Shake the Dust

KTF Press
Shake the Dust

Seeking Jesus, confronting injustice–Shake the Dust features candid interviews and informed discussions that guide us as we resist the idols of America.

  1. Bonus Episode: How and Why We Engage in Interpersonal Political Disagreements


    Bonus Episode: How and Why We Engage in Interpersonal Political Disagreements

    This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit In this month’s bonus episode, we talk all about why and how to have difficult conversations about important political subjects with people who disagree with you. We get into: - What are goals are in these kinds of conversations - Strategies for regulating our emotions and achieving those goals - The power dynamics to keep in mind when having these conversations - And afterward, our segment Which Tab Is Still Open?, diving into a fascinating conversation with Rev. William Barber about what Democrats could gain if they paid attention to poor voters You can find the video of the portion of this episode that we recorded live at Mentioned in the episode - Disarming Leviathan by Caleb Campbell - The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero - When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert - Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Shila Heen - Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan - John Blake’s interview with Rev. William Barber Credits - Follow KTF Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads - Follow host Jonathan Walton on Facebook Instagram, and Threads. - Follow host Sy Hoekstra on Mastodon. - Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify. - Our podcast art is by Robyn Burgess – follow her and see her other work on Instagram. - Editing by Sy Hoekstra - Transcripts by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra. - Production by Sy Hoekstra and our incredible subscribers Transcript Introduction [An acoustic guitar softly plays six notes, the first three ascending and the last three descending – F#, B#, E, D#, B – with a keyboard pad playing the note B in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.”] Sy Hoekstra: Hey everyone, it's Sy. Quick note before we start. Stay tuned after this recording of our conversation, which we did on Substack Live because we recorded our segment, Which Tab Is Still Open, separately due to some time constraints we had. Thanks so much for listening, and the episode officially starts now. Jonathan Walton: If your relationship is broken by what you think about trans rights, then I think we need to examine what kind of relationship you had in the first place, because I think our relationships have to be much more than our opinions about the latest political topic of the day. [The song “Citizens” by Jon Guerra fades in. Lyrics: “I need to know there is justice/ That it will roll in abundance/ And that you’re building a city/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home.” The song fades out.] Jonathan Walton: Welcome to Shake the Dust, seeking… [long pause] Jesus, confronting injustice. I am Jonathan Walton [laughter], and we’re live on Substack. Sy Hoekstra: Jonathan starts the live by forgetting our tagline [laughter]. Jonathan Walton: It’s true. It’s true. So welcome to Shake the Dust. My name is Jonathan. We are seeking justice, confronting injustice. See, this is live. Live is hard. Go for it, Sy. Sy Hoekstra: [laughs]. Jonathan Walton: Thank you for being here, Sy. Sy Hoekstra: Yeah, sure. I'm Sy Hoekstra, that's Jonathan Walton. Jonathan Walton: [laughs]. Sy Hoekstra: We're doing this live, if you couldn't tell. This is a live recording of our podcast. We are gonna ease into it, and then we'll be good. Don't worry. Jonathan Walton: [laughs]. Sy Hoekstra: We're doing this live as a recording, and then we will be releasing the audio and the video later to our paid subscribers. So if you're listening, welcome. Alright, we are gonna be talking today about a subject that comes to us from a listener that came in as a question on our finale episode, but it came in a couple hours too late, and I missed it before we started recording. But it was such an interesting question that we decided to make a whole episode out of it. So thank you to Ashley, our listener, who sent this in. We will be talking about basically, how to regulate yourself and actually strategies you can employ when having difficult conversations with people you disagree with on important subjects, the power dynamics and everything all around it, and literally just how to do it, which is actually kind of something that a lot of people have been asking us. Ashley comes at it from a really good angle that we'll be talking about too. So we'll get to all that in a moment. We will also be talking, as we usually do in our episodes, doing our segment, Which Tab Is Still Open, diving a little bit deeper into one of the recommendations from our newsletter. And this week, we will be talking about a really great interview with William Barber, the Reverend William Barber, and basically how poor people can but