Small Efforts - with Sean Sun and Andrew Askins

Sean Sun and Andrew Askins
Small Efforts - with Sean Sun and Andrew Askins

Two agency owners and friends talk about cybersecurity, design, and the continuous small efforts it takes to build a business.

  1. -5 J

    Sean's first impressions of MetaMonster

    Andrew and Sean are back for Season 3!! Andrew's onboarding his first users to MetaMonster, and as alpha user #1 Sean has lots of thoughts. Meanwhile Sean actually took some time off??? And he used it to start writing. The guys talk MetaMonster, product design, and personal branding.  Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants:'s website: Driving: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00.98 Sean I'll lie down for a second. Happy New Year. 00:02.47 Andrew Yep. 00:03.08 Sean How you doing? 00:03.53 Andrew ah Perfect. No, that's not the perfect metaphor. 00:06.47 Sean ahhu 00:07.40 Andrew This isn't going to be a year of lag. This is going to be a year of getting shit done and moving fast. 00:09.32 Sean Hell yeah. Yeah. 00:12.99 Andrew Yeah. 00:13.56 Sean Who's in three, baby? 00:14.79 Andrew Season three. Oh, are we going to start a new season? 00:18.12 Sean I'm going to, I call it any season. Did you see me create the show, delete the show and recreate it and slack? Yeah. 00:25.17 Andrew No, I miss that. 00:25.14 Sean Yeah. It is not season two ah episode It is season three, episode one, 2025. 00:30.50 Andrew Love it. 00:32.13 Sean Um, how you doing? 00:32.18 Andrew Fuck yeah. I'm good, man. 00:33.85 Sean How's your. Yeah. 00:35.55 Andrew My holiday was great. It was super, super chill. We stayed here in Detroit, um just... hung out with family and friends and relaxed through a kind of a quirk. 00:48.82 Andrew Maddie's little sister got COVID a few days before Christmas. So we had to delay Christmas and do like kind of a second Christmas. 00:55.36 Sean Okay. 00:55.52 Andrew And so on Christmas day, we were just home, just the two of us with the cats. And we were like, oh shit, we really like this. 01:00.74 Sean Sweet. 01:05.02 Andrew Like don't get me wrong, love family, love friends, wanna see them as much as possible. But there's something really nice about just have just being you and your partner on Christmas morning, like drinking mimosas, being lazy, not getting out of bed right away, eating some some yummy pastries. 01:13.30 Sean Hell yeah. 01:25.46 Andrew um We unwrapped some things for the cats and like a couple of things for each other and it's just super chill. It was really nice. 01:32.65 Sean Nice. Sweet. 01:33.39 Andrew Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then the other thing from this break was I just found myself like for the first time in recent memory, wanting to work. 01:36.36 Sean Sweet. 01:44.30 Andrew Like I didn't want to take more than a week off because no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 01:44.50 Sean Hell yeah. You're becoming me. I like it. and like I'm rubbing off on you. 01:51.84 Andrew I just like, I'm feeling drawn to work right now and it's a season. It'll pass. Um, I'm, I know that I'm okay with that, but. But yeah, I'm feeling really hyped about Meta Monster. I really want to get going on it, do more with it. 02:06.89 Andrew um get it off the ground. So I'm feeling really excited. And um small update there, this week, as you well know, we started to bring on our first outside users. 02:18.15 Sean Mhm. 02:20.94 Andrew So not, we're calling, I'm thinking of this as like a friends and family round of alpha testing. 02:27.01 Sean Hell yeah. 02:27.54 Andrew So it's not a, these aren't, potential customers really. they're They're people who we just trust to get in and start finding bugs and edge cases and giving us good honest feedback on how the product feels. um While we wrap up a couple of last features that I think are really important for giving our first potential customers the real full experience. Like right now, bulk generation doesn't work. So you have to generate things one at a time. And so to me, we're not fulfilling the promise of MetaMonster until we have bulk generation done. 03:02.96 Andrew um But yeah, we've we've started to onboard our first couple of users, ah friends and family users. I think I created three accounts yesterday. I'll hopefully create two or three more today. um And yeah, so what do you think? You've been in the product now. 03:20.06 Sean Yeah, I mean, you know, as alpha user number one, um just so everyone's aware, alpha user number one, ah president yeah president of MetaMonster fan club. 03:23.71 Andrew Yeah. Got to give you your props. I'm sorry for not not mentioning that. 03:33.07 Sean ah I like it. I mean, I like it. It's buggy. It's toss you a bug early on. those I mean, I don't think anything's like, like, I think core functionality, everything's working great. um It's like more very basic, like UX things. 03:53.81 Sean Good found value out of it pretty quickly. um I ran worth driving through it. I honestly ran some client sites through it as well um You know, I think like ah I mean worth driving is pretty large now too But even like some client sites like it's an easy way to spot like oh shit that meta tag is actually wrong We should just go switch it 04:02.22 Andrew Love to hear that. Hmm. 04:14.46 Sean um And yeah, i mean instead of like arbitrarily writing meta descriptions and and whatever, I think it's nice to... I actually didn't mind that I couldn't do bulk generation, only because um I only cared about clicking through the ones that I cared about. um That being said though, I do kind of wish it was sorted a little bit better. um 04:40.62 Andrew oo O...

