Psychedelic Times Podcast

Joe Mattia
Psychedelic Times Podcast

Our mission at Psychedelic Times is to share the latest news, research, and happenings around the study of psychedelics as tools of healing, recovery, and therapy. We are passionate about the incredible potential that psychoactive substances such as marijuana, ayahuasca, MDMA, LSD, iboga, psilocybin, and DMT present to humanity, and are excited to share that passion with you.


  1. 09/11/2018

    Javier Regueiro Awakening the Heart with Plant Medicine

    Author and ayahuascero Javier Regueiro occupies an important nexus point between indigenous healing traditions and Western culture. Mr. Regueiro is a Spanish national who was raised in Switzerland and moved to Peru in 2004, eventually training under Don Francisco Montes Shuña and becoming a full-time ayahuasca facilitator in 2006. He has also written two books: Ayahuasca: Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle, and San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart. In this podcast, Joe Mattia speaks with Javier about the divine feminine, self realization, ayahuasca, and the importance of preparation and integration with ayahuasca and other entheogens. Show Notes: Healing the feminine [7:45] Javier’s personal history [16:15] Apprenticing with ayahuasca [20:15] Self realization and enlightenment [23:45] Unique journeys with ayahuasca [27:15] Spiritual bypass and the shadow [34:15] Remaining a student [39:15] Psychedelic preparation and integration [41:00] Game of Thrones and ayahuasca [44:00] The importance of integration coaches [50:45] Authenticity and integrity [55:45] Processing difficult journeys [59:15] Approaching psychedelic experiences [63:00]   Selected Quotes: On healing the feminine: “Particularly in our Judeo-Christian tradition, we have been repressing, oppressing, oftentimes abusing women and all expressions of feminine energy. Just recently for instance, here in the States, you’re experiencing another wave of women speaking openly about instances of sexual abuse in the workplace. So this is part of a larger process of healing a long history of abuse of women, of repressing their energy through judgement, even through religious and legal texts, limiting their freedom to be women. Women are invited now to not only heal their own wounds, but also whatever ancestral wounds have not been healed and integrated yet, for the sake not only of themselves but collective consciousness.”   On jungle ayahuasca experiences: “In 2004 I went to the Amazon jungle. I had drank ayahuasca a couple of times a couple of years earlier, and finally I went to the jungle for an ayahuasca retreat, as I was once again running out of tricks, and getting increasingly bored with my own dramas. And that experience in the jungle was very healing- so much so as a result I entertained the possibility of studying plant medicine… The year after I went back to Peru to find out whether that idea was serious. While I was there for the second time, in the middle of an ayahuasca ceremony, I was so in awe of this medicine that from a place within me just came out the words directed to the medicine: you’re awesome, I want to work for you. And here I am 12 years later, still in service to this medicine, as well as San Pedro, and in service of all the people who feel drawn to engaging in this process.”   On self realization: “There is a certain misconception about what the experience of enlightenment of full self realization is. We often perceive these episodes as an end, we've reached the goal, whereas in my experience, these experiences of awakening they are simply just another doorway, and that doorway is onto a more expanded state of consciousness and awareness, but also for me the work with plant medicine is not one that seeks transcendence or going away from this level of reality, actually I find that the invitation of plants as well as all of creation is for us to engage more fully with renewed enthusiasm in the process of life.”   On the importance of shadow work: “There are some people who go to plant medicine ceremonies seeking an expanded state of consciousness, seeking a sense of connection, of unity with the cosmos, with everybody, with themselves, but struggle with exploring their own shadow. Basically they never do the dirty work. So in ceremony they experience an expanded state of awareness and consciousness which then dissipates within a few days or weeks or months at the most, because