often don't affect elections because of the ways that the Republican and Democratic parties approach poor people. So we will get into all that in a second. I will apologize for my voice still sounding like I have a cold. It sounds like I have a cold because I have a cold, and [laughter] I have the eternal fall-winter, father of a two year old in daycare cold [laughs]. So bear with me, and I appreciate your patience. Before we get into all this, Jonathan Walton, go ahead. Jonathan Walton: Well, if you are listening live, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for tuning in, and I just wanna encourage you to become a paid subscriber of our Substack. If you do that, you get access to video and audio of this conversation afterwards, you also get bonus episodes and our entire archive of bonus episodes as well. Plus, when you become a monthly paid subscriber, you also get access to our monthly Zoom chats, and you'll be able to comment on our posts, communicate with us on a regular basis. And so that would be great. Plus, you'll be supporting everything that we can do to help Christians confront injustice and follow Jesus. And so that's particularly in the areas of political discipleship and education, as we try to leave behind the idols of the American church. And for everybody, if you do listen to this, please go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, wherever you might listen, and give us a five-star rating. If you wanna give less than that, you can also but you can keep that to yourself. Sy Hoekstra: [laughs]. Jonathan Walton: Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. We really appreciate it. Sy Hoekstra: Four stars and below, give us those ratings inside your head [laughter]. Also, if you have any questions and you are listening live, feel free to put them in the chat. We can answer those as we go. And alright, Jonathan, let's jump right into it. Jonathan Walton: Yeah. Sy Hoekstra: We got this question from Ashley. She comes at it from an interesting angle. I wanted to talk about the things that she doesn't wanna do, and then get into her questions. So she said, when she's talking about people that she disagrees with on important political or religious subjects, there's a couple of things that she did growing up. One of which was the only reason that you're engaging in these conversations as a conservative Evangelical, is to change people into you [laughs]. Is to win people over to your point of view and make them the same as you. That's your goal. Then she said she kind of grew up a little bit, went to college, became what she called it, an ungrounded liberal arts major [laughs] and started getting into what she described as the sort of millennial slash Gen Z cusp age that she is. Just it being cool to shut people down and just defeat them, destroy them in an argument. So she’s just like, “I don't wanna be there just to make people into me. I don't wanna be there just to destroy people.” But she said now she finds herself in a position where most of the people around her largely agree with her on important subjects, and she just doesn't spend a lot of time around people who don't. So just kind of wants to know how to get into that, because she thinks it is important. She was saying some political organizers really convinced her that it is important to be doing that. And she just wants to know how you regulate yourself, how you go about it, and all that. What’s the Goal When You’re Having Difficult Disagreements on Important Subjects? Sy Hoekstra: And although that question was really interesting, and we're gonna jump into the actual strategies, I think Jonathan, the place to start is when you're having these conversations with someone, if you're not trying to cut them off, if you're not trying to turn them into you, and you're not trying to shut them down, what are you trying to do? What's the actual goal of what these conversations are? And for those of you who might be listening live or listening to us for the first time, this is Jonathan's wheelhouse [laughter]. This is right in what Jonathan does all the time. So Jonathan, go ahead, tell us what is the actual goal of these conversations? Jonathan Walton: Yes. So I wanna start off by saying that none of this is easy. Sy Hoekstra: For sure. Jonathan Walton: I'm giving you a cookie cutter, boxed up wonderful version of a cake that you don't… Like all the ingredients are in there, all you need to do is add water. And life is not like that. Sy Hoekstra: Yes. The Goal Should Be Connection, not Cutting off or Colonizing Jonathan Walton: But if you're not trying to colonize someone or make them into you, and you're not trying to cut someone off just because they disagree with you, or you're not trying to cancel them, shut them down, hold them accountable in a way that leaves them feeling like a puddle of ignorance in front of you, then what you're actually trying to do is connect with them. And so I think that God made us to be in relationship with other people, and being in relationship with other people means that we're able to