    42 min
  2. 19/12/2024

    Prompt engineering and reflecting on 2024

    In this episode, Andrew talks about his recent deep dive on prompt engineering and the way the AI product landscape is shaking out. Sean talks about his recent trip to Philly for a cybersecurity marketing conference. Then the guys reflect on 2024 and their goals for 2025. Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants:'s website: Driving: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00:00.00 Sean two, one, happy birthday Austin, yay. 00:00:02.11 Andrew Happy birthday, Austin! 00:00:05.29 Sean How was your recording last week? How'd it go? 00:00:09.74 Andrew I thought it went really well. um guess you tell me, have you had a chance to listen to it yet? 00:00:13.54 Sean Yeah, my train from Pennsylvania, from Philadelphia to Virginia last week got very delayed, so. 00:00:20.11 Andrew Oh no, I'm sorry. 00:00:21.26 Sean said in the terminal and listened to it. was good. It was, yeah, thought he was super insightful. 00:00:28.35 Andrew Yeah, Alex was awesome. 00:00:28.63 Sean I feel like he's beginning, you were a little, what is it like? like like starstruck felt like i was like wow didn't see me like this so before it was good i thought he gave you like really good feedback i thought but i mean there were things i learned from it being someone who's never looked at the stack in the brick stuff and yeah i think it was it was helpful and then i saw the new meta monster update today or that you sent down i was like wow it is way better than before 00:00:36.26 Andrew Oh, that's funny. Yeah. 00:00:57.50 Sean and 00:00:59.34 Andrew Well, that's good. At least I'm taking what I'm being taught and internalizing it and not it's not just going in one ear and out the other. 00:01:05.30 Sean Yeah. 00:01:07.62 Sean Right, right. 00:01:08.30 Sean Like our podcasts usually do. 00:01:09.72 Andrew Yeah, I tried to also do some of the pulling the slingshot back, as Alex says, some of the anticipation building with the actual release of the podcast episode. So tried to like hype that up. Austin said it worked on him. I'm not sure it made a big difference on our analytics, I think. Yeah. 00:01:33.43 Andrew You know, I think we had. You know, it's performing better than our average podcast episode, but I think that's as much about like Alex retweeting it as it is anything else. So, you know. 00:01:46.91 Sean Well, the real magic is, let's see how many people isn't today is right. So hello, new listeners. Austin is Andrew's co-founder, or I'm going to last name. 00:01:51.97 Andrew Hey, that'd be cool. 00:01:57.22 Andrew Yep. Austin's my co-founder on MetaMonster. He's the one responsible for making the product look great and function. Well, I'm just the guy who talks about it and is trying to talk about it better, trying to talk about it more good. 00:02:13.12 Sean Yeah, hell yeah. 00:02:14.59 Andrew Yeah. How was Philly? 00:02:16.99 Sean It was good. I went to, so I went to cybersecurity marketing, the cyber marketing conference or cybersecurity marketing conference held by the cybersecurity marketing society. was good. A lot of, mean, no, this is the third time actually. 00:02:27.82 Andrew Is this their first time doing an in-person conference? Oh, wow. I thought they were all virtual before. 00:02:34.02 Sean The society, sorry, this is their, this is their third conference. They've done a bunch of like in-person events. Yeah. The society's grown. There's like 500 people at this conference. 00:02:42.76 Andrew Cool. 00:02:43.91 Sean yeah, I get to hang hang out with people that I don't usually get to see. And it's weird. It's, it's like the only conference I've ever been to. That's, I think that's i've ever, ever really been to that's not a security conference. 00:02:54.04 Andrew Hmm. 00:02:54.63 Sean So it's a whole other sort of vibe. 00:02:56.73 Andrew Wait, but isn't it, I mean, it's still a security adjacent conference, right? 00:03:01.68 Sean For sure. 00:03:01.98 Andrew But it's not hackers talking about like the new vulnerabilities they discovered and like how they reverse engineered some crazy low level protocol or something. 00:03:02.04 Sean For sure. For sure. But it's not like, you know, it's not like RSA. It's not like i can not be solid. It's yeah. Yeah. 00:03:10.97 Sean Right. 00:03:14.32 Sean right right exactly exactly and and it's not like it's also it's also not cyber security vendors trying to sell you on their product 00:03:24.38 Andrew Right. 00:03:24.67 Sean like RSA and Black Hat. 00:03:26.34 Andrew Okay. 00:03:27.48 Sean And it's also, it's a society it's like a society conference, so it's not, I guess it's almost like the DEFCON, like in that case, like the DEFCON of cybersecurity marketing, like you don't really go to sell anything there, you're not, your customers, I mean, I guess my client customers are there, but I also try not to do any of that. 00:03:32.18 Andrew What does that mean? 00:03:38.60 Andrew Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. 00:03:48.90 Sean yeah There's obviously vendors and sponsors and stuff. We're a sponsor as well. i I literally was just like, I don't want to, like I also would like to attend the conference. So I gave up my booth and switched it out with a 360 camera and just let people use a 360 camera there. 00:04:02.45 Sean And then went ahead and hung out with people there, but it was good. 00:04:01.81 Andrew Oh, that'...

