It's the 50th Popcorn Eschaton! For this special occasion, Scott and John pick their respective favorite movies and reflect on how they came to start this spiritually cinematic journey. John's pick for his favorite is 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,' and they discuss how fun it is to see Nazis getting punched and how wholesome it is to watch a father and son embrace each other with love. Scott's pick is Hal Ashby's "Being There,' a beautifully shot, humanist satire that looks at politics and white/wealth privilege in America. (Although this conversation is a lot of fun, we do discuss some heavy topics, in the films themselves, in the lives of the filmmakers, and in the current state of the world. These topics include self-harm and suicide, the Holocaust, and discrimination against trans people) Logo designed by Jesse Arnold ( Theme music is "Sun Blood" by Oxeneers ( Music at the end is an arrangement of Richard Strauss's "Also sprach Zarathustra" by Eumir Deodato, available on the B
- 節目
- 頻率每月更新兩次
- 發佈時間2025年2月20日 上午12:00 [UTC]
- 長度1 小時 4 分鐘
- 年齡分級兒少不宜