November 18, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting AGENDA 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Hall 2. Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance - Sam Millikan, age 4, attends Apples Chapel Daycare 4. Recognition A. Lance Metzler, County Manager Request consideration of approval for a Resolution recognizing and honoring the Rockingham County Sheriff's Team that was deployed to Buncombe County (Asheville area) on October 6, 2024, to provide law enforcement assistance, search, rescue and recovery, support efforts delivering supplies, damage documentation and neighborhood welfare checks after the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene. B. Commissioner Mark Richardson Presentation of Resolution honoring Rush Collins, Jr. congratulating him for his 100th birthday and thanking him for his service to Rockingham County. C. Lance Metzler, County Manager Request consideration of approval for a Resolution honoring Donald "Don" T. Powell for his service on the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners and to Rockingham County. 5. Approval of the November 18, 2024 Agenda 6. Consent Agenda Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner A. Dr. Mark Kinlaw, President, Rockingham Community College Consider approval of the 2024-2025 Rockingham Community College Quarter Cent Sales Tax Budget along with a revision to increase the original estimate of $200,000 to install phase one of the security cameras project on campus to $342,543 for the complete installation, saving approximately $25,000. B. Trey Wright, Public Health Director Request approval to increase fees on the Master Fee Schedule. Medicaid is allowing this increase. The current fee is $14.00. 8305 Urine Drug Screen/Test $33.00 C. Derek Southern, Assistant County Manager/Interim HHS Director Confirm designation of Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team (CFPT/CCPT), Future Local Team, as a single County team. D. Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator Request the approval of Tax Collection and Reconciliation reports for October including refunds for October 23, 2024 thru November 4, 2024. E. Lance Metzler, County Manager 1. Request approval to add an additional Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator position. 2. Consider adoption of a Resolution of concurrence for abandonment of 0.2 miles of SR 2339 (Friddle Road) New Bethel Township. 3. Consider approval of the appointments to the Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Authority for Mark Collins, Grayson Whitt and Scott Barham. Terms: Mark Collins - 11/18/2024 ending 11/17/2030; Grayson Whitt 11/18/2024 ending 11/17/2030; Scott Barham 11/18/2024 ending 11/17/2028; Barry Dodson 11/18/2024 ending 11/17/2028; Gary Gibson 11/18/2024 ending 11/17/2026; and Kathy Hale 11/18/2024 ending 11/17/2026. F. Justin Thacker, Deputy Finance Director 1. Request approval to amend the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) budget for $34,290 due to less grant dollars awarded to the ROAP program in the Final Disbursement formula. The reduction in expenses will be factored in ADTS for monthly expense requests in the following areas: EDTAP: $15,100 RGP: $15,110 Work-first Grant: $4,080 Total: $34,290 2. Request consideration to appropriate $90 of available fund balance in the General Funds as a transfer to the E-911 Special Revenue Fund. After the NC 911 Board staff review of the FY 24 E-911 report, $90 of costs incurred have been deemed ineligible for E-911 funding and both the NC911...