    1 h 5 min
  3. 12/12/2024

    Alex Hillman: How your identity impacts your marketing

    In this week's special guest podcast, Alex Hillman (of Stacking the Bricks and 30x500) joins Andrew to coach him on early stage marketing at MetaMonster. They talk through Andrew's recent failed launch (and why not to worry about it too much), what he's doing differently now, and how your identity as a founder can impact your marketing. Plus, what pro wrestlers get right about identity and storytelling and how to create great content when you aren't an expert in your niche. There's so much great info packed into this discussion, enjoy! By the way, check out Alex's description of 30x500 at the 12:11 mark for a masterclass in positioning.  Links: Follow Andrew on BlueSky: @andrewaskins.comAndrew's writing: Sean on BlueSky: @seanqsun.comSean's writing: Alex on BlueSky: @alexhillman.comJumpstart your product empire in 12 weeks with LaunchFTWFor more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00:01.42 Andrew All right, so we've got a little bit of a different type of podcast episode. Usually it is me and Sean riffing on the things that we are building, but I'm super excited today because Alex Hillman is here to join us. So Sean is at a conference, so unfortunately couldn't be here today. But as I mentioned on the last episode, Alex very kindly took time out of his day to roast the shit out of my half-assed launch attempt. And then was even more generous and said, hey, I'll take an hour out of my day to come talk to you some more. Let's talk about this in public so that people can learn from this as we work through it together, is super cool. And for anyone who doesn't know Alex's background, Alex has been partnered with Amy Hoy on stacking the bricks and 30 by 500. They've been working on that for, you said 15 years? 00:00:58.53 Alex Hillman 15 years, yeah. 00:01:00.15 Andrew 15 years. I've been reading Stacking the Bricks for ages and really, really love all the content that you all have put out, have looked up to you and Amy for a long time. Still apparently didn't learn anything from from all of that reading, but i'm I'm trying to learn it now. 00:01:15.29 Andrew So yeah, we're gonna get into it. But Alex, thanks so much for for being here. Just so appreciate you, man. 00:01:22.85 Alex Hillman Yeah, i'm I'm happy to. This is going to be a good time. And, you know, I think the the common theme through all of this is and there's a lot of folks that read our stuff like our stuff and then willfully do the opposite or think that they did. what We told them and I go, I don't know where you got that from because those words never came out of my mouth. So I say all of that with, you know, with love and, you know, the the roast. 00:01:47.38 Alex Hillman came from, from that point of view as well. You know, I think that there's, there's cool people doing cool things on the internet. And I know you're, you're a fan of the build in public, trying to eat those and mindset. 00:01:59.19 Alex Hillman I'm a fan of the help in public. And so that's my thought here is if I can help you, whether it's through a roast on blue sky or a podcast, and there's other folks that that benefit from that perspective, then that's a, 00:02:08.00 Andrew yeah 00:02:13.34 Alex Hillman and at least three-way win. I win, you win, and and whoever listens wins. So really, really stoked to get into this. 00:02:18.10 Andrew Awesome. 00:02:19.52 Alex Hillman I think you're working on stuff that is common and and easy to get wrong. 00:02:25.03 Andrew Yeah, appreciate that. Yeah, so to give folks some context, because I imagine there might be people who will listen to this episode who who don't typically listen to small efforts. So a few weeks ago, I sort of kind of launched a alpha-y type thing. Like I'm having trouble even describing it because it was so like half formed. But I basically like got in my head, 00:02:53.09 Andrew we're okay I'm building this mailing list, I'm getting people on this list, I need to convert these people to you know potential paying users and we don't have a product yet so I need to like kind of pre-sell them but I don't want to actually ask them for money yet so I'm gonna pitch them on being a founding user and I sent out this this one email and basically said like Hey, I want you to be a founding user. You'll get a couple of things. And in return, I want a lot of your time. Click here to sign up. And I'm sort of being facetious, partially to protect my ego, because I candidly was like, once I realized like, kind of how bad I messed up, I was a little embarrassed. Like I had this feeling of like, 00:03:44.44 Andrew I have run a business before. I thought I knew how to do content marketing and knew how to do some of this stuff. I've been reading your content for years and so um so um realizing that I was making a lot of rookie mistakes was a little embarrassing and so even now as I'm describing it, I'm catching myself using self-deprecating humor as a little bit of a shield. 00:04:04.73 Alex Hillman that cushion 00:04:05.14 Andrew hello But but i mean that's kind of that's that's the basic context. I tried to pitch people on being early adopters of some sort. It was a very half-formed ask. 00:04:17.85 Andrew and and unsurprisingly, the result was kind of crickets. I got one person who responded to me and said, hey, I'd be interested. other than that, no responses. And so I tried to share about this on Blue Sky in that building public mindset and just be like, hey, anyone what what do you all see when you make these kinds of asks early on? And that's when Alex jumped in and was like, hey, tell me more. like what What was the context here? How much did you email these people and And so, yeah, why don't I kick it over to you and you can kind of give that initial context from your side and, you know, we can talk about some of the advice you got and then we'll get into what we're doing next. 00:04:57.12 Alex Hillman yeah Yeah, I mean, ah you you know first of all, first of all like congrats on shipping anything. like for like to to not Not to backpedal the mistakes that were made, but you know the the making mistakes is is the result of of doing things and trying things. And one of the beautiful things about launches is that there's you know I think there's a myth of a single launch, a single chance. 00:05:22.14 Andrew Mm hmm. 00:05:23.16 Alex Hillman And the trut...

