Production Notes: a Baker's Half Dozen

The Talent Show

In this episode of Production Notes, Tom and Charles discuss recent Talent Show guest Geoffrey Klein, CEO and founder of ninedots, a self-described "game master," and several upcoming guests, including Kristin Pozen, Practice Leader and Senior Recruiter for the Duffy Group, a global recruitment firm. Kristin bakes and sells a delicious assortment of cookies under the business name Peekaboo Cookies, which led to a conversation about the hit series The Bear, which led to a riff on the best series/movies on work: Office Space and the Office, obv, an unexpected detour to Fritz Lang's 1927 dystopian classic, Metropolis, to everyone's favorite light-hearted office romp, Glengarry Glen Ross (a personal fave of your hosts)...a topic worthy of a podcast in itself (Ed Note: the team is working on it as you read this).

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