    21 min
  2. Election Questions, Anti-Blackness, and Hope Outside the Church - A Season Finale Mailbag


    Election Questions, Anti-Blackness, and Hope Outside the Church - A Season Finale Mailbag

    It’s our season finale! We’re answering listener questions and talking: -        Staying grounded and emotionally healthy post-election -        Some mistakes people are making in their election analysis -        Why the politics of identity will never go away in America -        How the Church can and can’t fight anti-Blackness and other forms of injustice -        Where you can hear us in between seasons -        And a lot more! Mentioned in the Episode: -        Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor by Rev. Caleb Campbell -        Our newsletter from last week with a worship playlist and sermon Jonathan recommended -        The Webinar Intervarsity is doing with Campbell on Tuesday – Register here. -        The article on patriarchy by Frederick Joseph: “For Palestinian Fathers, Sons, and Brothers” -        Our free guide to processing and acting on the injustices you encounter Credits -            Follow KTF Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Subscribe to get our bonus episodes and other benefits at -        Follow host Jonathan Walton on Facebook Instagram, and Threads. -        Follow host Sy Hoekstra on Mastodon. -        Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify. -        Our podcast art is by Robyn Burgess – follow her and see her other work on Instagram. -        Editing by Multitude Productions -        Transcripts by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra. -        Production by Sy Hoekstra and our incredible subscribers Transcript Introduction [An acoustic guitar softly plays six notes in a major scale, the first three ascending and the last three descending, with a keyboard pad playing the tonic in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.”] Sy Hoekstra: The beauty of the church is not in how good it is. The church is beautiful in the light of Christ, not in the light of its own good work and goodness. The church is beautiful when it is people collectively trying to put their faith in the grace that governs the universe, and not put their faith in their own ability to bring the kingdom of God into this world. [The song “Citizens” by Jon Guerra fades in. Lyrics: “I need to know there is justice/That it will roll in abundance/ And that you’re building a city/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home.” The song fades out.] Sy Hoekstra: Welcome to Shake the Dust, seeking Jesus confronting injustice. I'm Sy Hoekstra. Jonathan Walton: And I'm Jonathan Walton. We have a great show for you today. It's our season four finale. We're answering listener questions and continuing our discussion from our Substack live conversation two weeks ago, about where to go from the Trump election as followers of Jesus. Sy Hoekstra: And because this is the finale, let me just take a quick second to tell you where we are going from here. We are gonna be doing our monthly bonus episodes for our paid subscribers, like we usually do when we are not on a season of this show. We are going to be doing them though slightly differently. You will have the opportunity to hear them at one point if you're not a paid subscriber, because we're gonna record them like we did two weeks ago on Substack Live. So if you want to see those when they are being recorded, download the Substack app. If you get on our free emailing list, you'll be notified when we start. You just need to go ahead and get that app, it's both on iOS and Android. And if you wanna make sure that you're getting our emails in your Gmail inbox, because we've heard some people tell us they're going to the promotions folder or whatever Gmail is trying to do to filter out your spam, but actually filtering out the stuff that you wanna see, you just have to