    1 h 13 min
  4. 06/12/2024

    Andrew got roasted and Sean built a new website

    In this episode, Andrew discusses feedback he received from Alex Hillman on his marketing efforts for MetaMonster, and how he plans to adjust his approach going forward. He's now focusing more on creating content and building anticipation rather than rushing to convert customers. Sean shares his thoughts on personal branding and how he's reworking his online presence. They also touch on the pros and cons of starter packs for growing following on BlueSky and the value of being an authentic, relationship-based creator versus optimizing for algorithms. Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants:'s website: Driving: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript: 00:00.01SeanHappy Thanksgiving, or Happy Post Thanksgiving. 00:03.75AndrewHey, happy post Thanksgiving. 00:04.77SeanHey. Yeah. Did you pick anything up for a Black Friday? 00:09.25AndrewOh my God. I spent too much money. I, I got sucked into a die work where, Twitter thread on, uh, links to black Friday deals. 00:16.04SeanOh, sweet. 00:22.53Andrewa couple of the links I was like, Oh, this looks really cool. That's $1,200 for a jacket. I cannot do that. I'm sorry. so I just can't bring myself to do that. 00:30.68SeanWe gotta invest in yourself, man. 00:36.16AndrewI'm trying. 00:36.68SeanOkay, 00:36.92AndrewI'm trying to like push myself to slowly start buying some nicer pieces. I've got my eye on like a leather jacket. That's more in like the 300 360 range that I might 00:46.87Seannot bad. 00:48.08AndrewPull the trigger on at some point in the next year in the next sorry in the next few months but yeah, but entirely too much clothing tend to like just buy nothing and then buy Everything in like one or two goes and then not buy anything for a long period of time And then I bought a bunch of gifts for people so it was actually like normally I don't do shit on Black Friday, but this time I was actually pretty 01:03.52SeanYeah. 01:09.18SeanNice. Sweet. 01:14.74AndrewPretty active on the interwebs, on the, the e-commerce sites. 01:17.08Seanthree 01:19.45Seanwell i bought a humidifier so it has an app i haven't downloaded the app yet i know on weekends on weekends when i go to my computer when i'm in front of my computer i always feel like my eyes are really dry and i think it's because of a week of staring at the screen and then i turn on humidifier and it tells you how like dry your room is and it's like i think the like it was it was saying that the healthy range is 30 to 50 and when i turned on it was like 01:22.51AndrewWhoa. 01:25.08AndrewWelcome to your seventies. 01:36.73AndrewHigh strain. 01:47.95Sean15 uh like 1828 something like that it's like cool put that sucker on eyes not dry anymore life hack yeah 01:51.12AndrewDamn interesting. 01:55.44AndrewI get pretty dry in the winter around here. And then we have radiators. And so if we don't have the windows open, it gets so dry. But usually we have the windows open because our heating system is horribly inefficient. 02:09.12AndrewAnd so you're either like cold as shit or you are sweating. So we have to open the windows to like let excess heat out because we can't just like turn it down. It's old houses. 02:20.83SeanGot it. Yeah, sounds fun. 02:22.24AndrewIt's pain. yeah 02:23.47SeanI also bought into, uh, detailed, which is Glenn Alsup's, uh, uh, SEO private group. 02:29.54AndrewOh, Oh, interesting. 02:32.86SeanAnd, yeah, there was no sale. It was just like, here's the option to purchase it, which is kind of badass of him to do on a Black Friday, but. 02:39.65AndrewYeah. It's like, cards against humanity always does the hilarious black Friday stuff. Like one, didn't they ah ah raise prices one year for black Friday? They were like, you can buy cards against humanity for double what it normally costs. 02:48.81Seanthere 02:52.63SeanIt's kind of sick. 02:53.77Andrewthis year they sold a potato with diamonds stuck in it. 02:56.76Seanoh cards The original mischief, just saying. 02:56.93AndrewLike fucking weird. 03:01.39Andrewthey They totally are the original mischief. That's very true. Is mischief still kicking? Are they still doing shit? 03:08.22SeanYeah. Yeah. Yeah. They also have Black Friday sale. They're making shoes. I mean, whatever. I feel like they kind of fell off after the big but look big red boot moment. 03:19.61AndrewIt's hard to like, when your business model is go viral, it's just hard to do that consistently, I think. 03:27.45SeanNo. I disagree. I disagree. I disagree. I think it's hard to do that consistently and be ethical around how you do it. oh but I don't think ah they had a whole thing where that like, you know, every two weeks they would release a project and like, I'm pretty sure 70% of the projects were all sweepstakes. 03:40.89AndrewThat might be true. 03:48.93SeanThey were all like, sign up for things, share it, again, a chance to win in different flavors. 03:49.16AndrewYeah. 03:54.46SeanAnd then with different like creators as well. So, 03:57.62AndrewYeah, that checks out. I mean, fucking Mr. Beast has built yeah the largest YouTube following in the world, basically turning his channel into a lottery. 04:06.87SeanYeah. Yep. Yep. Are you? Yeah. 04:09.00AndrewGambling, gambling and porn. 04:10.69SeanYeah. Hell yeah. 04:11.75AndrewSo all the Internet's good for. 04:14.21SeanI agree. And this podcast, what else have you been up to the past two weeks? 04:20.50AndrewSo I got roasted last week by Alex Hillman on Blue Sky. 04:22.14SeanYes, you did. I'm Blue Sky. 04:25.75AndrewVery, very positively roasted. I I went to Blue Sky looking for feedback on I think I talked about it on the podcast last recording. 04:27.80SeanYeah. 04:30.70SeanMm-hmm. 04:34.84Andrewa Like I did this like kind of mini launch and trying to get, of what were we calling them, founding users, get people to convert to founding users. 04:43.58SeanYeah. 04:47.12AndrewAnd we were talking about just like only one person replied. And yeah, it just was kind of a flop. so I was just trying to do the building public thing and talking about it on Blue Sky and asking you know people what what their experience had been with pre-sales and that sort of thing. 05:05.33AndrewAnd Alex Hellman was basically like, bro, you You like half asked this thing, what did you expect? but And I was like, oh, yeah, you're right. 05:14.06SeanUh-huh. 05:16.21AndrewYeah. 05:16.78SeanYeah.