    1h 10m
  2. Dr. Dan Engle Reframing the Western Medical Paradigm


    Dr. Dan Engle Reframing the Western Medical Paradigm

    With a background in psychiatric medicine, neurology, advanced ayahuasca dietas, psychedelic integration, and neurocognitive restoration, Dr. Dan Engle is one of the most unique and important voices in the psychedelic movement today. As founder of Full Spectrum Medicine and author of the new book The Concussion Repair Manual, Dr. Dan brings together a deep understanding of both the medical world and the psychedelic experience with an eye toward therapeutic personal transformation. Psychedelic Times founder Joe Mattia spoke with Dr. Dan recently at a mutual friend’s float studio, and their conversation ranges from Dan’s fascinating personal story of ayahuasca dietas in the jungle to his return to the Western world to advance the cause of integrative, soul-centered healing.   Sponsors: Dr. Bronner’s was founded in 1948 by Emanuel Bronner, a third- generation master soapmaker. He used the labels on his superb ecological soaps to spread his message that we must realize our unity across religious & ethnic divides or perish: “We are All-One or None!” Still family-owned and run, Dr. Bronner’s honors its founder’s vision by continuing to make socially & environmentally responsible products, and by dedicating our profits to help make a better world.   The Temple of the Way of Light is an ayahuasca center in Peru that opened in 2007. Their team of indigenous Shipibo healers represents over 250 years of experience practicing the ancient art of ayahuasca shamanism. The healers are supported by highly trained and experienced Western facilitators, who act as a critical cultural bridge between the healers and guests. The Temple was founded on the philosophy that an atmosphere of genuine care and compassion provides the optimum conditions for healing. Show Notes: The grassroots psychedelic movement [9:00] The powerful data from psychedelic research [12:00] The broken medical system [14:00] Psychiatry [15:00] Sustainability [8:00] Finding your truth [18:00] Ayahuasca and dietas in the jungle [20:30] Returning to civilization [26:30] Being an emissary from the forest [29:30] Full Spectrum Medicine [30:00] Western allopathic medicine [32:20] Pharmaceuticals [34:30] Detoxification and healing [37:30] Ibogaine addiction treatment [43:00] Drug policy and ibogaine experiences [50:00] Exploring the shadow [54:00] Being True to You [55:50] Preparation and integration [58:00] That place inbetween worlds [61:00] Kambo [62:00] Selected Quotes: On balancing vision and action: “It can be easy, particularly in the medicine space, to have the grand vision and to see the meta view, but it’s just as important- if not more important- to actualize that and move it into this 3-dimensional reality in the most effective way.” On returning to civilization after intense ayahuasca dietas: “I had married the medicine path so to speak, and I didn't have much of a desire or interest to come back to this way we collectively live in the West. But then I realized that if I was to be of support and a positive impact to the greatest degree that I could be, then it was probably not going to be just hanging out solo in the jungle. It was going to be coming back to potentially be a voice to bridge the psychedelic medicine community with the psychiatric medical community. If we do choose to see the right place that psychedelic medicines have in the unfolding potential of health care moving forward, then it’s helpful to have people who can speak from both perspectives.” On jungle medicine: “When we know that the pharmacy of the entire jungle itself, and the river system itself, with the soil and the animals and the plants and the fish and everything is this buffet of potential options for someone’s healing protocol, then all of these things are used synergistically.” On Deanne Adamson’s program Being True to You: “The program that Deanne has created with Being True to You does turn the whole addiction

    1h 12m
  3. Allan Badiner Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics


    Allan Badiner Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics

    From his early days of college activism, to decades of ecological stewardship, to Buddhism and then to psychedelics, Allan Badiner has had a colorful and impactful life. Allan is an important figure in the worlds of psychedelic exploration, Western Buddhism, and rainforest activism. He is the editor of Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics and a 25-year board member of the Rainforest Action Network. In our latest Psychedelic Times Podcast, Allan speaks with Joe Mattia about his unconventional introduction to psychedelics, his awakening in a Buddhist monastery, and many other fascinating stories and insights. Sponsors: California Institute of Integral Studies Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research CIIS created the Center for Psychedelic Therapy and Research (the Center) in 2015 to address the demand for trained psychotherapists to work in the expanding field of psychedelic studies. The Center is directed by clinical psychologist Dr. Janis Phelps, who is also a professor in the East-West Psychology program. Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Dr. Bronner’s Dr. Bronner’s was founded in 1948 by Emanuel Bronner, a third- generation master soapmaker. He used the labels on his superb ecological soaps to spread his message that we must realize our unity across religious & ethnic divides or perish: “We are All-One or None!” Still family-owned and run, Dr. Bronner’s honors its founder’s vision by continuing to make socially & environmentally responsible products, and by dedicating our profits to help make a better world. Show Notes: Early days of college activism [10:00] Infiltrating Hollywood [13:00] Leaving Hollywood for India [15:00] First visit to a Buddhist monastery in Sri Lanka [16:25] Becoming friends with Terence McKenna [21:00] Connecting to Nature [28:30] Interviewing Buddhism teachers for Zig Zag Zen [31:30] CIIS Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy program [33:30] Esalen and psychedelics [37:45] Cannabis’ history as a medicine in the US and India [44:15] Foods and spices that are also cannabinoids [52:30] The importance of psychedelic integration [54:30] Selected Quotes: On Allan’s introduction to psychedelics: “My interest in Buddhism is what brought me to psychedelics. Usually it's the other way around for people.” On his first stay at a Buddhist monastery: “So I went to a monastery in Sri Lanka in the mountains and I hated it; it was awful. It was just unbearable. The bed was basically a board and a thin blanket and there were bugs everywhere… I thought if I could just run out of here I would, but you had to book a week in advance to have a car come get you… About a day or so before I was supposed to be done there, I had an unbelievable experience. I just woke up to being different in so many ways. I looked at the dirt and I thought that’s not nothing, that’s Earth. The bugs were my friends. I felt this connection with them because they were alive. I woke up to no pain- all my joints had been bothering me before that. It was painless, and beyond that it was joyful, and I felt a connection and a profound sense of gratitude and joy to be alive. Everywhere I looked I was in awe. It was this amazing consciousness rebirth of some kind.”   On Terence McKenna giving him psilocybin: “Terence [McKenna] did effectively treat me with psilocybin. That really came close to the Sri Lanka experience; it’s the closest I’ve been. It was my first psychedelic experience, and it came right at a time where I met Sasha Shulgin and would go to his Friday night dinners.”  On connecting with Nature and activism: “One of the insights from the Sri Lanka experience was a connection to Nature, a connection to other beings- animals, bugs even. I felt that there was a strong connection between my own bliss and the connection that I had with other living beings. So that motivated me to get involved as an activist in preserving the life-giving systems of the planet and other speci

