Love to listen but the sound mixing is an issue
٠١/٠٥/١٤٤٦ هـ
This show is a wonderful resource to keep myself up to date on what is often not flushed out in detail on the regular news programs. My only critique is that the audio is often a nuisance for its inconsistency; sometimes the music is way louder than the conversation that follows or precedes it; other times the audio of some guests is barely audible while others are loud in my ear. I would definitely listen more often if these common issues were corrected.
Truth hurts
قبل ٣ أيام
Trust God Only
Wonderful show, Audio too low
٢٤/٠٤/١٤٤٦ هـ
Great show great guests however, the audio is too low to be serviceable.
Insightful and fun
١٠/٠٤/١٤٤٥ هـ
Fun, timely and in-depth discussion and analysis. Thank you, Andrew!
A weekly analysis of the complex policy issues driving the news.
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