    48 min
  5. 22/11/2024

    Early stage validation and the PMF spectrum

    In this episode, Andrew talks about the rapid audience growth he's seeing on Bluesky and the challenges he's running into finding Founding Users for MetaMonster. The guys talk about the idea of product market fit as a spectrum and validation as a way to uncover where you might be on that spectrum, but without ever getting to 100% certainty. Then Sean talks through trying to find his next side project idea. Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants: to Webflow-ready CSV: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00.01 Sean This is a full Andrew podcast with Sean does a support character today Mainly because I was late before this call 00:08.75 Andrew Uh, I was also kind of late. I was chatting with a friend and it took me a while. Yeah. what's up, man? How are you? 00:17.09 Sean I'm good. um I'm busy. um Yeah, I'm busy. A lot of things happening with miscreants, Q4, trying to get a lot of things wrapped up before the holidays and and just so much inbound. 00:31.44 Sean So much inbound. 00:31.83 Andrew That's great. 00:32.67 Sean Yeah, it is. It's amazing. You know, partially 00:34.65 Andrew you see You sound exhausted by it. but 00:36.91 Sean I'm so tired. Yeah. Well, partially thanks to you for for doing some really good work as well. So I appreciate it. 00:43.48 Andrew Cool. I'm glad it's been helping. 00:45.98 Sean Yeah, absolutely. What's up with you? What's going on? 00:49.78 Andrew So two things I want to talk about today, a small one and then a bigger one that I want to work out some thoughts with, with you and our, our 12 listeners. 01:01.03 Sean Yeah. 01:02.70 Andrew so the small one real quick blue sky is popping off right now. It is wild. I've been, I've had an account for like two weeks now and I'm up to 1200 followers. 01:16.59 Andrew starter kits are this like magical growth hack, uh, where 01:16.28 Sean he yeah 01:20.44 Sean Are starter kits just lists but people can auto follow everyone in the list? 01:25.31 Andrew Basically, yeah, yeah, a starter kit is basically like a Twitter list. 01:26.99 Sean okay 01:30.65 Andrew But so in Blue Sky, you have three concepts that that fulfill part of the responsibility of lists um in Twitter. So you have starter kits, which are a way to curate a list of people that you think others should follow most often around the topic. So like, I'm in a couple of like indie hacker, indie founder, bootstrap founder, starter kits. and you can, when you open a starter kit, you can follow individual people or you can just click follow all. 02:01.31 Andrew and And so that's how I found people to follow. I'm following like 360 people. It's almost all from like a handful of starter kits. And then and it's a really great mechanism for people to very quickly build a little network. 02:18.09 Andrew And it's if you get added to a couple of these, it's an awesome growth mechanism. 02:22.54 Sean Hell 02:22.64 Andrew So I'm up to 1,200 followers. very, very quickly, which is cool. 02:28.21 Sean yeah. 02:29.29 Andrew And we'll see how that correlates to engagement. wasn't seeing much engagement for the first like maybe 400 or 500 followers, but now I feel like I'm starting to see some pretty solid engagement. 02:41.50 Andrew I think engagement is naturally going to lag behind followers on the platform while people are still building a habit of checking and using Blue Sky, because it's still like A lot of people are switching over right now or like signing up and trying it for the first time, and so they're not going to have that usage habit right away. But I'm now seeing more engagement there than I am on tweets, and I have like 2700 Twitter followers. 03:09.80 Andrew So there's there's starter kits, then there's lists. they do have lists that work exactly like Twitter lists, which are like a non-algorithmic way to curate a list of people whose content you want to view without following them. And then they have feeds, which are custom algorithms that developers can write and publish. 03:31.61 Andrew so there's like 50,000 feeds. So there's essentially 50,000 different algorithms you can choose to subscribe to and follow. So there's a default discover algorithm. There's a default like following algorithm, where it's just everyone you follow. 03:46.88 Andrew then you can subscribe to lots of different feeds and customize your algorithm work the way you want to, which is a really cool idea. 03:59.56 Andrew Yeah. 03:57.79 Sean that is a really cool idea i wonder i wonder if there's like a secret like if your feed is used a lot you know how like you know plug-in like places that like have that you do upload plugins and stuff will pay out a certain amount if you have like a cool 04:13.36 Andrew Maybe. Yeah. I don't think they've started doing revenue sharing on blue sky yet. and they very openly said they're going to try to stay away from advertising and sell premium features, which is interesting. sort of Also the blue sky team is only 20 people. There are 20 people on the team. 04:34.05 Sean So you're saying Musk didn't fire enough people when he joined Twitter. That's what you're telling me. 04:39.64 Andrew I'm saying it's really cool what they're doing. And they're they're being very open and like chatting with and interacting with the community. Overall, the vibes are just, it I think because it's new, like this won't last forever, but because it's new, people are looking for people to follow. They're looking for content to engage with. therere They're just more open and and curious than where people have more set patterns of behavior that they fall into. 05:11.07 Andrew So the vibes are really good right ...

