Underdog Ag

Kerry Hoffschneider
Underdog Ag

We're having a heart to heart with the countryside, let's talk. Hosted by Kerry Hoffschneider

  1. ٢٨ فبراير

    Rehabilitating the System Thru Aspire Impact Network - Brandon Hinrichs

    According to Statista Research Department, statista.com, "The United States is home to the largest number of prisoners worldwide. More than 1.8 million people were incarcerated in the U.S. at the beginning of 2025."    In the U.S., incarceration extends beyond prisons and local jails to include other systems of confinement. The U.S. and state incarceration rates in this graph include people held by other parts of the justice system as well, so they might be slightly higher than the commonly reported incarceration rates that only include prisons and jails.   The statistics are alarming, heartbreaking, and expensive. During this Underdog Ag Podcast, we meet Brandon Hinrichs, the visionary behind Aspire Impact Network. A network that, "empowers communities through life skills, programs, community corrections, and family support, while also offering web development, data solutions, and tech services."    Brandon wants to use his skills working as a probation officer and in the system in the past to help alleviate stress on the system and to ensure people don't repeat going to jail. His mission and vision saves our precious neighbors and saves taxpayer dollars. It's an amazing mission that needs more partners to succeed. Contact Brandon at (402) 759-2210 to become engaged with his cause and amazing pantheon of services. -- Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe. HOST: Kerry Hoffschneider GUEST:  Brandon Hinrichs  -- CREDITS: Mitchell Roush, Producer Bibi Luevano, Cover Art Purple Planet Music, Theme

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  2. ٢٩ يناير

    The Power of Healthy Soil - Terry Buettner

    “Farm and Ranch Profitability all Starts in the Soil.”   Terry Buettner serves as the Account Development & Agronomy Support Manager for Ward Laboratories Inc. based out of Kearney, Neb. Ward Laboratories are Graze Master Group partners. Buettner joined Ward Laboratories in the fall of 2017. He graduated from the University of Nebraska – Kearney in 1983 with a B.S. in Business Administration. He has been involved in production agriculture and seed sales in the Kearney area for 34 years.   During this Underdog Ag Podcast, Buettner will discuss the Ward Laboratories Soil Health Assessment as well as Soil Health Principles that lead to increased fertility, more productive land, and more. Below is more information about the assessment that benefits farmers and ranchers in numerous ways.   About the Ward Laboratories Inc. Soil Health Assessment:   Looking to boost your dollars per acre at harvest time? It all starts in the soil. Your plants are only as healthy as the soil they are feeding from. Reduced microbial activity and limited nutrient availability can result in lackluster harvests. Ward Laboratories can give you a complete report of our findings and recommend corrective measures.   The new Soil Health Assessment (SHA) package is a test that combines the latest in soil science, ensuring that both soil fertility and soil health are viewed through a single test, helping farmers and researchers measure and manage soil health without compromising productivity. Microbial activity and food are evaluated to provide data that enhances operations while also evaluating nutrients in a manner that is widely accepted by Land Grant University correlations and calibrations.   This new package also includes modified aggregate stability. With this addition, the new Soil Health Assessment offers two biological, one chemical and one physical indicator of soil health.   Learn more at: www.wardlab.com/services/soil-health-analysis/ www.grazemastergroup.com -- Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe. HOST: Kerry Hoffschneider GUEST:  Terry Buettner -- CREDITS: Mitchell Roush, Producer Bibi Luevano, Cover Art Purple Planet Music, Theme

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    Building A New Life in America - Svetlana Hensley