    1h 4m
  4. 08/21/2018

    David Bronner Visionary Psychedelic Activism

    You may not know it, but the CEO behind America’s favorite all natural soap brand is also a leading figure in the contemporary psychedelic movement. Our guest on the latest Psychedelic Times podcast is David Bronner, Cosmic Engagement Officer of Dr. Bronner’s, MAPS board member, hemp activist, and shining example of how passion-driven business can change the world. David invited our own Joe Mattia to tour the Dr. Bronner’s corporate offices and sit down to discuss his eclectic life story, replete with tales of psychedelic revelations, cannabis churches, suing the DEA and winning, and refocusing the family business to it’s roots with wild success.   Show Notes: David discusses connecting with Rick Doblin and MAPS [2:00] David’s first psilocybin mushroom experience [4:10] Amsterdam adventures: Cannabis Cup and squatting  [5:05] Ego death and revelations on acid and MDMA in a gay trance club [7:00] Integrating his psychedelic experience and becoming a mental health counselor [15:55] The value of resistance and helping humanity to harmonize [17:35] Dolphin overlords, 13th chakra glactivation [19:00] The world needs good men, not spiritual recluses [19:20] Carrying on the Bronner family legacy to unite spaceship earth [23:00] Fighting for hemp seed oil and cannabis  [27:00] Meeting Rick Doblin on the playa and the Zendo Project [31:00] Litigating the DEA and winning [35:00] Coming out of the psychedelic closet [35:30] Board position at MAPS and Burning Man stories [42:10] Psychedelic integration: journaling and meditation [49:50]

    1h 2m
  5. Dr. Gerardo Sandoval Exploring the Sacred Power of 5-MeO-DMT


    Dr. Gerardo Sandoval Exploring the Sacred Power of 5-MeO-DMT

    In our most recent podcast, Psychedelic Times founder Joe Mattia got to sit down and chat with Dr. Gerardo Sandoval, one of the world’s leading experts on 5-MeO-DMT about his own experiences with the psychedelic, his new book, and the work he’s doing to advance our understanding of this truly transformative substance. 5-MeO-DMT, also known as the God molecule, might be one of the most remarkable substances ever discovered. A naturally occurring tryptamine found in both plant species and the Bufo alvarius toad, 5-MeO-DMT acts directly on serotonin receptors to offer an intense, concentrated, and profoundly mystical experience. As Dr. Martin Ball says: “The experience is a feeling of total surrender to the direct presence of our union with God. It is readily comparable to Hindu experiences of Moksha or Buddhist experiences of Samadhi and Nirvana, and it may be more profound than experiences attained through meditation alone. Advanced meditators tend to agree that their deepest meditations barely scratch the surface of the depth of the 5-MeO experience.”   Show Notes: Dr. Sandoval’s introduction to sacred medicine and the spirit molecule. [04:20] What are DMT and 5 MeO DMT? [10:10] The differences between DMT and 5 MeO DMT. [14:00] Preparing yourself for therapeutic and entheogenic 5 MeO DMT experiences. [16:50] How to integrate entheogenic experiences. [23:20] Coping with spontaneous reactivations. [25:30] Overview of the Bufo Alivarius toad. [29:51]   The building of the Toad Sanctuary. [32:30] Medical contraindications to toad medicine. [38:20] Combining 5 MeO DMT with ibogaine. [40:15] The God Molecule. [42:40] How Dr. Sandoval stays grounded and centered. [45:40] What kind of outcomes Dr. Sandoval sees. [48:00] Using 5 MeO DMT to cope with fear of death. [50:00] Thanks to Torkomji for our intro music!

