Powerpoint Tribe

Powerpoint Tribe
Powerpoint Tribe

One of the many expressions of The Baptizing Church Global with the Mission to raise Excellent Disciples through the balanced teaching of God's Word and Examplary Leadership.

  1. Slow Living

    4 DAYS AGO

    Slow Living

    A couple of months ago, I came across a concept on social media that I found really interesting. Well, I would say that I didn’t immediately find it interesting, it was more of “all these social media people have come again” kind of feel. I mean, the way the concept was depicted on social media was kind of funny because why are you moving around your house in slo-mo and doing chores like you have no worries in the world? I could have easily dismissed these videos but for some reasons, I found myself thinking about it. It was while I kept thinking that I discovered the parallels that this concept shares with some principles in the scripture. I started to understand why everything about this concept struck a chord in my heart. In case you’ve been wondering, this concept is called “SLOW LIVING.” According to groov.com, slow living is a movement where people decide to live a more balanced and meaningful life through slowing things down and appreciating both the world around them and what they have. People who choose this lifestyle prioritize slowing things down and enjoying the present moment to the end that they can live a balanced life free from anxiety and the expectation of men. In a fast-paced world, it’s sometimes almost difficult to maintain sanity and peace of mind. I mean, there are so many things to worry about. What shall we say about the dollar that keeps rising or the fuel price that we cannot comprehend. Shall we begin to talk about the price of food or the increase in house rent? A lot of people are on the edge and it sometimes seem impossible to not worry, so, in a bid to escape the troubles in this world, people join the slow living movement. Why? Slow living solves the anxiety problem that have plagued a lot of us. However, if we look closely at the scriptures, we already have answers on how to escape anxiety. There is no need to look into the world when we already have answers in the Word. The storm might be raging but it’s possible to stay calm in the midst of it. Let’s dive into 1st Thessalonians 4:11 that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you (KJV), Paul was teaching the church in Thessalonica how to live an orderly life and he gave them this instruction. Brethren, the first step to living a life free of anxiety is by being content and minding your business. Your business is not just your 9-5 or your side hustle. No. It is more than that. Your business is what concerns you. It’s your purpose. Are you minding your purpose or you’re looking at the life of your neighbor and wondering why your life doesn’t look like theirs. It’s so funny that at first glance the life of others seem so attractive, it seems like your neighbor is doing better than you but what you fail to realize is that you are not your neighbor. You are unique and there is a reason for that uniqueness. You are special and there is a purpose attached to you. So, forget about how the life of this other person looks. Mind your own business and be content with it. I know someone might ask, “are you telling us to settle?” No. I’m telling you to be satisfied and trust God’s providence. Be content with who you are and what you have. Contentment is not complete without understanding that you are who and where you are is by the grace of God. So be mindful of where you are now, enjoy the moment, give your best in all you do and remember that the God that has brought you thus far isn’t about to stop. While minding your business though, you must mind the one who gave it to you. This is where thanksgiving comes in. Thanksgiving takes your eyes off your deficiencies and inadequacies and helps you look at the one who is your source. Even in the most difficult times, we must give thanks. The scripture expressly says in 1st Thessalonians 5:18