    54 min
  3. Bonus Episode: Our October Subscriber Conversation


    Bonus Episode: Our October Subscriber Conversation

    This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Listen to a recording of our monthly subscriber chat from this past Tuesday, where Jonathan, Sy, and our subscribers get into: -        How to practice hope and peacemaking in fearful times like this election season -        How peace is different than unity, and takes power dynamics into account -        How hope is shaped by God’s presence with us, the depths of evil and suffering we see around us, and perspectives outside our context -        And we discuss and contextualize the news about increased BIPOC support for Trump Credits -            Follow KTF Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Subscribe to get our bonus episodes and other benefits at -        Follow host Jonathan Walton on Facebook Instagram, and Threads. -        Follow host Sy Hoekstra on Mastodon. -        Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify. -        Our podcast art is by Robyn Burgess – follow her and see her other work on Instagram. -        Transcripts by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra. -        Editing and Production by Sy Hoekstra and our incredible subscribers Transcript [An acoustic guitar softly plays six notes in a major scale, the first three ascending and the last three descending, with a keyboard pad playing the tonic in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.”] Intro and Announcements Sy Hoekstra: Welcome to Shake the Dust, seeking Jesus, confronting injustice. I'm Sy Hoekstra, and this is a bonus episode where we are bringing you the subscriber conversation that we had just a couple of days ago. You might notice that I, both in the recording and right now sound a little bit sickly just because I have COVID. Don't worry, everything is fine. It's been pretty mild, but I sound stuffy. We are bringing you a great conversation today about hope and about peacemaking in difficult times and times like this election, frankly. Why hope is so hard to have, both because it's risky, but also because it can seem privileged and naive, and why we think it's not and we do it anyways. Some stories of where that kind of hope comes from. And we talk about peacemaking and how it's not the same as just unity and kumbaya, but how we sometimes strive for unity in the name of peace. And sometimes we strive for a little bit of strife, maybe, to tell some truth in the name of peace. Not maybe, we definitely do that a lot [laughs]. And then we get into a little bit about some kind of changing, somewhat changing demographics about who is voting Republican and why that is. And that actually makes sense when you understand it from the perspective of whiteness and colonization. Quick favor to ask, if you like this podcast, which I know you do because you're listening to the subscriber only feed, go give this show a rating on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. And if you're on Apple, give us a written review too. They are so encouraging, and the ratings and the reviews help other people find us and see that other people think that this show is good and worth their time. Also, in case you missed it, we are going to be doing a Substack live conversation on November 6th at 1pm, that's the day after the election. If you're listening to this, you're already on our mailing list, so that means you will be notified via email. You will need the Substack app. There will be a link in that email, but you can also download the app at any time, iOS or Android, and then you'll be able to watch our live video conversation. We've already done the tech check and everything [laughs] to make sure that it all works. It's a new feature on Substack, and we're excited to talk to you, kind of in that new format. So do join us, Wednesday, November 6th, at 1pm to hear our reactions to what happened on Election Day and whatever is go

