create your show notes, create your podcast artwork, create your YouTube thumbnail, create a couple audiograms to promote the episode, upload the episode and artwork to your podcast host, and upload your video and thumbnail to YouTube. How long will that take you? I'm guessing 90 minutes to two hours. Let's go with 90 minutes. If you spent 90 minutes of your time hosting a webinar, how many sales could you make? What if you spent 90 minutes on sales calls. What is one coaching client worth to you in lifetime value? In our example, let's say you sell a $2,000 coaching package. Wouldn't it make more sense to spend $200 to have the production done for you so you could spend your time on sales calls instead of editing? Even if you only close one out of every four sales calls, you're spending $800 to free your time for four sales calls to generate $2,000 in revenue. This is how you leverage your time. This is possible. You can see my basic editing package as an example. See your editing options at www.podcasttalentcoach.com/editing. ORGANIZE FOR EFFICIENCY Now if you're going to spend those 90 minutes watching television instead of pursuing business, keep editing your own show. But if you're going to leverage your time, make it count. The best way to do this is being organized. Plan your week. Plan your day. Batch your tasks. Get focused on what you want to accomplish, so you know where to spend your time. When I create this podcast, I take many of my summit interviews and use them as episodes of the podcast. I record 24 interviews in 3 days. That's nearly half a year of episodes. As I create my daily emails, I write the entire week on the same day. I get my mind in my connection and relationship mode to write great content and connect with my tribe. What tasks are you doing every day or every week that you can group together to save more of your time? KATHI BURNS These are just a few examples. My guest has many more ideas for your time. Kathi Burns, CPO® is a Board Certified Professional Organizer, Image Consultant, author and speaker. As the founder of OrganizedandEnergized.com, her mission for almost two decades has been to end overwhelm, energize, and transform lives by creating systems clients can stick to. Kathi is nationally recognized for her simple organizing and style solutions. She has also been featured on Good Morning America as a successful woman-owned business. She hosts Organized and Energized! The Podcast. Kathi is here to help you spend your time more efficiently. Enjoy my conversation with Kathi Burns. Big thanks to Kathi Burns for taking some of her time to join us today. You can get Kathi's checklist at www.podcasttalentcoach.com/organize. To attend her Get Gone masterclass on October 8th, you can get registered at www.podcasttalentcoach.com/gone.   If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

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If you're looking to grow your podcast audience, radio and podcast veteran Erik K. Johnson helps you transform your podcast information into entertainment that keeps your audience coming back episode after episode.

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