    1 hr
  6. Javier Prato Spirit Medicine Movie - Exploring the World of Psychedelic Plants


    Javier Prato Spirit Medicine Movie - Exploring the World of Psychedelic Plants

    Javier Prato's brewing up something very special. Our third guest on the Psychedelic Times podcast series, Javier is in the later stages of shooting and directing a documentary about psychedelic plants called Spirit Medicine. The feature-length documentary is complete with forays around the world into the lands of indigenous cultures and their psychedelic healing traditions with Ayahuasca, Peyote, Psilocybin Mushrooms and Iboga as well as exclusive interviews with some of the leading figures in the psychedelic movement.   Some of those figures are Dennis McKenna (ethnobotanist), Gabor Mate (clinical psychologist and addiction expert), Claudio Naranjo (psychiatrist and author), Ralph Metzner(psychologist and consciousness researcher), Jordi Riba (pharmacologist), Rick Doblin (founder & executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies—MAPS), David Jay Brown (science writer and consciousness researcher), Daniel Pinchbeck, (author & Journalist), as well as several neuroscientists, shamans and plant medicine practitioners.   Show Notes Javier’s introduction to plant medicines [3:00] Javier's introduction to ayahuasca and first ayahuasca experience in Peru [4:00] Taking ayahuasca with psychologists and shamans [8:18] Javier's history with film [10:02] Filming, learning, and making connections at the ibogaine conference [11:50] The openness of the psychedelic community and benefits of interviewing people [15:15] The primacy of content creation in media [18:50] Integrating a psychedelic experience [21:18] Traveling to Africa for a traditional Bwiti ibogaine ceremony [24:30] Development of Spirit Medicine [31:54] Interviewing leaders of the psychedelic community like Dennis McKenna [33:10] Dr. Eduardo Jovel, ibogaine conservation, and the Ibogaine Conference [34:00] Use of ibogaine therapy for addiction treatment [35:55] Production of Spirit Medicine and Kickstarter campaign [36:50] Attending traditional peyote ceremonies with the Huichol in northern Mexico [38:15] Indigenous use of psilocybin and peyote in Mexico [39:05]

    51 min
  7. 12/22/2015

    Rick Doblin Past, Present, and Future of Psychedelics, Founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)

    Joe Mattia, founder of psychedelic resource and news site, interviews M.A.P.S. (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) founder Rick Doblin, on his experiences and his insights regarding the future of MDMA assisted psychotherapy. Rick shares some personal history, and references his own "coming out of the psychedelic closet." There's a mention of the Zendo, the harm reduction program set up by MAPS at festivals, a story about MAPS' beginnings at Esalen, and the use of Cannabis in the clinical trials.   Show Notes The history of psychedelics in the US: From William James’ experimentation with nitrous oxide in 1890 to the Controlled Substance Act in 1970 [3:58] The 1970s: Rick’s introduction to LSD, attendance of Stan Groff’s workshop at Esalen, and dropping out of school [8:00] The 1980s: Rick’s studies at Esalen, personal discovery of MDMA, and the start of MAPS as a psychedelic and medical marijuana pharmaceutical non-profit company [9:45] Why it’s important to work within the system [19:00] A possible alliance with the police, who experience high rates of PTSD and could benefit from this type of therapy [25:32] Current status of MDMA studies in Switzerland, Israel, Canada, and the US [29:16] Psilocybin research as end-of-life therapy [44:28] Phase 2 of MDMA research [46:46] Pros, cons, protocol, and challenges of using marijuana for PTSD [52:52] Phase 3 of MDMA research: How MAPS retains its nonprofit status by creating a Public Benefit Corp. [1:16:47] Phase 3 of MDMA research (cont): Therapist training program through MAPS and CIIS certification for psychedelic therapy [1:19:00] Zendo Project at Burning Man [1:30:43]

    1h 44m
out of 5
54 Ratings


Our mission at Psychedelic Times is to share the latest news, research, and happenings around the study of psychedelics as tools of healing, recovery, and therapy. We are passionate about the incredible potential that psychoactive substances such as marijuana, ayahuasca, MDMA, LSD, iboga, psilocybin, and DMT present to humanity, and are excited to share that passion with you.

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