    18 min
  4. How Christians Can Help End Homelessness with Kevin Nye


    How Christians Can Help End Homelessness with Kevin Nye

    Today, Jonathan and Sy speak with author and housing advocate Kevin Nye about the Church and homelessness. We get into: -        The ineffective housing policies Christians often promote -        The bad theology behind those policies -        A run-in Kevin had with institutional resistance to his view that governments shouldn’t criminalize homelessness -        How churches can get things right in ministries to unhoused people -        Plus, hear our thoughts on the interview, -        A discussion of how we are resisting the negative ways the election is trying to shape us mentally and spiritually -        And our thoughts on all the discourse around Ta-Nehisi Coates’ controversial new book Mentioned in the episode: -        Kevin’s article on Christians mistakenly rejecting housing-first policies -        Josiah Haken’s book, Neighbors with No Doors -        Kevin’s article on Christianity Today’s coverage of homelessness -        His article in RNS about a Supreme Court case on unhoused people’s constitutional rights -        His book, Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness -        His Substack, Who Is My Neighbor? -        Ta-Nehisi Coates’ new book, The Message -        Our newsletter with links to a couple of Coates’ interviews Credits -            Follow KTF Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Subscribe to get our bonus episodes and other benefits at -        Follow host Jonathan Walton on Facebook Instagram, and Threads. -        Follow host Sy Hoekstra on Mastodon. -        Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify. -        Our podcast art is by Robyn Burgess – follow her and see her other work on Instagram. -        Editing by Multitude Productions -        Transcripts by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra. -        Production by Sy Hoekstra and our incredible subscribers Transcript [An acoustic guitar softly plays six notes in a major scale, the first three ascending and the last three descending, with a keyboard pad playing the tonic in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.”] Kevin Nye: If you're an average middle class American Christian and you want to become wealthy, have a private jet, a mansion, here's your spiritual steps. Get closer to Jesus, you'll be rewarded with physical wealth. Well, if that's true, the opposite of that would be true, which is that if you are in deep dire poverty, it must mean that you're that much farther from Jesus. [The song “Citizens” by Jon Guerra fades in. Lyrics: “I need to know there is justice/ That it will roll in abundance/ And that you’re building a city/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home.” The song fades out.] Intro and Housekeeping Jonathan Walton: Welcome to Shake the Dust, seeking Jesus, confronting injustice. I'm Jonathan Walton. Sy Hoekstra: And I am Sy Hoekstra, today is gonna be a great one for you. We have a conversation that we're gonna have before we get into our interview, kind of about the election. A little bit of a catch up, since this is actually going to be our last show before the presidential election, which now that I say it into a microphone, is a little bit scary [laughter]. We're gonna be having a conversation today with author, theologian and housing activist Kevin Nye. I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. Basically, the church is extremely involved in housing policy in America, and we are often going about it the wrong way, and that's often because of a lot of bad theology and some falsehoods that we believe about unhoused people, and so Kevin will help us get deep into that. He's a great resource and a great person to talk about it with, as well as

    1 h y 4 min
  5. How Our Faith Has Changed, and Why That Change Is Good


    How Our Faith Has Changed, and Why That Change Is Good

    On today’s episode, we discuss the ways our faith has changed as we’ve grown in discipleship and justice work. Our spiritual practices, as well as our relationships with church, God, and the non-Christian world have all transformed over time, sometimes in surprising ways that would have made us uncomfortable in our earlier years as followers of Jesus. It’s a personal and instructive conversation on how to grow up with Jesus that we know will be helpful for a lot of people. Plus, after that conversation we get into the war in Sudan and why it’s an important topic for us to learn about and engage with. Mentioned in the episode: -            The episode of the Movement Memos podcast about the war in Sudan -            The link to donate to the Sudan Solidarity Collective via PayPal Credits -            Follow KTF Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Subscribe to get our bonus episodes and other benefits at -        Follow host Jonathan Walton on Facebook Instagram, and Threads. -        Follow host Sy Hoekstra on Mastodon. -        Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify. -        Our podcast art is by Robyn Burgess – follow her and see her other work on Instagram. -        Editing by Multitude Productions -        Transcripts by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra. -        Production by Sy Hoekstra and our incredible subscribers Transcript [An acoustic guitar softly plays six notes in a major scale, the first three ascending and the last three descending, with a keyboard pad playing the tonic in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.”] Jonathan Walton: I'm trying to live in the reality that God actually loves me and he actually loves other people, and that's just true. And to live in that quote- unquote, belovedness is really, really, really difficult in a extractivist, culturally colonized, post-plantation, capitalistic society. Sy Hoekstra: [laughs]. Jonathan Walton: It's really, really hard when every single thing that I was raised to do goes against, just receiving anything. [The song “Citizens” by Jon Guerra fades in. Lyrics: “I need to know there is justice/ That it will roll in abundance/ And that you’re building a city/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home.” The song fades out.] Sy Hoekstra: Welcome to Shake the Dust, seeking Jesus, confronting injustice. I'm Sy Hoekstra. Jonathan Walton: And I'm Jonathan Walton. Sy Hoekstra: This week we have a great conversation. There's no guest this week, it's just Jonathan and I. And we are actually going to be talking about something that we originally were gonna talk to Lisa about in the last episode, but we ran out of time [laughter]. And we thought it would be, actually it was worth taking the time to talk about this in a full episode format. And the topic is basically this, as people grow not just normally in their faith, but also in the kind of work that we're doing, resisting the idols of America and confronting injustice and that sort of thing in their faith, your personal spiritual life tends to change [laughter], to put it mildly. And we wanted to talk about that. It's something that we don't necessarily hear a lot of people talking about as much and I think it's something that people are kind of concerned about. Like it's in the back of people's heads when they start to dive into these justice issues. It's something that I think conservative Christianity has put in the back of your heads [laughs], like your personal walk with Jesus, or your something like that is going to falter if you stray down this road. And so we wanna talk about how things have changed with us, and be as open and honest about that as possible, with our spiritual practices, with our relationship with God, with our relationship with church