    This Underdog Ag Podcast features a very inspiring story told by Svetlana (Vysotsky) Hensley, wife of Allen Hensley, of Agua Dulce, Texas.  Although she ended up in Texas, Svetlana spent the first five years of her life in Lviv, Ukraine. Then, because of religious persecution (even imprisonment), her parents, Igor and Nadia, fled to the United States with very little money, only the belongings they could carry, each other, and their faith in the risen Christ.  Listen to Svetlana talk about her journey to the United States, that began when she was a tearful child at a train station in the Ukraine. So sad to leave her home, her friends, and her life there, little did she know a church and community in Oklahoma was preparing to welcome the family with open arms.  This story is one of gratitude, humor, endurance, love, and faith. A fitting story to move us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Thank you, Allen Hensley, for recognizing the precious gift your wife and her story are to the world. Thank you, Svetlana, for your willingness to share your journey.  P.S. There are a few surprises along the way in this interview too. Such as, we may know the source of those mysterious crop circles that pop up at times. Also, the power of mowing your lawn and more. In honor of Svetlana’s father, I am also sharing her father’s obituary below so that the story may live on in the hearts of those who read it:   Igor Fedorovich Vysotsky, age 77, entered through the eternal gates of Heaven peacefully on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in the comfort of his home. Igor is survived by his loving wife, Nadia (Gavrilov) Vysotsky, and his six children, Miroslav Vysotsky (wife Natasha) of Roseville, CA; Lilia Otten (husband James) of Bartlesville, OK; Nelya DeSpain (husband Brady) of Talala, OK; Igor Jr. Vysotsky (wife Lauren) of Cypress, TX; Svetlana Hensley (husband Allen) of Agua Dulce, TX; Isaya Vysotsky (wife Aileen) of Tampa, FL; and 21 grandchildren: Sara, Breyden, Alexis, Emily, Ethyn, Leah, Baylie, Trystan, Mia, Melana, Abram, Jonah, Eli, Miryk, Adelade, Levi, Silas, Kirym, Samuel, Magdalene, and Maverik. Igor was born on January 25, 1947 in Matsoshyn (village near Lviv) Ukraine to Fedir and Agafia Vysotsky. He was the seventh of their eight children together. Igor attended and graduated from the Matsoshyn school house (completing grades 1-8; and prevented from pursuing higher education because of his Christian beliefs) after which he attended mechanical and technical trade schools where he earned mechanic and electrician certifications. Igor then completed 2 years of compulsory military service and entered the workforce in Lviv Ukraine. This turned out to be a fortunate location for Igor, as he began attending a local home-based church where he met, courted, and married his bride, Nadia, who would remain his life-long spouse for over 54 years, and would be by his side until his last breath on this earth.  As the patriarch of a growing family, Igor worked for various state owned/run enterprises and was often held back from promotions or outright fired for his beliefs and his refusal to live out his Faith in secret. The ongoing persecution for his Christian beliefs strained his ability to provide for his family and he often had two to three menial jobs and drove a gypsy cab during non-working hours to make ends meet.  This was simply the way of life for true Believers under the oppressive regime of the Soviet Union and became a theme of his ongoing struggle for freedom to worship and to live a life that God called him to live. Aside from the “softer” persecution of career and professional development limitations, Igor also experienced direct punishment for playing Christian worship music in the privacy of his own home. He and his pastor were imprisoned for over 40 days after being reported to the authorities by a neighbor. Igor was prepared to serve a much longer...

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  4. ١٩‏/١١‏/٢٠٢٤

    Breaking Generational Cycles w/ the Heine Sisters - Kerry & Jenny

    This Underdog Ag Podcast features sisters, “the Heine girls.” Known in their formative years as Jenny and Kerry Heine, we will discuss life growing up in the 1970s, 80s, and early 90s on a York County, Neb. farm. You may be surprised by this interview. You might cry. We hope you laugh. Mostly we hope you too can find healing and move on from what you need to as well.    Jenny has a long list of experiences:    While serving as a very talented farm hand at the “Heine Circus,” Jenny drove a tractor at age eight, and was doing field work at 12 years old. She was doing whatever was asked on the farm, and did it well.    She balanced teenage jobs in food service at Dairy Queen and Hardee’s.    Sun Theatre in York was also a high school position.    Jenny also served as a circulation manager and more at two newspapers.     She was a much-loved teacher for 12 years.    Today, Jenny helps people with disabilities understand and navigate Social Security, as well as state and federal benefits systems.   Jenny and her husband Casey Mentink love their grandchildren and are full of life. Jenny especially is proud of her daughter, BreeAnna Hoff, her husband Kyle, and their beautiful daughter, Evangeline (sweet Evie).  -- Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe. HOST: Kerry Hoffschneider GUEST:  Jenny (Kerry's Sister) -- CREDITS: Mitchell Roush, Producer Bibi Luevano, Cover Art Purple Planet Music, Theme