    9 min
  2. The Crowned Athlete

    OCT 14

    The Crowned Athlete

    2 Timothy 2:3-4 4. No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 5. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. There is a way to win in the Christian race. There is this yoruba adage that says one way doesn’t lead to the market but in the Christian circle, one way does. Jesus said straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to everlasting life (Matthew 7:13-14). In 2 Timothy, Apostle Paul admonishes the Christian to strive for mastery but not according to our own laws, or our own preferences and individual assumptions of the requirements of the race. There’s a lawful requirement to trade and to run. You can’t expect to enter through the wide gate and step into everlasting life at the end. The promise of everlasting life starts at the strait gate which leads to the narrow way. It is not just how you enter but how you continue. Some people enter through the strait gate and find a way to join the broad way, veering off the narrow way and still keep everlasting life in view. Everlasting life is at the end of the narrow way, it’s the combination of the strait gate and narrow way that leads us to that promise. I recall that in 2019, when the then Governor of Lagos State commissioned the ministry of works to put barricades to separate the express roads from the service lanes so that pedestrians are forced to use the pedestrians bridges. Before long, we saw that some hooligans had opened up the wire frames, they wanted to get to the other side by going through the broad way because it looked easier but it wasn’t safer. To receive the crown, we must strive for mastery lawfully. Sports is very analogous to the concept that Apostle Paul explains here. In the just concluded Olympics, there were 10,500 athletes and 1,468 medals given. 80,000 athlete registered for the Olympics, but 10,500 entered the race for medals in the different sports, of course because 10,500 met all the requirements in terms of timing and quality of application. Of the 10,500, only 1,468 medals were given across gold, silver or bronze tiers for the different sports. More specifically, Usain Bolt currently has the world record for the fastest runner in the world. It’s currently at 9.58 seconds for the 100m sprint, but he beat it by first beating the former fastest runner who had 9.74 and then he, Usain Bolt, did 9.72, 9.69 and then 9.58. One of the beautiful things in the Olympics was seeing gold medallists account their win to Jesus. Again it underscores the fact that Christianity doesn’t excuse sloppiness, there’s room for sheer determination, ruthless execution, showing up everyday in this our Christian walk, but I digress, let’s continue. For Usain Bolt or Asafa Powell, to beat world records or even for any athlete at all to compete, there are at least four things they must have mastered more than others. This lends its relevance to us as well. We have a race before us and as athletes, we must master these four things to win. First, master your terrain. There are 3 terrains you need to gain mastery over, basically to understand them so that you can use that understanding to your advantage. They are your body, the world and other forces.

    11 min
  3. An Open Letter to the Growing Believer

    OCT 6

    An Open Letter to the Growing Believer

    You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. — John 15:16 (NASB) The command of fruitfulness comes with a promise, that whatever we ask of the Father in the name of Jesus will be granted to us. We also see this in Matthew 7: Ask, Seek, Knock. However, we often fixate on the promise while forgetting the command. All creation carries “seed” within it, i.e. the capacity for fruitfulness. However, seeds must undergo a growth process that matures them into plants and unlocks their capacity to bear fruit. As God’s apex creation, we are not exempt from this principle. If we do not undergo the transformation offered by the seed of God’s Word, we remain babies — and a baby cannot produce anything. Yes, babies enjoy many benefits — they are carried, cuddled, given prompt attention, gifts etc., but it is never a good thing to remain an infant. Little children are unmanifested potential. Imagine a kid that doesn’t grow teeth or isn’t walking or talking when expected. It’s no longer cutesy, it’s a cause for alarm. We expect children to become adults and contribute to the development of society. In the same way, God expects us to grow spiritually, He is not pleased when we remain immature. It is true that “each individual differs in their journey of spiritual growth,” but there must at least be positive development, no matter how little. A lack of growth is the first sign of spiritual trouble. Concerning Him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. — Hebrews 5:11–14 (NASB) Look at this! A person who partakes ONLY of milk (i.e. the elementary principles of the oracles of God), is an infant who lacks the senses to discern good and evil because they have no practice! Do you see what Apostle Paul is saying? Babies who only know milk attempt to eat everything they see. To them, a biro is no different from a carrot. Their only tool is the mouth because their senses of sight, smell and sound are not well developed to distinguish good from evil. This dangerous lack of discernment means they are seriously prone to harming themselves, particularly with things that are normally harmless to adults. Every two seconds someone must ensure they haven’t gone off and put something in their mouth they cannot handle. Even if you shout, STOP THAT, they won’t. You have to go there and help them out. Spiritually, this is the equivalent of being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). Apostle Paul realised that what he desired to share required discernment to receive it. If given to infants, that word would be unprofitable (not fruitful) because they could misunderstand/misinterpret it as evil, heresy or false doctrine since their senses were untrained. Therefore, he was careful not to share it with them. There is a lesson here for those called to teach, but lest I digress — he who has an ear, let him hear. Training Practice = Expertise (aka Maturity) Through regular practice, we train our senses to understand when something is safe for consumption or must be spat out. This word “practice” is key — it is the process by which we train our senses at the granular level (i.e. daily grind). Pause, and ask yourself — what are my daily practices? Are they bringing me closer to fruitfulness or not?

    9 min


One of the many expressions of The Baptizing Church Global with the Mission to raise Excellent Disciples through the balanced teaching of God's Word and Examplary Leadership.

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