    55 min
  6. 14/11/2024

    How to replace yourself in your agency

    In this episode, Sean talks about getting himself out of day-to-day client work at Miscreants, and Andrew provides an update on his slow progress with customer acquisition for MetaMonster. Andrew shares an idea for a side project and they talk about Dharmesh buying the domain and "flipping" it to OpenAI. Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants: to Webflow-ready CSV: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00.98 Sean All right, what is this thing, Andrew? What are you gonna tell me? even It's been 30 minutes since you told me we we're changing what we're talking about today. Now you've been, okay, go. 00:12.23 Andrew let me Let me just play this for you and I think it'll all make sense. 00:15.25 Sean Okay. 00:21.25 Andrew and 00:24.28 Andrew hoping you can so into me baby 00:28.45 Andrew Do you know what this is yet? 00:33.18 Sean Yes. I know what this is. I know what this is. This is the... I feel bad for all Asian guys in SF. I'll never outdo you, you tech bros. It's f*****g over. 00:51.69 Andrew Wait, wait! graves keepki godam oh 01:02.88 Andrew I never thought I would hear Mark Zuckerberg with T paid singing sweat, drip down my balls. 01:04.84 Sean z pain that's what what what do you want to do you want to dissect the lyrics you want to 01:11.18 Andrew Oh, ski, ski motherfucker. Oh, ski, ski. God damn. 01:17.79 Andrew Oh my God. I found this and I was like, holy shit. Clear everything. This is all I want to talk about. 01:32.86 Sean honey 01:32.98 Andrew I think it's just f*****g hilarious. And like, I can't decide if I like love it or hate it. Like I can't decide if it's the best thing ever or the most cringe thing ever. And I think I love it. And I think I love it in part because it is kind of cringe and he just doesn't give a fuck. 01:52.89 Sean for what it's worth though maybe this was the light at the this was the this was the one piece of uplifting news in recent times my executor the one who keeps us going 02:01.14 Andrew Right. Oh my God. 02:08.17 Andrew Yeah. So that, that is the, uh, Mark Zuckerberg collaboration with T-Pain. Uh, their group is unofficially or officially, I guess, Z-Pain. Um, they have one single, which is an acoustic version of Gitlo, which Mark recorded for his wife Priscilla because apparently it's the song they listened to every anniversary. 02:28.74 Sean Yep, and then you played it for her, and... 02:32.21 Andrew Is there a video of him playing it for her? 02:33.61 Sean Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 02:34.49 Andrew Oh my God, I gotta go watch that. i I mean, he's found something that works. Being a wife guy is working for his brand right now and he is leaning all all the way in. 02:47.07 Andrew and 02:47.21 Sean Hey, you know what they say about wife guys, though? 02:50.47 Andrew Yeah. 02:50.85 Sean on the internet. okay I just hope he doesn't. 02:53.35 Andrew Yep, it's gonna blow up at some point. 02:57.23 Sean I don't think he was on the ditty list, so we'll be okay. 02:57.61 Andrew But... 03:00.01 Sean we might or Or the FC list, so we might be okay. 03:04.72 Andrew For what it's worth, I love T-Pain so much. 03:08.46 Sean Yeah, he's great. He's great. 03:09.83 Andrew T-Pain's Tiny Desk Concert is one of my all-time favorites. It's so good. 03:13.97 Sean i I just love that he is just doing side quests at the moment. Like, the guy's a genius. 03:21.04 Andrew Zuck or T-Pain? 03:22.12 Sean No, no, T-Pain. Zuck, I guess, is also doing a side quests at the moment, but like... 03:23.46 Andrew Yeah. 03:26.12 Sean I'll just like I'll watch random youtubers and like sometimes T-Pain will just show up like like that are not related to things related to him you know I'm watching like a car guy youtuber boom T-Pain's winning a drift competition yeah I'm on twitch all of a sudden or I'm not on I'm browsing twitch and all of a sudden T-Pain's a streamer I don't know yeah 03:28.43 Andrew Mm-hmm. 03:36.42 Andrew Mm hmm. Holy shit, that's cool. 03:47.23 Andrew By the way, on the Zuck side, I just listened to the acquired episode about Metta, and it made me realize that like. I feel like public perception of Metta is changing a little bit like I feel like Elon Musk buying Twitter. 04:01.86 Sean Yeah. 04:04.11 Andrew has kind of has taken a lot of the heat off of meta. 04:06.90 Sean Yeah. 04:07.45 Andrew And so now everyone's like, Elon's elon's the evil one. 04:09.12 Sean He's almost like, it could be so much worse. 04:13.00 Andrew And yeah, Elon's like, you guys think 2016 Facebook was bad? 04:13.84 Sean Yeah. 04:19.71 Andrew Bro, hold my drink. 04:21.08 Sean Listen, when you gotta be the best at everything, you know? 04:26.64 Andrew Including being a massive fucking troll. 04:28.86 Sean Yeah. 04:30.46 Andrew Yeah, but it made me realize that like I don't hate meta as much as I used to. And I i don't know if that's like. 04:35.61...