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    Faith, Renewal, & Water - Kylen Hunt

    “Living Water,” we’re all living because of it. Kylen Hunt has a story of self-discovery and faith. The center of that story is the incredible, divine element that is the foundation of all life, “living water.” You will be surprised by some of the twists and turns in his testimonial. Surprised, and filled with, HOPE.  About Kylen Hunt: Kylen’s background in Precision Agriculture began as a teenager working with his grandfather in the fields of Central Nebraska. He was taught to love the land and respect its natural resources. It wasn't until 2001, that Kylen began his career in Precision Agriculture. While operating a local farm service business and working alongside local farmers, he became intrigued by auto steer and variable rate technology. This caused him to sell his business and transition into a Precision Ag Operator role for a local Cooperative. By the mid-2000s, Kylen began to see several issues developing within the precision industry. Learning how important data analytics would become in the future, he began to focus a considerable amount of time on the subject.  Through personal research and study, Kylen learned that 87% of the time, water management was the cause for yield variability, crop production limitations, and even consistent profit management. Through this process of learning, Kylen developed a passion for data analytics and data interpretation on irrigated acres. Today, Kylen has the privilege of working alongside industry partners, and farmers, to help them fully adopt real-time and predictive water management. He’s learned his real gifts and talents are not in the technology or analytics, but in helping industry leaders and producers fully adopt precision technology along with annual and real-time data analytics. Kylen lives in Corning, Iowa with his wife Rebecca, his biggest fan for 31 years. They travel together and look forward to investing time in their four grandchildren.  Kylen is also a DISC Certified Personality and Behavioral Trainer and Consultant as well as a certified speaker, trainer, and business coach with the John Maxwell Team.  In his "spare time," Kylen engages in leadership, public speaking, and business training events, where he challenges individuals to seek truth, gain wisdom, and serve others. A formula he has found to be very successful in both his personal and business life. -- Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe. HOST: Kerry Hoffschneider GUEST:  Kylen Hunt  -- CREDITS: Mitchell Roush, Producer Bibi Luevano, Cover Art Purple Planet Music, Theme

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  6. ٢٥‏/٠٩‏/٢٠٢٤

    Farming for Life - Gail Fuller

    This Underdog Ag Podcast features my friend Gail Fuller of Circle 7 Farms near Severy, Kan. Gail Fuller grew up just north of Emporia, Kan. on the Neosho River. "The inner child in me had known all my life that we were farming wrong. But it took me from 1979 to 2003 to really start to question things." Fuller was always a hardworking farmer, dedicated to his tasks. In 2000, he was farming 3,200 acres of Roundup Ready® corn and soybeans.  "I was the fourth largest farmer in my county. But I came to know a change was needed." "All farmers, I think in some fashion, grow up with a conservationist mindset," he said. "There was the little creek behind my parents' house where we would look for raccoon tracks, you know, all of those things farm kids do. And with those experiences, grew my affection for the trees, wildlife, and all those things." "But then, when I became a farmer, suddenly we needed insecticides and those insecticides could kill some of the birds and insects too, but there I was needing to make money and grow corn to ‘feed the world,’” Fuller admitted. "The government had a big role to play in this mindset change. They quit talking about farmers as producers of food and changed the language from food to commodities. I think that language desensitized us into using all the chemicals." Gail and Lynette are bringing senses and common sense alive in their many pursuits. Join them Oct. 3-4 at Fuller Field School for a life-changing conversation with Dr. Nasha Winters, who found a path to recovery from cancer by focusing on a new mindset about healing and a life’s mission fueled by the soil. Learn about the event and register here: www.fullerfieldschool.com Read Gail’s full story in “Hope Stories for the Heartland.” You can find the order link here: www.grazemastergroup.com/hope-stories -- Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe. HOST: Kerry Hoffschneider GUEST:  Gail Fuller - www.fullerfieldschool.com   -- CREDITS: Mitchell Roush, Producer Bibi Luevano, Cover Art Purple Planet Music, Theme

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We're having a heart to heart with the countryside, let's talk. Hosted by Kerry Hoffschneider

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