    55 min
  6. How to Stay Faithful to Jesus in Politics with Lisa Sharon Harper


    How to Stay Faithful to Jesus in Politics with Lisa Sharon Harper

    Today, we’re talking with veteran activist and theologian, the one and only, Lisa Sharon Harper! The conversation covers: -        Lisa’s journey finding Jesus outside of Whiteness and White evangelicalism -        The centrality of advocating for political and institutional policy change to our faith in Jesus -        How respecting the image of God in all people is the starting point for following Jesus to shalom -        The unavoidable job we have to speak truth, even when it is costly -        Where Lisa finds her hope and motivation to keep going -        And after that, we reflect on the interview and then talk all things Springfield, Ohio and Haitian immigrants. Mentioned on the episode: -            Lisa’s website, -            Lisa’s Instagram and Facebook -            The Freedom Road Podcast -            Lisa’s books, Fortune and The Very Good Gospel -            Make a donation to The Haitian Community Support and Help Center in Springfield, Ohio via PayPal at Credits -            Follow KTF Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Subscribe to get our bonus episodes and other benefits at -        Follow host Jonathan Walton on Facebook Instagram, and Threads. -        Follow host Sy Hoekstra on Mastodon. -        Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify. -        Our podcast art is by Robyn Burgess – follow her and see her other work on Instagram. -        Editing by Multitude Productions -        Transcripts by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra. -        Production by Sy Hoekstra and our incredible subscribers Transcript [An acoustic guitar softly plays six notes in a major scale, the first three ascending and the last three descending, with a keyboard pad playing the tonic in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.”] Lisa Sharon Harper: I would lose my integrity if I was silent in the face of the breaking of shalom, which I learned in Bosnia and Croatia and Serbia, is built on earth through structures. It doesn't just come because people know Jesus. Two thirds of the people in the Bosnian war knew Jesus. The Croats were Christian and the Serbs were Orthodox Christian, and yet they killed each other. Massacred each other. Unfortunately, knowing Jesus is not enough if you have shaped your understanding of Jesus according to the rules and norms of empire. [The song “Citizens” by Jon Guerra fades in. Lyrics: “I need to know there is justice/ That it will roll in abundance/ And that you’re building a city/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home.” The song fades out.] Jonathan Walton: Welcome to Shake the Dust, seeking Jesus, confronting injustice. I'm Jonathan Walton. Sy Hoekstra: And I am Sy Hoekstra. We have a great one for you today. We are talking to veteran organizer and theologian Lisa Sharon Harper, someone who a lot of you probably know and who was pretty big in both of our individual kind of stories and development as people who care about faith and justice when we were younger people, which you will hear about as we talk to her. We are going to be talking to her about the centrality of our voting and policy choices to our witness as Christians, the importance of integrity and respecting the image of God in all people when making difficult decisions about where to spend your resources as an activist, where Lisa gets her hope and motivation and a whole lot more. And then after the interview, hear our reactions to it. And we're also going to be getting into our segment, Which Tab Is Still Open, where we dive a little bit deeper into one of the recommendations from our weekly newsletter that we send out to our subscri

    1 h y 7 min
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Seeking Jesus, confronting injustice–Shake the Dust features candid interviews and informed discussions that guide us as we resist the idols of America.

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