    58 min
  7. 30/10/2024

    Sean launches TWO free tools, and the guys brainstorm marketing ideas

    In this episode, Andrew and Sean talk about Halloween plans and Sean's decision to kill Stackwise. Meanwhile, Sean has launched two new free tools in the last week! The guys talk about how he did it and what his goals are for both of them. Then they spend the rest of the episode brainstorming marketing ideas for MetaMonster. Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants: to Webflow-ready CSV: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00.35 Sean Cool. Happy Halloween. 00:02.59 Andrew Happy Halloween. 00:04.93 Sean Are you going to any parties? 00:05.11 Andrew o 00:08.27 Sean Are you doing anything? 00:09.37 Andrew Yeah, we're so normally we go to Chicago for Halloween hang out. 00:14.09 Sean Because it's extra scary there. Sorry, go ahead. 00:16.45 Andrew What? 00:17.99 Sean It's just so scary in Chicago. and i don't know that's not why that's not why i was That's not why I was going with that. 00:20.19 Andrew Wow, that's racist, John. Fuck you, dude. 00:26.99 Sean Jeez, I'm kidding. 00:29.92 Andrew fucking New Yorkers hating on Chicago. Gross. 00:33.16 Sean That's not racist. I'm just elitist. That's different. 00:38.29 Sean Yeah. 00:39.11 Andrew normally we go to Chicago because, uh, a bunch of Maddie's best friends from high school all live there and they throw a Halloween party every year. So normally early we go and we go out with them and we go to like one bar and then we go get, uh, like shitty Greek food and then we go home. 00:46.34 Sean yeah 00:56.68 Sean Nice. 00:57.84 Andrew but this year we decided to stay in Detroit, because we love Halloween and we love decorating for Halloween and. We've never gotten to be in Detroit for Halloween, we really want to pass out candy this year so tomorrow, which will probably be today by the time I get this published. 01:16.54 Andrew We're gonna hang out, pass out candy, go drink some beers with our neighbors. And then Saturday, one of our best friends is throwing a haunted carnival party. 01:27.46 Andrew It's her second year in a row throwing this like haunted carnival themed Halloween party. 01:30.91 Sean Sick. 01:32.68 Andrew So we're gonna go to the haunted carnival party and Maddie's dressing up as a ringmaster and I'm dressing up dressing up as a lion. 01:39.02 Sean Nice. 01:39.91 Andrew She's like a ringmaster lion tamer and then I'm a lion. 01:42.17 Sean Yeah, hell yeah. 01:43.56 Andrew So it's gonna be fun. 01:44.70 Sean Sick. 01:46.43 Andrew Yeah, what about you? 01:48.22 Sean I'm debating on whether or not there's this like Instagram, ah like ah ah actually been sorry. I don't even know what they are. There's just like some cool internet website thing called shell tech that they're like a band or or producer do, or I don't, I don't fucking know. 02:02.36 Sean They just make music. It's apparently dropped the new album. 02:03.90 Andrew Fun. 02:05.31 Sean They have like an album party tomorrow and I think it's for, so maybe that, or maybe I'll be in my room jamming away. 02:08.48 Andrew pun 02:16.05 Sean on whether or not stackwise has a future because i am uh-huh yeah 02:19.88 Andrew wait Wait, wait, pause before we get too far into that. Can you just tell me a little bit about like what Halloween is like in New York? I'm so curious. 02:32.57 Andrew Like Yeah. 02:33.00 Sean what is how yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like uh well in queens it's super cute it's very residential you know so everyone like especially in a lot of kids in the neighborhood they walk around and they get candy and there's like really nice areas in queens that people will go to and there's like halloween decorations and stuff yeah exactly exactly the full skies can i think it's a trap i think that's like a like 02:52.01 Andrew Got to go get the full size candy bars. I went to Costco today and I was this close to buying the full size bars, but yeah, I'm not actually sure it's better. 03:03.66 Andrew I'm not sure giving out full size bars is better. Like my plan is to give out a big old handful of candy and, and then you get a mix of candy and you get to like spread it out a little. 03:05.94 Sean Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. 03:14.05 Andrew Whereas if I give you a full size bar, you're going to eat it super fast. 03:18.14 Sean I was just gonna say, like, the expectation of being in a house that gives full-sized candy bars, that's dangerous. 03:21.100 Andrew Oh yeah. Once you go, once you go full size, you can't go back. 03:24.58 Sean Yeah. Exactly. You can't, you can't roll back the whatever. 03:27.20 Andrew Yeah. 03:30.16 Sean Yeah. But like, yeah. 03:34.39 Andrew It was 20 bucks for 30 full size bars or 20 bucks for like a five pound bag of candy. 03:40.29 Sean Yeah, see? 03:40.72 Andrew And so I was like. 03:42.09 Sean Did you see that meme of, uh, one of the fuh- uh, like, fuh in a Halloween bucket? 03:47.49 Andrew Yes, that was so good. 03:47.91 Sean And it's like, one ...

