It's priests taking on authoritarianism on Popcorn Eschaton! Scott and John take a look at two different perspectives of Catholic priests having their faith tested by unjust persecution and how those priests respond to that repression. First, they discuss the Jean-Pierre Melville classic 'Léon Morin, Priest' and what it has to say about faith, as well as our shared responsibility to those in need. Then they focus on the 1955 adaption of the Bridget Boland play 'The Prisoner,' how it challenges us to examine our own values, and how the priests in both films confront their own challenges. Logo designed by Jesse Arnold ( Theme music is "Sun Blood" by Oxeneers (
- 节目
- 频率半月一更
- 发布时间2024年12月12日 UTC 00:00
- 长度48 分钟
- 分级儿童不宜