    58 min
  8. 25/10/2024

    Sean has new momentum, and Andrew gets feedback on designs

    In this episode, Sean discusses the challenges he is facing (and his new momentum) with his project Stackwise, including finding the right developer and getting the project scope defined. He talks about discovering a no-code tool called Subframe that has helped streamline his design process. Andrew shares his progress building the MetaMonster website with Astro and SpinalCMS, and gets feedback from Sean on the first round of MetaMonster wireframes. They also discuss pricing models and ideas for holding company names. Links: Andrew’s Twitter: @AndrewAskinsAndrew's website: MetaMonster website built with Astro: prototype designs: Click hereChartJuice:’s Twitter: @seanqsunMiscreants: Coming soon...FigTree: Coming soon...Podscan: more information about the podcast, check out Transcript:00:00.76 Sean The yeah motivation for the podcast is brought to you by Arvid Kahl, the creator of Podscan. 00:09.01 Andrew Hi, Arvid. 00:10.02 Sean Hi Arvid. Shout out to Arvid. 00:13.06 Andrew Podscan, Podscan, Podscan. 00:14.76 Sean Yeah, the creator of Podscan, excellent tool, doesn't sponsor us, but but has been the reason why we've had three founders reach out to us on Twitter now. 00:25.94 Sean So that's pretty cool. It's kind of just like a modern day summoning ritual at this point, Beatlejuice. 00:33.81 Andrew By the way, what did you say is brought to you by podscan? Did you say like, did you say this podcast sounded like you said like the wrong name of our podcast? 00:39.44 Sean Oh, the oh this episode no, the motivation, the motivation for ah ah for for this podcast, the the the motivation to do today's episode. 00:47.14 Andrew Oh, okay. 00:50.86 Sean Yeah, yeah. 00:51.40 Andrew Got it. Got it. 00:52.63 Sean Yeah. Now that we are a full minute in. 00:54.17 Andrew Cool, man. 00:55.65 Sean but 00:57.34 Andrew How are you? What's going on? 00:58.79 Sean I'm good. I'm good. Remember how I was super stressed last week about stack-wise and the lack of movement on it? 01:08.93 Andrew Mm hmm. 01:10.11 Sean So I I put some more budget towards it, a little bit more, and just or like a ah you know mentally committed more budget to it. 01:17.41 Andrew Cool. 01:21.40 Sean And checked out a little bit more expensive than I think. We'll see. I don't know. I checked Alumni. 01:29.78 Andrew Yeah, fair. 01:30.22 Sean I also went on Upwork to look for devs. Had some like interesting proposals come in. Then I was talking to a dev and He looked really promising. He was like 75 bucks an hour, is like about lemon I.O. prices. So and you know, he he like like takes supplements and and whatnot. So he has some realm of understanding. And then he hit me with a he'd so he reviewed the he reviewed the current code and everything. And then he hit me with a yeah, if you want me to like fully scope it, I'm going to need you to like actually give me user stories and like better Figma wireframes. 02:10.35 Andrew Like actually project manage and like build a scope and everything like via products manager. 02:11.90 Sean Yeah, yeah, like actually do it. I know, I know. And then I was like, wow, that's really annoying. I guess that's kind of fair, I guess. um It's hard to so like really feel like I've put my foot best foot forward on this project without having done that. So I did it. I wrote a PRD. I wrote a bunch of user stories. I mean, I had one in the past that was like a loose bullet pointed list, but this was like a little bit more official. 02:35.52 Andrew Yeah. 02:37.13 Sean and then I, and then I sort of wireframe, like rewire framing some stuff in Figma. and, uh, you know, that, that, that for a little bit was pushing back my timeline. 02:48.31 Sean i have a day job which takes more time out of my which takes more than just my regular day so it's like ah like I got maybe like two screens into the fig into the Figma part and I was like damn I really don't want to go like do this all over again because like I have s****y wireframes right I don't um um uh and oh oh and and in the meantime like as as these guys were like reviewing it i i kind of felt a little bit uh like uh like like i don't know at a just like an informational disadvantage a little bit so 03:24.97 Sean I've also just watched a shit ton of Laravel tutorials and Laravel things. now now I kind of like mostly understand Laravel and PHP, not to a degree that I can write it, but to a degree that I can read it and know what's going on and and like and make edits and stuff. 03:39.55 Andrew Mm hmm. 03:42.17 Sean So, you know, I was able to kind of review the proposals a little bit better. That's been my last week until yesterday. And then I remembered that there is this thing I saw, which was a no code frontend React, like build at with tailwind components, or build with like like React components export as React code and tailwind. And it's called subframe, YC startup, super, super small. I don't know how small they are, but very small following. 04:12.66 Sean Excellent product. God, it's so good. 04:15.69 Andrew Cool. 04:15.54 Sean And not only is it good, it feels like a mix between Figma and Webflow, except I'm kind of working with like components. And i if I want more components, I have to make more make them on my own. 04:25.92 Sean But there's a long list of just basically subframe versions of Tailwind components. And it makes me way happier to be designing in this than designing in Figma, mainly because I hate the idea that if I'm going to desi...

    58 min
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4 notes

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Two agency owners and friends talk about cybersecurity, design, and the continuous small efforts it takes to build a business.

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